Level-headed. Relaxed. Calm. Laid back. I’m talking about my dad, the chillest man I know. (This issue is for him.)
I once thought he may be hiding a secret love for weed because he’s THAT chill. Turns out he’s never tried it in his entire life. It’s just his demeanor.
I remember loving to be around my dad as a child. When the world felt chaotic, he would sometimes laugh at the “serious things” - making them feel not so serious after all.
When I was triggered or upset, my dad would often say, “Honey, let it be water off a duck’s back.”
Occasionally, when he thought the situation warranted a response, he’d suggest,
“Take a breath and think it through before you say anything.”
Chill is truly his superpower, and I think it can be ours too.
So it’s taken some serious inner work for me to find my calm - the inspiration of this edition of The Edit - The Chill Issue.
I hope to be even more like my dad as I get older. Composed. Cool. Chill. Read on if you need some more calm in your life, too.
P.S. Have you seen the good news? The doors to the School of Self-Image are open! Become a member here. We’ve been having the best week ever in Week of Calm, and just in case you didn’t decide to join us, I have to let you know that when you become a member of the School of Self-Image, you’ll receive access to all of the Week of Calm recordings in the membership - so you won’t miss a beat on finding your calm.
Nothing About You is Set in Stone
Did you ever hear about neuroplasticity? It’s this amazing quality about our brains. It means they change. They adapt. They respond.
So when one of my ladies says, “I’m shy.” or “I’m disorganized.” or “I’m broke.” I just remind her that all of that can change. Nothing about you is set in stone (except maybe your height… but even then, there’s always heels!)
Thinking something is set in stone is what makes it so. How do you change it? Practice a new self-image until you become it.
How do you do that? With the Self-Image Method. Join the School of Self-Image.
How to Start a Whole New Life with Leanne Letica
“It’s been a year since I realized one of my extraordinary goals: to leave Australia and start a new life in Europe.
Here is what I’ve learned in the process.
Making such a big move requires a lot of courage and mindset work. It took being able to look at my reflection in the mirror and 100% believe that the woman reflected back at me was worthy, deserving, and capable of having everything she desires in life.
Everything falls into place as it needs to if you just trust in the process. There are no shortcuts in life to any journey worthwhile taking, and there shouldn’t be because the view along the way is truly magnificent if you stop to enjoy it. But you MUST know your why and your WHY must be strong enough.
I’ve experienced the absolute void of walking away from all those who do not serve me (and a life that did not serve me) and having that void filled so warmly and overwhelmingly with the family that I’ve chosen and who have undeniably chosen me. Immersing myself in an environment where I am celebrated and not merely tolerated has been liberating, invigorating and massively empowering.
Who you believe you are and where you believe you belong in the world is everything. For many years, I never believed being an expat and living in Europe was something that was for me. That was for other people.
When I rewrote that story, we realized our move to Europe within a year.
Deciding to love the outcome is crucial to a positive experience regardless of the challenges. Over the past year, I’ve met expats who don’t enjoy their life here because they just can’t feel at home in their strange new country. They struggle with the tiniest cultural differences and live their daily lives with so much resistance to the local rules and customs. I felt like I’d arrived home the minute we got here, and the local ways are a source of fascination to me as opposed to frustration. Why? Because I decided BEFORE I came that this was my home, that I’d love it, and I was here for the full experience. You belong exactly where you decide you belong and you can belong anywhere you choose (or choose not to).
The verdict on my move?
My 2022 magazine cover said it would be an Audacious year and moving to Europe would be a game changer… it has been exactly that ”
The School of Self-Image Recap
Becoming a member of the School of Self-Image is the ultimate power move. Why? Because it gives you access to all of your power.
You have so much potential within, and the School of Self-Image is designed to bring it all out.
In case you’ve never actually read what the School of Self-Image includes, take a look.
THE MONTHLY CLASS: Each month, we release a new class covering topics from money and time management to self-confidence, style, and decluttering. You'll learn how to elevate every area of your life, one self-image upgrade at a time.
SELF-IMAGE COACHING: You'll have 3 opportunities every month to get your questions answered, watch women experience breakthroughs in real-time, and even get coached by me and my certified coach & Community Manager, Laura.
ACCESS THE COMPLETE COLLECTION & PRIVATE MEMBERS-ONLY PODCAST: Access over 100+ past classes, complete with transcripts, downloadable audios, and beautiful workbooks. Plus, listen to the audio of every class, Q&A, and coaching session on the go with our private podcast.
EXCLUSIVE PROGRAM – THE SELF-IMAGE METHOD: The Self-Image Method is the official School of Self-Image approach to achieving any transformation you desire by changing how you see yourself. Self-Image is the key to getting anything you want, and the Self-Image Method is the “how” behind the hype.
EXCLUSIVE PROGRAM – THE DREAM ATELIER: The Dream Atelier is designed to help you name, claim, and create your extraordinary goal 30 days at a time. Think of this like self-image meets productivity. It’s an approach to getting stuff done that will not only change your life, it will also be the catalyst for helping you check off everything on your bucket list.
EXCLUSIVE PROGRAM - THE ART OF DISCIPLINE: If you’ve ever wanted to take action on your dreams so badly but for some reason, you just couldn’t get yourself to do it, The Art of Discipline is for you. It’s a 60-minute masterclass that will help you overcome the hurdles of procrastination and self-sabotage. It includes tools for reframing your relationship with discipline, as well as strategies for making yourself proud by following through on your commitments.
EXCLUSIVE RESOURCE - THE DAILY 3 JOURNAL: The Daily 3 Journal is the ultimate resource for the self-defined woman. It features an elegant approach to taking tiny daily actions that move you toward your Extraordinary Goals. Everything in the School of Self-Image comes together with the journal and your daily 3 practice, as you edit and refine your mindset, style, and surroundings to match the woman you’re becoming.
And when you go all-in and choose the Annual Membership, we’ll show up even BIGGER for you.
Join the School of Self-Image with an Annual Membership and you’ll unlock instant access to all of this additional value:
PREMIUM COURSE - THE SLIM SELF-IMAGE: A brand new 8-week course all about creating a slim mindset. Say goodbye to your diet mentality of the past and experience permanent weight loss by transforming your self-image.
PREMIUM COURSE - CHARM THE ROOM: My community-favorite program on how to be captivating and confident in any setting. Charm the Room is perfect for women who are ready to show up for more authentic connections and lasting relationships by bringing out the inner magnetism that lives within all of us.
PREMIUM COURSE - THE WEALTHY WOMAN: Discover how to let go of all the “not enough-ness” you feel about money, get comfortable with creating wealth, and make the shift to living with abundance. The Wealthy Woman is made for women who are ready to stop hiding from their finances and who want to show up as the wealthy woman they are capable of being.
MONTHLY VIP COCKTAIL PARTIES: For behind-the-scenes and after-hours conversations about creating a life on your own terms, show up for these no-holds-barred conversations with me and fabulous women from around the world.
Plus as an Annual Member, you get 12 months of membership for the price of 10!
With every tool you need to have anything you want, the only question is how will you use the School of Self-Image to become the woman who has it all?
// TheEDIT
A weekly digital magazine by the School of Self-Image