You are officially registered for Week of Calm.

We have so much in store for you!
First, be sure to watch this welcome video.

Treat Yourself to a VIP Experience...

More time...

More connection...

More value...

Do it because you're worth it.

If you love this experience, you’ll have the option to apply your $97
investment toward a School of Self-Image membership.
That’s an entire month - free! 

*This promotion code is good till September 10th.

As our VIP Guest, you will receive a suite of transformational experiences & bonuses

VIP Guests can apply their Week of Calm investment of $97 toward a School of Self-Image membership.

That's an entire month - Free!


As a VIP Guest, you will have an incredible experience, and you may want to continue the exciting transformation after Week of Calm is over.

For this reason, we are offering you the ability to apply this $97 investment toward your School of Self-Image membership to create your own Powerfully Ever After story.

On Monday, August 21, you’ll receive your exclusive VIP membership code via email. Just enter that code at checkout to receive $97 off your purchase. The offer code is good till September 10.

*This code will only be honored for Week of Calm VIPs. Our membership is month to month, and you can cancel at any time.
 If you do not cancel, you will be charged
in 30 days.



When you treat yourself to the VIP experience, you'll receive complimentary gifts, get access to special sessions, hear guest speakers, and – best of all – give yourself the gift of time.


The Daily VIP-Only After Party

with Tonya + Special Guests

As a VIP Guest, you'll receive a private invite to our after-party sessions happening right after the main Week of Calm session. We’ll excuse the General Admission Ladies and the VIP group will gather around to have the juicy conversations that only happen after hours. These intimate sessions will feature Q&A, laser coaching, and special mini-lessons that our coaches won’t share with the larger group. We’ll also invite some special guests to talk about how they access the calm within us all. General and VIP sessions will be recorded and available to enjoy at your leisure.

✨ Session 1: Gastronomic Zen

Finding Calm Through Food and Movement

August 21, 2023 - 11 AM PT / 2 PM ET

✨ Session 2: The Biggest Lie I Ever Told

When Letting Go Feels Impossible

August 22 at 11 AM PT / 2 PM ET

✨ Session 3: Gossip Junky

Dealing with Rumors, Lies, and Busybodies

August 23 at 11 AM PT / 2 PM ET

✨ Session 4: Scarytales

Keeping the Boogeyman in Your Brain at Bay

August 24 at 11 AM PT / 2 PM ET

✨ Session 5: Audacity

The Secret Trait of Extraordinary Women

August 25 at 11 AM PT / 2 PM ET


Messy Buns, Loungewear, and Unfiltered Conversations

Get Together With Your VIP Sisters

The Saturday Morning Social - August 5 at 8 AM PT / 11 AM ET
The Tuesday Afternoon Social - August 15 at 11 AM PT / 2 PM ET
The Sunday Morning Social - August 20 at 8 AM PT / 11 AM ET

 Before we begin the official Week of Calm event, we’ll gather with just the VIP ladies to connect and prepare for the retreat.

Grab a cup of coffee, a mimosa, or a glass of cold-pressed juice and cozy in with your fellow VIP Guests. We’ll set some intentions, do some fun networking, and have some thought-provoking games to get a jumpstart on the transformation.

Join us for these extra-special, low-key celebrations before the main event.

VIP Social Sessions will also be recorded. 


Give yourself the gift of time. While everyone else will lose access to the recordings soon after the event, you will get to keep them forever. This is important because this challenge is an immersive experience, and while you may have the best of intentions to soak up every bit of transformation, sometimes, it’s hard to do it all in one go. Life can get busy, and this challenge only comes around once a year.

With lifetime access to the challenge recordings, you can do this retreat at your own pace and revisit the powerful teachings when you like; a companion for whenever you're in need. As you dive deeper into the content, the petals of peace will unfold, layer by layer, unveiling the tranquil, elegant woman within.


A Visualization Audio to Recenter Your Thoughts, Rebalance Your Nervous System, and Rise Above the Fray

Unlock the power of visualization with our exclusive audio The Calm Ritual. This guided meditation is specifically designed to calm anxiety and relieve stress, so you can see your situation more clearly.

This has been Tonya’s secret weapon in helping her deal with persistent anxiety, the stress that comes with building an empire, and the emotional release that happens as you elevate your self-image.

Immerse yourself in this transformative practice, harness the power of your imagination, and witness the positive shifts in your mindset and overall well-being, whether you encounter a stressful situation or you just want a luxurious retreat in the middle of your day.

And the best part?


By investing in the VIP Experience, you're taking a bold step toward deepening your transformation, expanding your toolkit, and experiencing profound personal growth.

These additional bonuses and resources are carefully curated to complement the Week of Calm experience, providing you with ongoing support and empowering you to navigate life's challenges with grace and resilience.

Secure your VIP Experience today and embark on an extraordinary journey of self-discovery, wellbeing, and lasting calm.

