The alarm went off at 6:30AM. Every fiber of my being wanted to hit that snooze button.

“You can start tomorrow.”

“It’s cold outside.”

“You have so much to do today.”

But there was this little voice that said, “Show up, Tonya.”

I rolled out of bed, put my workout clothes on, brushed my teeth and hair, and headed to the gym.

It wasn’t easy. In fact, everything about that morning was hard – from getting out of bed to the workout itself.

However, as I was walking through the airport recently, I had a bit of a revelation – my hip wasn’t hurting like it had been weeks ago, my energy was better, and I felt good.

Showing up when it’s hard is our work, and here’s why:

It will require that you choose strength over comfort.

(This is the power of self-image, my friend).

Take mastering a new skill. Whether it's picking up a musical instrument or learning a new language, the initial stages are often challenging and frustrating.

But the process becomes smoother when you consistently show up to practice and learn. What starts as a steep learning curve smooths out along the journey, and those initial challenges become stepping stones to proficiency.

Because the brain and body crave comfort and familiarity, they will inevitably offer you resistance.

However, each day offers magic moments where you can vote for who you want to be.

Let’s be the type of women who show up even when (and especially when) it’s hard.

And here’s a secret: the more you show up for the hard, the easier it gets.

With love,

Showing Up = Self-Love

Showing up for yourself is a declaration of self-love. It sends a resounding message – you matter.

Consistently honoring your commitments to yourself, like writing 10 pages of your book daily or staying within your budget, affirms your dedication to your goals and reinforces the self-image you are working to create.

Showing up for yourself is a lifelong practice. And it’s not always easy.

But the rewards are profound. Because, in every act of showing up, you affirm that you matter, your dreams are valid, and your love for yourself is unwavering.

Dreaming & Planning with Jelena Kalezic

I started to follow Tonya almost six years ago when I was forced to be still due to health issues. At the time, I wasn’t familiar with this kind of training or working on my future.

In Serbia, it's not easy to plan. We always have something to interrupt the path we've started.

When I joined the School of Self-Image, I didn't understand it would have such an impact on me.

Many things happened last year. I did what I planned financially, even in my current situation of taking care of my elderly parents, having a full-time job, and other challenges. Additionally, I'm solving my pain management issues with the help of a great doctor.

For decades, I lived like I was on autopilot, but finally, there is light at the end of the tunnel.

I've started to plan for the next five years, which I had stopped doing 20 years ago. When I was a kid, I had plans, and I’ve achieved all of them. Of course, some of them were achieved in a much longer timeframe than I had expected, but I'm satisfied.

Now, many ideas are bubbling in my head, and I'm glad about it. When I have a dream, I can start. When I start, I'm unstoppable.

My Daily Planner

If you’re a pen-and-paper kind of gal still searching for the perfect paper planner for 2024, this Daily Planner from Day Designer is my fave.

With a daily schedule, room to note your gratitudes, and a place to write down the day’s top priorities, this planner keeps you on track and is a beautiful way to ensure you keep showing up for yourself throughout the year.

Strength vs. Comfort

If you’re like me, you love a cozy blanket, a warm fire when it’s cold outside, and a good movie. These are the beautiful comforts of life. But what happens when you crave too much comfort and don’t exercise your strength?

That’s what we’re exploring in today’s episode. I’m revealing how too much comfort can hold you back and how to balance choosing the hard and embracing the easy. Plus, you’ll learn the one question to ask yourself to ensure you show up when you’re tempted to stay in your comfort zone.

// TheEDIT

A weekly digital magazine by the School of Self-Image