Weekly Elevations to Enhance Your Self-Image

REIMAGINE/ What’s Possible. EMBODY/ Extraordinary.

The Edit #82

The Edit #82

A few moments before typing this, my computer screen was frozen. I hit Command + Shift + R, and – voila, it refreshed and worked again. Do you ever feel like you need a life refresh? I get it. Sometimes, we just want to start over – unburdened by the past and free to...

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The Edit #81

The Edit #81

Have you ever been faced with a decision and logic told you to go one way, and your gut told you to go another? I have found myself in this predicament many times. And, time after time, when I ignore that deep knowing, I regret it.   There’s a Japanese phrase called...

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The Edit #80

The Edit #80

What in the world? Today is my birthday. I am ecstatic about my next year around the sun. And part of my birthday celebration always consists of a lot of reflection. This year, I’m thinking about my habits. Last week, I noticed something concerning. I was like a robot...

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The Edit #79

The Edit #79

For the past ten years, I’ve chosen a Word of the Year to support and guide me for the next 365 days. There’s something powerful about telling your brain who you want to focus on being for an entire year. But this year, I was stumped for the first time since I started...

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The Edit #78

The Edit #78

Friends, welcome to 2024! I don’t know about you, but I am so glad to see a new year, create new levels and new looks, and step into a new character. Let’s talk about that last one. We are all playing characters in life – mom, business owner, teacher, nurse, friend,...

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