You are invited to join

The Style Experience

Reclaim your most confident, elegant, and joyful self through the art — and power — of personal style.

Picture this:

You stand before a jam-packed closet, yet feel like you have nothing to wear.

Your outfits feel more like a uniform than a statement. You've tried quick fixes—impulse buys, capsule wardrobes—but nothing sticks. Sound familiar?

Welcome to The Style Experience — a 6-month journey starting Oct 3 crafted for ambitious, vibrant women who are ready to cultivate their own radiant confidence and unforgettable style.

Can you relate?

"I want to look and feel beautiful, but my mornings are frantic."

“I never wear my favorite pieces because they don’t fit my lifestyle.”

“My closet has so many personalities, it’s difficult to understand who I truly am.”

"I want that effortless, confident look, but style feels like so much work."

“I’m so overwhelmed by my closet; it’s packed and yet I never seem to have anything to wear.”

"I'm so bored with my clothes; it's like I'm on autopilot when I get dressed."

"Getting dressed reminds me that my body doesn't look like it used to."

If this sounds like you, welcome!  You’re in the right place.

Your joyful reinvention starts in your closet.

Personal style transcends mere aesthetics—it's a profound journey of self-discovery. While looking good is a delightful benefit, the true value of style lies in its ability to reveal your core essence.

Embracing personal style means:

  1. Diving deep into your passions and values
  2. Uncovering what truly ignites your spirit
  3. Aligning your appearance with your authentic self and lifestyle
  4. Cultivating a powerful sense of self-confidence and presence
  5. Creating a visual language that communicates your unique story to the world

Every wardrobe choice becomes a reflection of this self-discovery, creating a powerful ripple effect throughout your life.


  1. Shopping as a joyous exploration, free from confusion
  2. A closet filled with intentional pieces that resonate with your essence
  3. Stepping into each day with confidence, radiating authenticity
  4. Making smarter financial decisions, investing in quality pieces that serve you long-term
  5. Eliminating wardrobe overwhelm, with a curated collection that simplifies your daily choices


  1. Shopping as a joyous exploration, free from confusion
  2. A closet filled with intentional pieces that resonate with your essence
  3. Stepping into each day with confidence, radiating authenticity
  4. Making smarter financial decisions, investing in quality pieces that serve you long-term
  5. Eliminating wardrobe overwhelm, with a curated collection that simplifies your daily choices

This transformation is within reach

Yet many haven't fully embarked on this journey. It's not for lack of desire, but rather a need for guidance in harmonizing your wardrobe with your deepest self.

Here’s the truth about your style journey: you've only scratched the surface of what personal style can achieve, and deep down, you know it.


I'm Tonya Leigh, creator of The Self-Image Method, founder of the School of Self-Image, and the visionary behind The Style Experience. My conviction is clear: style is a transformative tool because it reshapes your self-image. And, guess what? Your self-image influences every aspect of your life.

For nearly two decades, I've guided women through joyful reinvention, using style as a cornerstone of their journey.

My own transformation began with a simple question from a doctor during my time as an ICU nurse: "Who do you want to be?"

This question sparked my journey of self-discovery. I realized my closet reflected my past self—overwhelmed, confused, and exhausted. But, it could also reflect the woman I desired to become.

Thought by thought, step by step, outfit by outfit, I reclaimed my most joyful, confident self.

Remember: You have the power to define who you are, and your style can be a deliberate expression of that choice. Personal style isn't just about fashion; it's about consciously presenting to yourself and the world the person you're choosing to become.

Your closet holds the key to unlocking your true potential. Are you ready to turn that key?


I'm Tonya Leigh, creator of The Self-Image Method, founder of the School of Self-Image, and the visionary behind The Style Experience. My conviction is clear: style is a transformative tool because it reshapes your self-image. And, guess what? Your self-image influences every aspect of your life.

For nearly two decades, I've guided women through joyful reinvention, using style as a cornerstone of their journey.

My own transformation began with a simple question from a doctor during my time as an ICU nurse: "Who do you want to be?"

