We are women who are standing out, making profits, and doing business in our own unique style. Oh, and did I mention that we have fun?
Are you tired of feeling like you’re one of many within your market? Are you overwhelmed by all the business tactics and advice that don’t really fit you? Are you struggling to stand out from the crowd? Are you hitting up against money ceilings? Are you confused about your marketing and offers? Are you constantly busy but feel like you’re not moving in the right direction? Do you feel stuck on your business journey? I see you.  I understand you.  I have been you. And, the answer you seek isn’t found “out there” in the next workshop, book or podcast.  Go look in the mirror. Your answer is staring right back at you.
Hi there! I’m Tonya Leigh, the founder and CEO of the School of Self-Image.   I run a multi-million dollar company. I lead a robust team. I host sold-out events and retreats.  And, I still have time to enjoy my life. I believe in leisurely hustling — the intersection of ambition and ease.  I have grown my company from this belief that the journey must be fun, because if it’s not, what are we doing? The ability to grow your company with joy is available, but it’s going to require that you stop chasing formulas, mainstream tactics and the status quo and go within to look at what really determines your success. Are you curious?


If you want to grow your business, it’s time to put on your big girl biz panties and make some bold declarations. What is your audacious business vision? What is your unique offer? How do you want to be known? Who do you need to become? How do you need to show up? And … What do you need to let go of? The last one is always the hardest.  It’s tempting to keep strategies that have helped you to be successful up to this point, but what got you here won’t get you there.  You must be willing to let go of an old identity and unapologetically claim what you want and become the boldest, brightest and most brilliant version of yourself.   You must be willing to stand out from the crowd. You must be willing to do things your way. And, you must believe in yourself no matter what.


Your business image consists of two things:
  1. How you see yourself in your business
  2. How the world sees you
To create a strong business, you must have a powerful business image.  Your business image determines:
  • The goals you set for yourself
  • The products and services you offer
  • How you offer them
  • How much money you make
  • The level of enjoyment in your business
  • The words and images you use to represent your business
  • The standards you hold for yourself and your clients
Ultimately, your business image determines your results.   Instead of looking for the next trendy formula or trying out a new strategy, examine what really matters the most when it comes to creating success. How you think matters. How you feel matters. How you show up matters. And, most importantly … The people around you matter.


Successful people understand that they can’t do it alone; you need a powerful community.  

As a business owner, you need support, fresh perspectives, loving honesty, and time away from your business to work on yourself, because …

A business can only grow to the level of its owner’s growth.

As you grow, so will your business.

And, as your business grows, you’ll be invited into the next level of you.  

When you place yourself around other like-minded, forward-thinking women in business, you'll have no choice but to elevate your thinking, your possibilities, and ultimately, your business.



I have taken my two loves:  self-image and business and created something unique and magical. In this mastermind, you’ll be supported and challenged to step away from the mainstream and stand out in your market in a powerful way.  You’ll craft your extraordinary vision. You’ll set audacious goals. You’ll make bold decisions. You’ll set your business standards. You’ll make your bold business statement.  You’ll discover your unique factor.  You’ll show up in your iconic style. You’ll feel amazing about what you offer. And … You’ll see yourself as an extraordinary businesswoman.   For 6 months, you’ll be surrounded by bold, unapologetic and creative women who are doing business in our own unique way.  Just being in this energy will change you. In this mastermind, we have each other’s back.  We cheer each other on.  And, we raise the bar for what’s possible.


3-Day Workshop in Denver, Colorado (May 19-21, 2022)

We will kick off our Mastermind experience at my private club for a three-day workshop. You will get clear on your vision, set your goals, and define the extraordinary image that you’re ready to step into.

This workshop is the foundation of your mastermind experience. Therefore, attendance is mandatory.

A Private Mastermind Slack Channel

During the 6 months, the magic takes place within our private Slack channel where you can post questions, ask for support and share your successes.  The energy within this container will be high vibe and we will hold high expectations for your business image expansion.

Monthly 90-Minute Mastermind Call

Now that the workshop is over, the masterminding continues on our monthly group calls for six months. You’ll receive customized feedback and coaching as you put your plan into action.  

Monthly Workshop

For six months, you’ll attend a LIVE monthly workshop with me (and sometimes a guest) to go deeper into your business image.  Leave these calls with action steps and challenges to expand your business image. These calls will be recorded to watch later.   

Weekly Monday Magic Check-In

Magic is your ability to influence the course of events. You’ll do this by being intentional about your weekly goals and thinking and feeling on purpose to create your results.  These check-ins will be shared in our private Slack channel.

Weekly Friday Finale Celebration

Before you sign off for the weekend (yes, time off is required), you’ll take an inventory of your weaknesses and wins. There’s always room for improvement, but we don’t spend too much time there. We note it, learn from it and move on. And, then we celebrate how far we’ve come. 


PAY IN FULL          OR          6 PAYMENTS

$15,000                                                 $2,700

When I joined my first mastermind over fifteen years ago, I was nervous. 

But, deep down I knew that I could only get so far on my own. I decided to bet on myself.

That decision helped me to 3X my investment in the first 3 months.

I’ve been a part of masterminds ever since. And, each experience has taken me to the next level.

One coaching session got me unstuck after spinning in indecision for months.

One meeting introduced me to my best friend.

One conversation accelerated by business faster than I could have done on my own.

The value of these experiences: priceless.

The impact on my business: huge.

The influence on my business image: invaluable.


You’ll spend less time paralyzed in doubt and more time creating confidence.

You’ll stop being consumed by overwhelm and start creating luxurious plans with ease. 

You’ll stop putting your self-care on the back burner and start treating yourself like a high-value woman. 

You’ll stop hiding out of fear and start standing out in your own unique style.

You’ll stop letting the market influence you and you’ll start influencing your perfect market. 

You’ll stop looking around and comparing yourself to others and create something that you and your clients love.

You’ll stop operating your business from scarcity and start living with a million(s) dollar mindset. 

You’ll stop hating selling and start making offers that are irresistible.

You’ll stop spinning in confusion and start making bold decisions.


You are a woman who owns your own business You want tailored feedback, not a cookie-cutter approach You’re ready to step away from the mainstream and position yourself as a high-value brand You are ready to set extraordinary goals and make bold decisions You want to discover your business style and express it confidently to the world You’re ready to uplevel your business standards (and attract your perfect clients)
You’re ready to embody your million dollar woman You want to be a part of a dynamic and audacious group of women who are doing business in style You want a mentor who will meet you where you are while holding high expectations for you to step into You are ready to expand your business image to allow for more abundance, joy, and fun on your business journey

By expanding your business image, you’ll expand what’s possible.


© Copyright 2023 school of self-image. all rights reserved.