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Frenchie Friday: Do You Have a Red Velvet Rope Policy?
Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born. Love it or hate it, the French are very careful in choosing who they let in. Here’s an idea: You’ll move to Paris and become...
Is Your Past Defining You? Please read my story.
Do not let your shadow walk you. You are not a slave of the past. If you’ve ever allowed your past to define you, please allow me to share some brief snippets of my story: I grew up in a little trailer in a little town. Now, I live in a penthouse (actually, it’s a...
Frenchie Friday: 50 Ways to Be Elegant
Elegance is not a word we often hear. Worse yet, it’s not one we often aspire to embody. We’re just trying to get the kids to school, run businesses, get to the office on time, clean the house, pay the bills, and put dinner on the table. Living elegantly? Refinement? ...
Frenchie Friday: The Art of Savoring Life
The journey is the reward. I sat at a table filled with my entrepreneurial friends. The conversation was all about getting ahead.Don’t get me wrong: I love reaching my goals, watching my desires come to fruition and being productive.But, in that moment, I couldn’t...
12 Elegant Responses to Criticism (And, a Coco Film)
A creative life cannot be sustained by approval any more than it can be destroyed by criticism. In a world that loves to highlight all the positive raves and dares not mention the negative ones, I think it’s high time we bring something out into the light. It’s...