This question sparked my journey of self-discovery. I realized my closet reflected my past self—overwhelmed, confused, and exhausted. But, it could also reflect the woman I desired to become.

Thought by thought, step by step, outfit by outfit, I reclaimed my most joyful, confident self.

Remember: You have the power to define who you are, and your style can be a deliberate expression of that choice. Personal style isn't just about fashion; it's about consciously presenting to yourself and the world the person you're choosing to become.

Your closet holds the key to unlocking your true potential. Are you ready to turn that key?

You may have seen me in:

I've guided thousands of women through the art of joyful reinvention by elevating their style, mindset, and surroundings.

Now, it's your turn.

If you're reading this...

You're likely ambitious, creative, and always looking to elevate your life.

Maybe you're navigating a big transition or realizing how profoundly your clothing impacts your confidence and presence.

You've noticed that when you wear clothes you love, you carry yourself with pride in all areas of your life.

You're craving personal development through a fresh lens – one that expresses your authentic self through style.

You're drawn to self-improvement that feels fun, loving, and deeply creative.

You've felt the power of making lasting impressions when your appearance aligns with your inner self.

Now, you're ready for a journey of personal growth that intertwines with your evolving style.

You're excited to express yourself in a way that's both visually appealing and emotionally fulfilling.

The Style Experience

A 6-month journey beginning Oct 3.

This is not just another "how-to" style program.

It's an immersive, empowering journey that sparks joy at every turn.

Your style renaissance starts now

We'll dance beyond the basics of color, body shape, and styling – though we'll play there too! – to explore the delightful connection between personal style, self-image, and confidence.

This experience is for those who want to not only look fabulous but truly feel and radiate confidence, beauty, and style.

It's for you if you're ready to transform personal style into a thrilling adventure, while also shifting the way you see yourself, inside and out.

Picture yourself

  1. waking up every day, excited to express your authentic self through style.
  2. opening your closet to find a curated collection that makes you beam with joy and confidence.
  3. feeling the thrill of knowing exactly what belongs in your wardrobe – and in your life.
  4. experiencing the satisfaction of thoughtful, fabulous purchases that align perfectly with your true self.
  5. delighting in dressing and adorning the body you have now, feeling gorgeous and empowered today.
  6. reveling in the ability to express your unique style effortlessly, no matter the occasion.
  7. enjoying the confidence of owning every room you enter, deeply connected to your authentic self.
  8. being an inspiration, showing every woman you meet the beauty of embracing authentic style.
  9. basking in the support of a vibrant community of like-minded women who celebrate self-investment and personal growth.
  10. mastering the one thing you day every day: dressing.
  1. waking up every day, excited to express your authentic self through style.
  2. opening your closet to find a curated collection that makes you beam with joy and confidence.
  3. feeling the thrill of knowing exactly what belongs in your wardrobe – and in your life.
  4. experiencing the satisfaction of thoughtful, fabulous purchases that align perfectly with your true self.
  5. delighting in dressing and adorning the body you have now, feeling gorgeous and empowered today.
  6. reveling in the ability to express your unique style effortlessly, no matter the occasion.
  7. enjoying the confidence of owning every room you enter, deeply connected to your authentic self.
  8. being an inspiration, showing every woman you meet the beauty of embracing authentic style.
  9. basking in the support of a vibrant community of like-minded women who celebrate self-investment and personal growth.
  10. mastering the one thing you day every day: dressing.

This is the joy-filled journey that awaits you in The Style Experience.
Are you ready to infuse your life with style, confidence, and unbridled self-expression?

This isn't your average style training

Uncover Your Unique Style Expression

Style transcends the clothes on your back – it's the essence of how you live your life.

Here, you'll learn to wield fashion as a powerful tool for cultivating your authentic self-image.

Discover the profound connection between your wardrobe choices and your life's narrative.

Exude confidence every day

Imagine a closet where every piece feels tailor-made for you, resonating with your true self.

Learn the art of curating a thoughtful wardrobe that influences how you show up in every situation.

Experience the transformative power of clothing that aligns perfectly with your authentic identity.

Use style to bring your dreams to life

Join an exclusive collective of women eager to explore the deep connection between personal style and living a fully-expressed life.

