Without music, life would be a mistake.

Friedrich Nietzsche

The Luxury of Music I live my life through music.  It’s one of my many secrets to French Kissing Life. Before I write, speak, coach, cook, shower, drive or (insert any verb here), I choose the music to create the ambiance I desire.  And, from that place, I create. Currently, I’m gearing up for the 2013 French Kiss the World Society that kicks off on Valentine’s Day.  So, part of the of process is choosing the music for the year.

I’ve chosen the playlist, and as I listen to each song, I imagine a woman:

  • falling in love
  • living passionately
  • taking bold and inspired action towards what she really wants
  • creating her best body ever
  • letting go of what doesn’t serve her
  • sashaying down the streets of Paris with confidence and style
  • hugging her children at night
  • allowing money to flow to her
  • having ecstatic sex
  • taking bubble baths while sipping Champagne
  • slow dancing in her kitchen while cooking Coq a Vin
  • belly laughing with the other women in the Society

Want to hear the playlist? Be warned, my taste is all over the place, because if there’s one thing I seek in life, it’s diversity, passion and ecstasy, and you won’t find that under one genre.  Here are just a few of our many songs for the year.

If you are chosen to be in the Society, I’ll make sure you have your own personal copy…signed, sealed and delivered with a few extra goodies! In addition, you’ll be asked to create your own!  We’re going to be taking passion to a whole different level!

The 2013 French Kiss the World Playlist

“Feel the Love” by Rudimental

The Society rolls with love – love of ourselves, others and the World.  Because a woman in love is magnetic.  Can you feel it?  This will be our song!

“C’est Si Bon” by Eartha Kiss

Because Life is SO good!

“How Deep is Your Love?” by The Rapture

Played on the New York Runways during Fashion Week, this song poses a very simple  question, and your answer is the key to everything!


“Girl on Fire” by Alicia Keys

“She’s got her head in the clouds, and she’s not backing down.”  Need I say more?

“Where Do I Begin” by Shirley Bassey

I heard this song while sitting in Hotel Costes in Paris.  It’s a reminder that romantic and passionate love can be yours!

“Something Good Can Work” by Two Door Cinema Club

“Let’s make this happen, girl you gonna show the world that something good can work and it can work for you.
And you know that it will.
Let’s get this started girl, we’re moving up we’re moving up but It’s been alot to change but you will always get what you want”

It can work for you!

“Good Time” by Owl City and Carly Ray Jepson

Because 2013 is going to be a GOOD TIME as we create, inspire and French Kiss the World!

“Brand New Me” by Alicia Keys

Great one to hear when people don’t like who you are becoming!

Dancing in the Moonlight by

Just because this will be an assignment!

“Surround Me With Your Love,” by 3-11 Porter

Another Hotel Costes song, I listen to this at least once a day. Love the beat and the feeling of being surrounded with love. Plus, it’s a very sexy song!

Because I am always looking for new passionate and inspiring tunes, please share some of your favorites in the comments below.  Also, do you use music to create your day?

Also, if you want to be the first to know when the Society is open for membership, make sure you get on the list.


The Self-Image Manifesto

You’re Invited To Live An Extraordinary Life!