“How can I love myself more today?”
Lately, I have been asking myself this question every morning … and my response might surprise you.
It’s not to pamper myself (though I do LOVE a good massage and manicure).
It’s to push myself. To move my body, make my bed first thing, dress in a way that makes me feel beautiful, eat nourishing foods, and play bigger.
I find that it’s following through on those HARD things I want to put off that say “I love me” the most.
What if every day you pushed yourself? To go for a walk, finish that program, clean your closet, set the boundary?
As much as we all want (and deserve) to be pampered, I find it even more fulfilling to end each day knowing I am that much closer to embodying my values.
When you commit to pushing yourself each and every day, you are changing your life story from ordinary to extraordinary.
Welcome to The Push Issue of The Edit. Here’s to expecting more of yourself than ever before. Not because you have something to prove or to fix – but rather, because you are deserving and WORTHY of your desires.
PS. Speaking of pushing ourselves, here is a loving little push from me to you: if you haven’t already done so, be sure and register for SOSI South.
This getaway of a lifetime is devoted to the art of charm, something we all have but very few of us know how to access.
I will show you exactly how to tap into your innate charm to captivate a room and turn your deepest dreams into a reality. And spoiler alert: a BIG part of charm is learning to embrace your own worth.
So go ahead and grab your ticket, before they sell out. I can’t think of a better way to show yourself some love and strut into the holidays with a new charming “je nais se quoi” about you. Meet me at The Roosevelt on November 2!
Projecting your worth vs. Defining your worth
Do you spend a lot of time trying to convince other people that you’re good enough?
Yeah, I did that too, for many, many years.
Until it hit me: the ONLY one who needed convincing was me. It was such an empowering realization.
And the same goes for you, my friend. YOU are free to create a new definition of your worth, one thought, one feeling, and one action at a time.
You are free to create your own standards and live a life you LOVE, regardless of what anyone else thinks.
Like any big change, making that shift from projecting to defining your self-worth requires a little PUSH.
But trust me, when you start to see yourself as the powerful, deserving, whole, and WORTHY woman you are, life gets SO much easier (not to mention fun).
Elevating Self-Worth
with Vera Cady
“The SOSI Style Experience has been the best gift I have given myself lately.
Tonya’s words: ‘It’s as easy to wear a dress as it is to wear sweatpants’ run through my head every day.
I now dress intentionally for myself. Others are starting to notice both my internal and external changes - which is super fun.
I have already been put forward for a work promotion!
My partner loves that I am smiling more and am enjoying my life so much more in general.
My biggest a-ha moments have come from starting to look for small glimpses of evidence that would help me believe new things about myself. For example, I’m currently practicing a belief that I am a woman who takes immaculate care of herself.
I also see myself as someone who can trust herself. This is an entirely new identity of mine. Before SOSI, I believed I was flakey.
I also believe in celebrating and enjoying the process rather than rushing to my next goal. And last - I am kinder to myself and can give myself a lot of grace when things don’t work out, which I never would have done before.
Others are starting to catch up and are treating me as a high-value woman.”
Pretty in Pink
As important as it is to push ourselves, it’s equally important to celebrate. For every step forward, take a moment to look around at everything you’re creating and celebrate your wins.
You’re doing it. Here is my favorite bubbly for special celebrations. Not only does it taste amazing, I also LOVE its beautiful blush hue.
// TheEDIT
A weekly digital magazine by the School of Self-Image