Weekly Elevations to Enhance Your Self-Image

REIMAGINE/ What’s Possible. EMBODY/ Extraordinary.

The Edit #58

The Edit #58

  When I think of a woman who is glowing, I imagine her inner radiance shining through her eyes. Her skin is dewy.                                Her smile is bright.                            Her eyes sparkle. She’s relaxed and content.                  She is...

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The Edit #57

The Edit #57

  As I write this letter to you, I’m triggered… (Being “triggered” is when you experience a strong, negative emotional reaction to an event or circumstance.) Why am I triggered? A friend said something that hit the wrong way.  This is the third time in a week....

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The Edit #56

The Edit #56

Of all the romances I’ve had in my life, my love affair with anxiety has lasted the longest. It may have started when, as a little girl, I was told that the Earth could be engulfed in flames at any moment - an event called “the rapture” that was professed by my...

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The Edit #55

The Edit #55

They cover my body, from my upper thighs to my mid stomach. I spent years trying to hide them, dreading summer, turning down pool party invitations, and showing as little skin as possible. When I finally came out and started to wear swimsuits, I chose the skirted...

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The Edit #54

The Edit #54

In 2021, I moved to Puerto Rico… … for two weeks. Many people thought I had made a huge mistake. She doesn’t know what she wants.        She can’t get it together.                  She’s flaky.  But you know what, I don’t regret that move one bit. A BIG life requires...

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