Realize that your fashion choices are just the beginning of a much larger transformation.

Unlock the potential of personal style as a catalyst for achieving your biggest dreams and aspirations.

This is your invitation to style renaissance

One that goes far beyond fashion to touch every aspect of your life. Are you ready to step into your most authentic, confident, and stylish self?

How does this sound?

By the end of this 6-month journey, you will...

Gain clarity on your unique style and how to embody it with confidence

Reignite your creativity and playfulness in the form of fashion

Cultivate the confidence to take fashion risks and step outside your comfort zone

Curate a wardrobe that feels like you by mastering the skills to shop, edit, and style yourself with ease and joy

Feel deeply supported by a community of amazing women on a shared path

Emerge with the tools and mindset to embrace your own iconic style

Praise for The Style Experience

Phyllis has a whole new attitude

“The Style Experience helped me to embrace my sexy curves instead of wearing loose-fitting clothes to camouflage them.

Now my husband can't keep his hands off me! My whole attitude has been elevated through this experience. I've gone from frumpy to fabulous!!!”


“I am so thankful for this experience — leaning into Style has helped me learn so much more about myself and I have had so many amazing growth moments because of that.”


I learned and developed so much and loved not only Tonya‘s sessions + calls, but also the interaction with the other ladies in the group! Thank you for this truly amazing experience!"

Why This Isn't Just Another Fashion Course

The Style Experience approaches personal style as an essential mode for personal transformation and self expression. You’ll learn how to express your authentic self through style, and get the tools to use fashion as a powerful way to express your unique essence.

Our powerful and robust curriculum offers monthly live sessions with me, or you can take things at your own pace.

Each month builds upon the last, creating a 6 month journey where you will discover your unique style, master the skill of editing and styling your wardrobe, and gain the confidence you need to create a life that both looks and feels like a work of art.

Here's what you'll get EACH MONTH:

  1. Two LIVE 90-minute Style Sessions with Tonya: Explore the deep connections between personal style, self-love, and joyful reinvention.
  2. One LIVE 60-minute Closet Conversation with Tonya: In these cozy, intimate salons, get up close and personal with me as I explore style habits, body image, closet organization, and more from behind the scenes inside her own closet.
  3. Unlimited Replays: Can’t make a live session? All live sessions are recorded for you to learn on your own schedule.
  4. Private Style Lounge: Enjoy ongoing, exclusive access to The Style Experience private community where you’ll meet and fall in love with women from around the world embarking on this personal transformation alongside you.
  5. PLUS: Fabulous Bonuses: Receive surprises throughout the 6 months to keep you feeling joyful, inspired, and confident.

The Style Experience begins Oct 3

Explore the curriculum:


Lay the foundation for a style that reflects your authentic self-image and supports your most confident, radiant life.

Class One: Stylish Beginnings

Lay the foundation for a style that reflects your authentic self-image and supports your most confident, radiant life.

Class Two: Style Boundaries

Your style, like every masterpiece, thrives within the right boundaries. This class is all about identifying the constraints and characters that define your style, and recognizing the gaps that need to be filled to complete your style vision. Together, we’ll set the stage to create your authentic self-image.

Closet Conversation:

The Art of the Scarf + Style Boundaries that have set me free


Uncover and lock in your unique style identity.

Class One: Define Your Signature Style

This is where your style vision takes shape. Define your core values, reveal your style archetypes, and craft a style statement that speaks to the essence of who you truly are. By the end of this class, you’ll have a clear picture of your unique style identity.

Class Two: Tailor Your Signature Look

Dive into color theory, body shape analysis, and the art of creating a cohesive look that flatters. You’ll leave this class with a deep understanding of how to dress your unique body and a newfound confidence in your body and style choices.

Closet Conversation:

Holiday Style & “Black Friday” Wish List


Curate a wardrobe of apparel and accessories that reflects your true essence.

Class One: Being the Editor of Your Life + Closet

Your closet is a reflection of your self-image – and a space that supports the woman you’re becoming. Learn to strategically craft your closet’s message, and explore your emotional attachment to your clothing.

