tonya's diary

what i'm thinking about

Do you have a sister?

I always wanted an older sister.

I imagined that she would let me borrow her clothes, give me advice about boys - and always have my back.

Decades later, when I launched the School of Self-Image, women spontaneously started calling each other #sosisisters - right from the beginning.

And at that point, I realized that many of them saw me as their big sister. I had “accidentally” created a sisterhood with thousands of sisters all around the world. How cool is that?

So what is a sisterhood?

It’s meeting a fellow woman where she is.
It’s encouraging her to be her best self.
It’s sharing common desires and values.
It’s being non-judgmental.
It’s offering support/advice when she needs it.
It’s celebrating each other.

And when we can, it’s being a slipstream for one another.

A slipstream is the current of air or water behind a moving vehicle, like a boat, a car, or even a bicycle.

In the personal development world, being a slipstream for someone is like carrying them along in your current, collapsing time and helping them to move further, faster than they could on their own.

If you speak to any successful person, they’ve had slipstreams, and I think this is much the value of sisterhood - the sisters you choose, anyway.

In fact, I was so fascinated with the idea of slipstreams, which I learned from the book Slipstream Time Hacking by Benjamin Hardy, that I recorded this week’s episode:

Takeaways from Slipstream Time Hacking by Benjamin Hardy

Welcome to The Sisterhood Issue of The Edit, ~Contact.FirstName~- all about creating a sisterhood of your very own.

After all, family isn’t just the one you get at birth. Sometimes, the one you choose is what makes all the difference in a life well-lived.


The Thought Edit

A New Thought to Restyle Your Mind

The Best Way to Be Your Own Bestie

Y’all know I can’t start The Sisterhood Issue without mentioning the importance of being your own bestie. Here’s my definition of a bestie:

  • Fiercely loyal
  • Brutal honesty - but always said with love
  • Reminds you to prioritize your own happiness
  • Considers your feelings
  • Encourages you
  • Brings out the best in you

Do you have your own back, no matter what, ~Contact.FirstName~? Here’s the best way to know:

Observe your own thoughts throughout the day and ask yourself, “Would I say these exact same words to my bestie?”


Ideas for Elevating from Our Members

A Magical Sisterhood
with Arissa El-Amin

“We had a great time! A total of ten SOSI sisters were at the Charlotte brunch today. We enjoyed great food, conversation, and fun.”

A P.S. note from Tonya: It makes me smile when I see the ladies from the School of Self-Image meeting up all over the world. How fun!

A Taste of Style

Making the Everyday Extraordinary

Bringing Back the Sleepover

I don’t know about you but I love a good sleepover with girlfriends - especially the jammies. Now that I’m thinking about it, I may just plan a chic brunch where all the women are invited to wear their favorite pajamas.

Here are some of my favorites.


Habits for Creating the Impossible

Nurture Your Casual Friendships

Connection is one of my highest values, ~Contact.FirstName~. In a recent class I created for the School of Self-Image, I talked about three circles of friends.

  1. Best Friends - Your innermost circle
  2. Casual Friends - You enjoy their company on occasion
  3. Acquaintances - You only know a few details about them but say a friendly hello when you see them

We often think about nurturing our closest friendships but this week’ Haute Habit is to nurture group #2 - your casual friendships. Sometimes, this network can be the most fruitful in terms of expanding your self-image.

So stretch yourself a little this week and reconnect with a casual friend who has the potential to bloom into a deeper bond.

In the Bag

Tools for REinvention

The Story of You and Me

Want an incredible gift idea for a friend? How about a photobook filled with memories of the two of you? Here’s one I love.

The Toast

Your Invitation to Connect & Celebrate

Send a Little Love Text Today

The other day, a friend sent me the sweetest text out of the blue:

You continuously inspire me. Thank you for showing me how to be a badass woman. I love you.

Three sentences made my day.

To wrap up this edition of The Edit, reach out to a friend right now. A few sentences could be exactly what she needs to hear.

Women thrive when in the presence of other encouraging and supportive women. We need each other. We weren’t meant to do life alone.

I’m glad you’re a sister on this journey, ~Contact.FirstName~.


// TheEDIT

A weekly digital magazine by the School of Self-Image