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Investing in yourself is the best investment you will ever make. it will not only improve your life, it will improve the lives of all those around you.
I grew up in a trailer in rural North Carolina. My closet was skim, filled with a few things my mom had sewn for me and pieces purchased at our local K-Mart. I will be forever grateful for those items. Every week, even if bills were tight, I watched my mom and dad write a check for 10% of their income to our church. The faith and generosity of my parents have impacted me on such deep levels.
But, as you can imagine, the idea of investing in myself felt as foreign to me as the idea of visiting Paris.
As I became older, I stepped out of the world I had known. And, I noticed something fascinating:
The women I deeply admired massively invested in themselves.
Whether it was a beautiful handbag or signing up for a class that intrigued them, they didn’t hesitate to exchange money for something they desired.
In fact, I noticed that it was their investment in the seemingly “non-essentials” that made them so intriguing. Yet, it seemed the least practical and socially unacceptable way to do so (and my mind told me that it was simply wasteful and irresponsible).
Yet, I was captivated and wanted to try it for myself.
The first time I bought a pair of $100 shoes, I had heart palpitations. I felt like I was being stabbed in the chest.
How dare you, my mind screamed. You’re going down!
With shaking hands I grabbed the bag from the cashier and ran to my car before I changed my mind.
Deep down I knew that everything I wanted was not going to be found by doing the same things over and over — playing small, poor, not good enough, not ready.
Those excuses had to stop if I were to say yes to MORE LIFE!
When it comes to investing, I watch women invest thousands of dollars (and time!) in their children, their IRAs, their community…..but they shy away from putting cash on the table for themselves.
However, here’s what I’ve discovered:
When a woman is willing to invest in herself, life begins to invest in her. (tweet it)
Over the years, I’ve taken huge leaps of financial faith to step into a new way of being. These investments continue to pay off in huge ways, because they changed me as a woman.
Let me ask you this:
Do you expect your retirement plan to increase in value if you’re not contributing to it? The answer is no. Right? So, how do you increase your personal value if you’re not investing in you?
When it comes to investing in myself, I have this simple question that I ask myself:
Will this exchange lead to more life? – Tonya Leigh
I am constantly asked, “Tonya, how did you make the leap? Tell me what you did. What do you invest in? And how much?”
So, in this post I’d love to share my top all time investments in myself with you….and they are all on the non-essentials list, meaning: they aren’t necessary to survive, but I do believe they are essential to thriving in life. (And, it’s no surprise here — because that’s what I’ve discovered French Kissing Life is all about…the non-essentials).
And, the cost? Well, it doesn’t matter. I’ve learned it’s not what you buy but the intention behind the purchase that matters. It could be a luxurious candle or a car. So, I’m not going to discuss the numbers. What I am going to challenge you to think about is this one simple question: are you investing in you?
But this can be a controversial topic, so I feel the need to add in a disclaimer:
DISCLAIMER: What I’m about to share requires me to be vulnerable and transparent. I’m also very aware that some of you may read this and think: “How dare she?” Yeah, I know. I used to think the same thing too. And, as long as that’s how I walked through the world, I watched others enjoying the more luxurious things in life while I was like a starving child at the buffet. I lived in a constant state of fear and lack while others luxuriated in abundance and beauty. I also believe today that these things don’t define me. Those who know me understand that today, I can be in a trailer park eating fried chicken or at a penthouse in NYC sipping Champagne and feel at home in both worlds. It’s not about the amount or even what you’re investing in. It’s all about the intention.
So, before we dive in, let me be clear:
The point of this discussion is not to tell you how to invest your money. The investments that have changed me may yield very little return for you.
The bottom line is, your investment in yourself is not about the price…it is about the act. And, what you choose to invest in should represent what you value and who you desire to be in the world.
My hope is that this conversation will cause YOU to ponder:
How can I invest in myself more to help me fulfill my desires?
….so, here we go!
My top Investments that changed me as a Woman
1. Investing in a Luxury Handbag
I had walked by the Louis Vuitton store in Aspen, Colorado for years.
But, would I never let myself go in.
Ever since seeing an ad in Vogue when I was around 10 years old, I wanted one of those handbags. But, the voice in my head constantly asked, “Who are you to have such a beautiful purse?” So, I admired from afar.
I watched women through the window checking out like they were at the grocery store. No big deal.
But, for me, it was such a huge deal that I couldn’t even walk in.
One day, I heard a voice in my head whisper, “Darling, it’s just a handbag. And, a beautiful one. Go in there and buy it, enjoy it and treasure it.”
I walked in that day and checked out just like the ladies I had seen in there before. It really was no big deal.