Class Two: The Art of the Edit

Editing is an art. Together we’ll undergo a full closet cleanse, help you implement new organizational systems, and teach you how to maintain your wardrobe with care and love. By the end of this month, your closet will be a sanctuary of style.

Closet Conversation:

How I Organize My Closet and Maintain My Closet


Learn the power of details, and begin cultivating your wardrobe from a new place of confidence and clarity.

Class One: The Chic Outfit Formula + Mini-Collections

Master the secret formula that all stylists know for creating effortlessly chic outfits. Then, discover our innovative approach to “collection” dressing that will revolutionize your wardrobe. You'll learn how to build versatile mini-collections that unlock countless stylish looks—all with just a handful of carefully chosen pieces.

Class Two: Mastering the Details

Accessories, shoes, bags, jewelry—these are the elements that elevate an outfit from good to unforgettable. Learn how to choose and style these details to create looks that are polished, complete, and uniquely you.

Closet Conversation:

Watch the Chic Outfit Formula in Action + Tonya’s go-to mini-collection


Refine the art of your personal style and grooming.

Class One: The Art of Composition

Perfect the techniques that make an outfit truly exceptional. Explore proportion and scale, create visual balance in your outfits, and master the art of layering.

Class Two: Shop Like a Stylist

Discover the insider secrets to shopping like a professional stylist. Learn how to spot quality pieces, navigate sales effectively, and make smart investments in your wardrobe. You'll gain the skills to build a closet full of versatile, high-quality items that truly reflect your personal style.

Closet Conversation:

Discover Tonya’s most beloved pieces + her grooming secrets

The mystery grand finale

LOCKED! The Grand Reveal Awaits

This captivating conclusion to your style journey remains veiled in secrecy, reserved exclusively for those who commit to The Style Experience. Like the breathtaking final walk of a haute couture runway show, this Mystery Grand Finale promises to be the pinnacle of your six-month style transformation.

Closet Conversation:

To be announced to Style Experience participants

What's Included

when you enroll in The Style Experience:

  1. 12 LIVE 90-minute Online Style Sessions (2/month): Dive deep into style concepts and ask questions in these powerful interactive workshops.
  2. 6 Exclusive Closet Conversations (1/month): Get a behind-the-scenes look as I pack for trips, sharing my best and worst buys, and style core pieces up to 10 different ways.
  3. 26 Weekly Style Adventures: From virtual closet cleanses to live style challenges, every week you’ll get the chance — and support — to put your style into action.
  4. Seasonal Style Guides: Stay ahead of the fashion curve with shoppable boards tailored for every season.
  5. Private Style Lounge: A haven for support, feedback, and celebration. Find “stylish friends” and connect with like-minded women in our private community.
  6. Body Positivity & Self-Love: Approach style from a loving perspective. Adorn the body you have and celebrate you now.
  7. Goal-Setting & Accountability: Achieve what matters most, consistently. Be more focused, creative, powerful, and happy than you’ve ever imagined!
  8. Unlimited Replays: Can’t make a live session? All sessions are recorded for you to learn or revisit on your own schedule.
  9. Surprise Bonuses: We just can’t help ourselves! We’ll drop enchanting extras throughout the 6 months to keep you on your toes.
  10. 365 Days of Access:The program is 6 months, but you get to keep all the materials, videos, and replays for an entire year. Go at your own pace or revisit the teachings anytime!

Join the style experience now

We kick off on October 3 and won’t open the doors again until Fall 2025 (or later!).
Enrollment ends October 1. Claim your spot today.

Most Flexible

As low as


6 monthly payments

Most Popular

One payment of


$297 savings

Enrollment closes in








By the end of this 6-month journey, you will…

  1. Gain clarity on your unique style and how to embody it with confidence
  2. Reignite your creativity and playfulness in the form of fashion
  3. Cultivate the confidence to take fashion risks and step outside your comfort zone
  4. Curate a wardrobe that feels like you by mastering the skills to shop, edit, and style yourself with ease and joy
  5. Feel deeply supported by a community of amazing women on a shared path
  6. Emerge with the tools and mindset to embrace your own iconic style

OUR Guarantee

We believe in giving more than we take and over-delivering in every possible way. So our hope for you is that you fully participate in The Style Experience; attend the workshops, explore the community, implement the tools. And if, in the first two weeks, you don't feel that you're on the right track, submit your completed coursework by October 17th by 11:59PM PT and we'll issue you a full refund of your course fee.*

*If you opt for a payment plan, the finance fee of $297 is non-refundable.