If you love this experience and want more, you can apply your $97 investment* toward a School of Self-Image membership.
That’s an entire month - free!

This promotion is valid until September 10, 2023





Access to the Week of Calm retreat experience and recordings – For a Limited Time Only!

Your Guide to a Week of Calm 

Private Facebook Group  Access to the private Facebook group of ladies sharing the calm



  VIP GUEST ($97)


Access to the Week of Calm retreat experience and recordings

Your Guide to a Week of Calm

Private Facebook Group  Access to the private Facebook group of ladies sharing the calm

Calm Confessions - Five VIP Only After-Party Sessions, Hosted by Tonya, with Q&A, Laser Coaching, and Special Guests

The VIP Socials - 3 Special VIP Welcome Receptions

LIFETIME ACCESS to the entire recorded Week of Calm experience, including the VIP sessions

The Calm Ritual: A guided visualization audio to help you access your inner calm at any moment

(OPTIONAL) $97 off a School of Self-Image membership, if you choose to become a member - That’s an entire month, free! This promotion will be valid until September 10, 2023



Treat Yourself to a VIP Experience for Just $97

If you love this experience and want more, you can apply your $97 investment* toward a School of Self-Image membership.
That’s an entire month - free!



Let me ask you this.

What would it be like to experience…

✨ Enhanced Mental & Emotional Well-Being

Picture waking up each morning with a serene mind, free from the weight of stress and anxiety. As you immerse yourself in the Week of Calm experience, you'll acquire powerful tools and techniques to nurture your mental and emotional well-being.

Say goodbye to racing thoughts and overwhelming emotions as you learn to manage stress, reduce anxiety, and cultivate a positive mindset. Embrace mental clarity, emotional resilience, and a deeply anchored sense of well-being.

✨ Improved Relationships & Communication

Relationships play a pivotal role in our lives, and finding calm within yourself will profoundly impact your connections with others. Imagine having the ability to communicate with clarity, compassion, and authenticity.

As you cultivate inner peace throughout Week of Calm, you'll notice your relationships flourishing. Engage in deep, meaningful conversations, foster understanding, and resolve conflicts harmoniously.

✨ Enhanced Performance & Creativity

In the midst of chaos, it's easy to feel overwhelmed and lose focus but as you tap into your inner calm, you'll experience improved concentration, enhanced decision-making skills, and a fresh perspective that sparks innovative ideas.

Imagine being in a state of flow, effortlessly tackling tasks, and igniting your creative genius. Witness how your professional life soars to new heights.

✨ Expansion of Your Wealth & Abundance Mindset

With refreshing new energy for life, you can look at the possibilities for growing your wealth through new eyes. Eased of the burdens that once felt overwhelming, you’ll feel a sense of optimism and creativity in looking for new ways to earn, invest, save, and spend.

You may choose to try a new venture, upcycle things you’re no longer using, thrift, access resources that were previously inaccessible to you, or harness your enthusiasm to create more value professionally. However you choose to use the energy you’ll generate during Week of Calm, your wallet will thank you.

✨ Greater Self-Awareness & Personal Growth

Through introspective practices, mindfulness exercises, and guided reflections, you'll delve deep into the layers that lie between you and calm. Uncover those deeper desires, explore your passions, and align your lifestyle with what feels authentic to you.

With this newfound self-awareness, you'll make conscious choices, embrace your unique gifts, and step into the extraordinary. Witness your self-confidence soar as you embark on a path of continuous growth and evolution.

✨ Elevated Overall Quality of Life

As you integrate the teachings of the Week of Calm into your daily life, you'll witness a remarkable improvement in your overall quality of life. Cultivate gratitude, savor the beauty in ordinary moments, and awaken to the magic that surrounds you.

Experience a profound sense of fulfillment as you align with your true self and live in harmony with your values. Feel the weight of worry lift as you embrace a life centered around calm and inner peace.

Treat Yourself to a VIP Experience for Just $97

If you love this experience and want more, you can apply your $97 investment* toward a School of Self-Image membership.
That’s an entire month - free!

*The offer code is good until September 10, 2023

The Truth About VIP

A Little “Tough Love” from Tonya Leigh

I will never ask you to invest in something you don’t see value in… but I will ask you to make sure you like your reason for making a decision.

You might be tempted to skip out on this VIP Experience. Your brain might offer you thoughts like,

“I don’t need it.”

“The General Admission is fine for me.”

“This money would be better spent elsewhere.”

But do you like those reasons?

If you don’t, here is my little bit of tough love. (My ladies call it “TL” for short.)


When you see yourself as a VIP,
you will create a VIP experience of life.

A VIP woman does not…

… deny herself what she wants

… put herself last

… wait for someday

… or choose not to prioritize herself and her well-being.

A VIP woman thinks from the end - from the woman she WANTS to be.

Does she invest a little more to get 10 times the results?

Does she carve out time to learn the tools and strategies she needs to manage her stress and overwhelm?

