How many languages do you speak?

I must speak at least 50.

English, of course.

Some French.

Southern - if you count that. (Lord knows most people can’t understand my Mama.)

And the rest of the languages I speak are… emotions.

I’m fluent in the languages of confidence, worthiness, and joy.

I’m conversational in intimacy and wealth.

And I used to speak overwhelm really well - but I haven’t practiced it in so long, I’ve mostly forgotten how.

Did you know emotions are like languages?

The more you practice them, the more fluent you become… the more they become part of your identity, your character, your way of life.

Emotional fluency is the ability to easily and effortlessly generate any emotion you desire.

In this edition of The Edit - The Eloquent Issue - we’re going to practice some new languages.

Which emotion would you like to speak fluently? Be sure to tell me over on Instagram @schoolofselfimage

P.S. Did you know that the School of Self-Image is open right now for a short time - along with a special bonus for those who choose the annual member option? You can enroll in the School of Self-Image for just $97 here.

Want to know what the secret bonus is?

It’s something brand new called The Slim Self-Image, a special masterclass inspired by the past (if you know, you know) and fully updated for today’s extraordinary woman.

This is a program on how to live at your ideal weight - FOREVER - by changing your self-image to that of a naturally slim woman.

I think I speak for all of us when I say we’re over the quick fixes and the crash diets.

We know that dieting doesn’t work.

We know that everyone gains the weight back.

We know the health risks of the yo-yo approach.

We know the disappointment we have felt investing thousands of dollars in programs, potions, and gadgets that never worked.

The Slim Self-Image is none of that. It’s a new way of thinking, eating, and LIVING that begins with your thoughts and results in your body releasing the extra weight forever.

IMPORTANT NOTE: We do not believe “thinner is better.”

This is about releasing excess. Your body has a gorgeous, natural rhythm - an equilibrium - where it thrives. There’s a shape that only YOU have, where your body is strong, vibrant, flexible, and “slim.”

Slim is not a size. It’s a state of mind.

This class is only available to those women who decide to make a 12-month commitment to the School of Self-Image.
  • If you’re a new member, you’ll choose the annual membership option.
  • If you’re an existing member who’s been in the School of Self-Image less than 12 months, you’ll upgrade to the annual membership.
  • If you’re already a Platinum or Diamond member, meaning you’ve been a member for more than 12 months, you’ll receive access to this premium class for free!
Truly, nothing is better than a happy, healthy body. Take it from a woman who’s struggled with eating disorders, excess weight, body shame, procrastination, diet addiction, and late-night infomercial obsessions, there’s a better way to live.

Let me show you how it’s done in The Slim Self-Image.

Enroll in the School of Self-Image today.

Permission to value your opinions - especially the provocative ones.

It’s easy to get swept up in the opinions of others, especially in our influencer culture.

We’re constantly bombarded with messages telling us how to eat, dress, act, live, and even think a certain way.

And while there is nothing wrong with looking outward for inspiration, no one’s perspective matters more than your OWN.

You get to decide who you are, what you think of yourself, what you think about the world, and what you believe. You get to build an original life that’s true to you.

In fact, I can’t think of anything more exciting and, dare I say, provocative than being the influencer of your own life. Defining your own style, regardless of trends. Sticking to your convictions, even when others disagree.

Your opinions are power. They are the magic that separates you from the crowd. They make you YOU, so hold them close.

In the School of Self-Image, you’ll find a community of provocateurs, just like you, ready to make waves and discover the power of your own perspectives.

And I cannot wait to be your guide.

You can join us today for $97, no commitment. Cancel anytime.

A Provocative Conversation

with Tracey Braxton-Beale

“I'm celebrating that last week I got a nice haircut, manicure, AND a mini-facial … because the ‘future me’ gives lavishly to herself, says yes to the things she wants, and doesn't knee-jerk ‘NO’ herself anymore.

But the REAL celebration is when my neighbor asked where I got my hair done. When I told her, she kinda stepped away, looked a little … shall we say … prim, and said ‘Ohhh, Fancy!’

It seemed judgmental.

Whether that was the intent or not, I know that MY thoughts about it are the main thing. And what started to come up was guilt and embarrassment. I wanted to justify, downplay it, and reassure her it ‘wasn't that expensive.’ I watched all of that stuff come up, stopped myself, and said, ‘Thank you! I love it.’ and smiled.

THIS is a huge shift and taking those actions last week along with the mindset work, visualizing, and living into my future self is what made it happen. I feel so proud of myself!”

Turn Up the Volume On Your Thoughts

What better way to block out the opinions of others and tune into your own extraordinary thoughts than with noise-canceling headphones?

This sleek set by Bose is the gold standard and one of my daily staples.

Valuing Your Own Opinion

Recognizing the value of your own opinion is essential to elevating your self-image and creating the life of your dreams.

If you’re ready to stop selling yourself short and start treating your opinions as the precious gift they are, then this episode is for you.

// TheEDIT

A weekly digital magazine by the School of Self-Image