Is The Style Experience right for you?

Ask yourself...

Are you ready to gain clarity on your unique style and learn how to embody it with unshakeable confidence?

Do you want to develop a strong, positive self-image that radiates from the inside out?

Are you craving a versatile, expressive wardrobe that aligns with your lifestyle and goals?

Would you love to master the skills of shopping, editing, and styling in a way that feels effortless and joyful?

Are you seeking a renewed sense of self-love and acceptance, embracing every part of who you are?

Do you long to be part of a supportive community of like-minded women who will uplift and inspire you?

Are you ready to emerge from this journey with the tools and mindset to confidently embrace your iconic style for life?

If you answered yes to 3 or more, YOU belong in The Style Experience.

The style experience is not for you if you...
  1. Want one-on-one style coaching
  2. Seek a personal stylist (our goal is for you to learn how to be your own stylist)
  3. Think that style is superficial and don’t want to put time and energy into how you’re presenting yourself to the world
  4. Only care about fashion and not the personal development that is necessary for creating a personal style that exudes the authentic essence of you

The style experience is not for you if you...

  1. Want one-on-one style coaching
  2. Seek a personal stylist (our goal is for you to learn how to be your own stylist)
  3. Think that style is superficial and don’t want to put time and energy into how you’re presenting yourself to the world
  4. Only care about fashion and not the personal development that is necessary for creating a personal style that exudes the authentic essence of you

Bottom line?

The Style Experience is designed to unlock your iconic style, guiding you to connect with yourself on a deeper level than ever before.

If this resonates, say YES to your next level of success and style by joining The Style Experience now.

What might be going through your head...

"I'm Not Sure I Have the Time"

We get it—life is busy. Between work, family, and everything in between, finding time for yourself can seem impossible. But here's the truth: investing in you is one of the most important things you can do.

The Style Experience is designed with your busy life in mind. Our program is paced over six months, with sessions that fit into your schedule. Each workshop is 90 minutes, and everything is recorded, so you can catch up whenever it suits you. Plus, this journey isn’t just about clothes—it’s about reclaiming your time, your confidence, and your joy. Think of it as your monthly dose of self-care that’s not just a luxury, but a necessity.

Imagine this:

You wake up, glance at your perfectly curated closet, and effortlessly put together an outfit that makes you feel amazing. No stress, no second-guessing, just pure confidence. That’s the power of The Style Experience—and it’s worth every minute.

"I Don’t Know If I Can Justify the Investment"

Investing in yourself can feel daunting, especially when there are so many other demands on your finances. But consider this: how much have you already spent on clothes that you never wear? Or on pieces that don’t make you feel confident?

The Style Experience is more than just an investment in your wardrobe—it’s an investment in your future. By the end of this program, you’ll have a clear understanding of your style, a wardrobe that serves you, and a confidence that radiates in every area of your life. You won’t just save money by avoiding those ‘mistake’ purchases—you’ll make smarter, more intentional choices that align with who you truly are.

What's Peace of Mind Worth?

Imagine feeling at ease every time you open your closet, knowing that every piece is perfect for you. That kind of clarity and confidence is priceless—and that’s exactly what The Style Experience delivers.

“I love style, but I have nowhere to wear my favorite pieces.”

Does it feel like your style conflicts with your lifestyle? It can feel tricky to work personal style into your life when you have to be “professional” at work, prefer to be as comfortable as possible, or live most of your life in athleisure to make sure you get your workouts in. Have you ever thought, "I love those stylish outfits I see, but let's be real — they just don't fit with my everyday life. Between work, errands, and everything else, when would I ever wear that stuff?"

