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Frenchie Friday: Want to Peek Into my French State of Mind?
He showed the words “chocolate cake” to a group of Americans and recorded their word associations. “Guilt” was the top response. If that strikes you as unexceptional, consider the response of French eaters to the same prompt: “celebration.” If you could have been a...
Frenchie Friday: 3 Words to Consider as to Why French Women are Slim
People have been trying to demystify the French paradox for years, including me. Really, how do all those people eat cheese, chocolate and baguettes while sipping wine and not be obese? The truth is that there are many factors involved in the slim physiques of French...
A Lady's Guide to Halloween Candy + Book Giveaway Winners
“Last year, I ate my son’s entire bucket of Halloween candy,” Stacey confessed. I was so embarrassed that I went out at 2 a.m. to buy an assorted mixture to replace it, so that my son wouldn’t find out that his mom is a pig,” she continued. “What did you eat?” I...
Frenchie Friday: The French vs. American Dream
I just returned from a spectacular 9 days in Paris for the Celebration retreat of the 2013 French Kiss the World Society. One of the women said, “I came home a changed woman.” What is it about France, particularly, Paris, that does this to a woman? Well, I think...
Modern Day Icon: Alexandra Franzen
I’ve cleared my inbox of almost everything, except for today’s modern-day icon, Alexandra Franzen. If I French Kiss Life, this lovely lady French Kisses Words. Sensuality, brevity and magnetism ooze from her words, a rare feat these days. Whether you’re indecisive or...