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Keeping Your Promises
I ’m going to give you the number one secret to having an extraordinary life. Are you ready for it? Keep the promises that you make to yourself. It really is that simple. Nothing will erode your relationship with you more than constantly breaking promises to yourself,...
Audacious Updates
W e are well over halfway through the year, which is crazy to think about, and what a year it’s been so far. Now, you may remember at the start of 2021, I told you all my word of the year: audacious. Well, I’ve got some updates for you all about how that’s played out...
When You Lose Motivation
Do you ever find yourself not feeling motivated? You have a goal you’re working towards or something you’ve committed to, but no matter how deep you dig, you can’t seem to find the desire to show up. It happens to all of us on the personal development journey, so, how...
How to Navigate Change Pushback
O ne thing I’ve noticed as I’ve worked on myself and made changes to my life is that I experience something called change pushback. This pushback can come from our own brain when it gets uncomfortable, but that’s only one side of it. Change pushback also comes from...
Acting Out Your Script
One of the things that I often hear from women is that when they make the decision that they want to change, and they start going about that process, they often feel awkward. Some will tell me that they feel like they’re faking it. And no one likes to be a fake,...