In this program, we’ll dive deep into limiting beliefs around how you dress and present yourself to the world. The truth is, you can look professional, feel comfy, and prioritize your health goals all while looking — and more importantly, feeling — like your most stylish self. And in fact, this is the KEY to walking into every room with confidence and your true essence on your sleeve.

How would it feel to...

Radiate confidence and elegance no matter what’s on your schedule each day? This is why we created The Style Experience: because you deserve to feel incredible, whether you’re at work, out to cocktails, or lounging at home.

“I don’t feel confident in my body right now.”

The journey to loving your style begins with loving yourself, exactly as you are right now. True transformation isn't about changing your body—it's about changing your perspective. The Style Experience is built on the fundamental belief that every body deserves respect, love, and beautiful clothing that makes you feel confident today, not someday.

Remember, your body is not a before picture—it's your home, deserving of care and celebration at every size. By learning to dress and appreciate your current body, you're not just improving your style; you're cultivating a profound sense of self-love and acceptance. This positive relationship with your body is the foundation for any healthy changes you might want to make in the future.

Moreover, the style skills you'll gain in this program are timeless and size-independent. Whether you stay the same, lose weight, or your body changes in other ways, you'll have the knowledge to adapt your style confidently. You'll learn to identify cuts, colors, and styles that make you feel amazing, and these principles apply across all body types and sizes. Don't put your joy on hold—start your style journey now and watch how it transforms not just your wardrobe, but your entire self-image.

Your Style, Your Way

Imagine looking in the mirror and seeing the most confident, vibrant version of yourself—that’s what The Style Experience is here to help you achieve.

"I’m afraid I won’t stick with it.”

We’ve all been there—starting something new with the best of intentions, only to lose steam halfway through. But The Style Experience isn’t just another course; it’s a community.

You’ll be surrounded by a group of like-minded women who are all on the same journey. This built-in support system, combined with my guidance and our interactive sessions, will keep you motivated and accountable. Plus, with ongoing access to the Private Style Lounge, you’ll never feel like you’re on this journey alone.

A Journey Shared is a Journey Continued

You’ll celebrate wins, overcome challenges, and see real transformation—together. We’ve structured The Style Experience to ensure that you not only start strong but finish stronger.

Most Flexible

As low as


6 monthly payments

Most Popular

One payment of


$297 savings









Everything you get with The Style Experience:

  1. 12 LIVE 90-minute Online Style Sessions (2/month): Dive deep into style concepts and ask questions in these powerful interactive workshops.
  2. 6 Exclusive Closet Conversations (1/month): Get a behind-the-scenes look as I pack for trips, sharing my best and worst buys, and style core pieces up to 10 different ways.
  3. 26 Weekly Style Adventures: From virtual closet cleanses to live style challenges, every week you’ll get the chance — and support — to put your style into action.
  4. Seasonal Dressing Guides: Stay ahead of the fashion curve with shoppable boards tailored for every season.
  5. Private Style Lounge: A haven for support, feedback, and celebration. Find “stylish friends” and connect with like-minded women in our private community.
  6. Body Positivity & Self-Love: Approach style from a loving perspective. Adorn the body you have and celebrate you.
  7. Goal-Setting & Accountability: Achieve what matters most, consistently. Be more focused, creative, powerful, and happy than you’ve ever imagined!
  8. Unlimited Replays: Can’t make a live session? All sessions are recorded for you to learn or revisit on your own schedule.
  9. Surprise Bonuses: We just can’t help ourselves! We’ll drop enchanting extras throughout the 6 months to keep you on your toes.
  10. 365 Days of Access: The program is 6 months, but you get to keep all the materials, videos, and replays for an entire year. Go at your own pace or revisit the teachings anytime!

OUR Guarantee

We believe in giving more than we take and over-delivering in every possible way. So our hope for you is that you fully participate in The Style Experience; attend the workshops, explore the community, implement the tools. And if, in the first two weeks, you don't feel that you're on the right track, submit your completed coursework by October 17th by 11:59PM PT and we'll issue you a full refund of your course fee.*

*If you opt for a payment plan, the finance fee of $297 is non-refundable.