Does she choose peace instead of anxiety and fear, when she is offered a way out?


The VIP woman knows that stress is not good for her physical health, mental well-being, and overall quality of life.

She doesn’t want the chaos and stress of daily life to take a toll on her relationships.

She won’t let constant tension and emotional turmoil strain her professional connections, her bank account, or her joy.

She won’t accept being preoccupied with worry and fear, causing her to miss out on exciting possibilities for personal and professional growth.

She doesn’t knock on the door of opportunity because she knows she holds the key.

A Little “Tough Love” from Tonya Leigh

Treat Yourself to a VIP Experience

for Just $97

If you love this experience and want more, you can apply your $97 investment* toward a School of Self-Image membership.
That’s an entire month - free!

*Your offer code is valid until September 10, 2023


How much time do we really have?

Days turn into weeks, weeks into months, and months into years, all while you remain in a state of unrest. All of a sudden, you look in the mirror and wonder… “Where did all the time go?”

The time is now, my friend. Don't let chaos dictate your life. This is a loving invitation to take charge of your well-being and reclaim your inner peace. The time for transformation is now.

Treat Yourself to a VIP Experience for Just $97

If you love this experience and want more, you can apply your $97 investment* toward a School of Self-Image membership.
That’s an entire month - free! This offer is valid until September 10th.

Q: Is Week of Calm suitable for beginners?

Absolutely! The Week of Calm is designed to be accessible and beneficial for individuals of all experience levels. Whether you're new to personal development or already have some background, you'll find the content life-changing.

Q: What if I don't have much time? Can I still participate?

Yes, the activities and practices in Week of Calm are designed to be flexible and easily integrated into your daily routine. You can spend a few minutes a day integrating the lessons or save all your exploration for the weekend. Even dedicating a few minutes each day can make a significant difference in cultivating calm and experiencing the benefits of the lessons you’ll learn.

Q: Will I have access to the materials after the Week of Calm challenge is over?

Only our VIP Guests will have lifetime access to the entire recorded experience. Our General Admissions ladies will lose access to the content shortly after the event is over.

Q: What if I have questions or need support during the challenge?

We're here to support you every step of the way. If you have any questions related to the event content, please post in the special Week of Calm Facebook group. If you have logistical, administrative, or billing questions, reach out to our dedicated support team at support@schoolofselfimage.com We're here to ensure you have a smooth and transformative experience.

Q: How much time do I need to commit to Week of Calm each day?

The Week of Calm sessions will be about 2 hours for VIP members. The daily activities offered in the Week of Calm are designed to be manageable and fit into your busy schedule. On average, you can expect to dedicate about 10-20 minutes each day to engage in the reflection work that’s included. However, feel free to catch up by watching the replays according to your availability and needs.

Q: Can I join the event if I live in a different time zone?

Yes! Week of Calm is designed to be accessible to ladies from all around the world. The daily activities can be completed at a time that suits your schedule, regardless of your time zone. We encourage you to adapt the event experience to your local time and make it work for you, even if that means watching the replays rather than joining live.

Q: Can I choose to invest in the VIP Experience after starting the event?

Yes, absolutely! If you decide that you'd like to become a VIP to access the exclusive bonuses and lifetime access to the retreat materials, you can do so at any time during the Week of Calm retreat. Simply follow the instructions provided to initiate your enrollment and unlock the VIP benefits.

Q: If I become a VIP Guest, is becoming a School of Self-Image member required?

No. There is no commitment to join the School of Self-Image as part of your VIP Experience. We offer the option to apply your investment of $97 toward a School of Self-Image membership as a way to make the membership more accessible, should you decide to join us.

We understand that you may have additional questions or concerns not covered in the FAQs above. 

Please don't hesitate to contact us at support@schoolofselfimage.com with any specific inquiries. We're here to assist you on your journey to finding calm and inner peace.

Treat Yourself to a VIP Experience for Just $97

If you love this experience and want more, you can apply your $97 investment* toward a School of Self-Image membership.
That’s an entire month - free!

*Offer valid until September 10, 2023

Will you continue to swirl in the chaos and overwhelm?

Or will you choose to protect your peace and learn the skills to reclaim your power?

The choice is yours

The Week of Calm VIP Experience is your invitation to a life filled with tranquility, resilience, and purpose. By upgrading to VIP, you're not only investing in yourself but also giving yourself the gift of a more balanced, purposeful, and fulfilling life.

You'll gain access to powerful practices, expert guidance, and a supportive community that will uplift and inspire you every step of the way. Join us on this transformative journey and unlock the profound changes waiting for you.

We can't wait to welcome you to the Week of Calm and witness the incredible transformations that await you. Get ready to rise above the chaos and step into a life of inner peace and limitless possibilities.


Treat Yourself to a VIP Experience for Just $97

If you love this experience and want more, you can apply your $97 investment* toward a School of Self-Image membership.
That’s an entire month - free!