The Two Questions I Ask Every New Year's Eve

The Two Questions I Ask Every New Year's Eve

I have four bottles of Veuve Cliquot Rose chilling in my fridge, a fancy outfit picked out and one of my dear friends is flying in for one of my favorite holidays of the year: NEW YEAR’S EVE! There’s something about the New Year that gets me all giddy inside. It’s a...
What Will Your Year's Story Be?

What Will Your Year's Story Be?

About six months ago, I was curled up on my sofa, sobbing. These moments of deep sadness coupled with occasions of overwhelming gratitude and joy have been my life this past year. At the beginning of 2015, I set my intention to deepen into a woman of style and...
The Biggest Dream Thief

The Biggest Dream Thief

When I ran my first marathon, it was quite comical how it came to be. I was driving home from Disney World and, out of nowhere, I had the idea to run the Disney Marathon. Within 15 minutes, I had signed up from my phone. Keep in mind, I had never run. And, the thought...
Your Iconic Appeal & Why it Matters

Your Iconic Appeal & Why it Matters

Many years ago, I was in desperate need of some inspiration. I felt that there were two different versions of me: Version One: The woman everyone saw - Version Two: The woman I desired to be (on the inside.) It was an exhausting conflict. Quite honestly, it made me...