HOW IT CHANGED ME: Let’s face it: a handbag doesn’t change a woman. As that voice said, “It’s just a handbag.” But, what did change for me that day was not creating so much drama in my head about what I was worthy or not worthy for, to stop judging other women for how they invest their money and to honor what I want. And, I have been taking exquisite care of my bag for years. It will be with me for a long time as a reminder of that young woman who finally rallied the courage to buy the bag.
2. Investing in Sommelier School
Since my early twenties, I desired to know more about the world of wine. And, reading The Wine Spectator just wasn’t cutting it. And, let me assure you, I didn’t grow up with wine speak. Alcohol of any kind was not allowed in my home.
So, one day, I got a wild hair and thought, “I’m going to become a sommelier” (even though I couldn’t pronounce the word at the time). Yet, the idea of paying for a program that I had no plan to turn into a profession or make money from was a big no-no.
I signed up anyway.
During my very first class, I was the eager student in the front row. When asked what our favorite wine was, I raise my hand and professed, “I love Rose wine” (pronounced as the flower, instead of with the accent on the end). The entire class, including the French instructor looked at me in horror.
But, I’m happy to report, I passed the final exam and blind tasting with flying colors. And, I never called it “rose” wine again.
HOW IT CHANGED ME: I became more at ease when wine was being served. Before long, the list was automatically passed to me. I positioned myself as a wine expert and opportunities began to come my way from creating wine programs to being invited as a guest for wine events. That girl who could barely pronounce Bordeaux had come a long way. By investing in a curiosity that had no guarantees, the return on investment was the deep satisfaction of cultivating my mind and my palate.
3. Investing in International & Domestic Travel
There are those who read about travel. And, then there are those who book the ticket and actually go. I spent most of my life being the spectator. I thought I couldn’t afford it, that I would do it someday in the future, that maybe I’d win some kind of vacation package (like the “come let us tell you about how timeshare and we’ll give you 3 free nights).
Booking my first trip to Paris was a bold statement that I was no longer going to sit on the sidelines of life and travel through the eyes of Anthony Bourdain. I needed to see it through my own. Since then, I’ve traveled throughout Europe, Central America, the Caribbean and all over my own beautiful country. I created what I wanted, one trip at a time.
As Saint Augustine said, “The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page.”
HOW IT CHANGED ME: Excuses are just that — excuses. And, we need to call them out for what they are. Booking my first trip was a testament that I was no longer going to be the Excuse Princess. Travel opened my eyes and heart to my truest self. Waking up in a small village with a foreign language being spoken makes you vulnerable, it strengthens your relationship with yourself, if shifts something deep inside of you, breaks up old patterns and creates new perspectives. Pitching a tent on Lake Powell taught me how resourceful I am. You learn to be at home with yourself. (And, this is just a small sampling of the powerful impact of travel).
4. Investing in the freshest and most decadent food ingredients
My Roman friend, Francisco, drizzled a bit over some pasta and I experienced my first culinary orgasm like a scene straight out of Eat, Pray, Love. We sat at his little villa in Italy moaning over every bite, having deep discussions about each ingredient that went into our meal and celebrating food (instead of fearing it).
Truffle oil is now a staple in my pantry. And truffle honey on chevre? I have no words.
HOW IT CHANGED ME: My old relationship with food had been to resist, deny and then binge on anything. The way I approached food was thoughtless and cheap. When I completely rewired my brain (and fridge) with beautiful and delectable foods, filled my shelf with gorgeous cookbooks and learned to savor my meals, my body found it’s natural weight…with ease. Europe taught me so much about how to nourish my body with pleasure, not restriction. It inspired me to invest in my own food culture. Fresh heirloom tomatoes from a local farmer, a vintage Bordeaux, seared apricots with fresh cream…yes please!
5. Investing in a Beautiful Wardrobe that I absolutely adore.
I’ve had people argue with me on this one.
“Clothes don’t matter,” they’ll say to me.
I respectfully disagree. Everything we do, including what we wear, is an expression of who we are, it’s an extension of us. While I don’t believe a woman must spend thousands of dollars to dress beautifully, I am a big advocate of quality clothes.
“Buy less but buy better” is my wardrobe mantra.
I’d rather have four beautiful, high quality dresses hanging in my closet than twenty sub-par pieces that don’t fit and fall apart within a year.
I believe in dressing for myself, with intention and to support the woman I choose to be.
HOW IT CHANGED ME: People often assume that I’ve always had a sense of style. That couldn’t be further from the truth. I think I’ve always wanted to have one, but a sense of style was not how I came into this world. Being made fun of in eighth grade after a failed fashion attempt set me out on a mission to cultivate my own personal style. Something happened within me — a sense of confidence, creativity and beauty — when my wardrobe supported how I desired to feel and express myself in the world.
6. Finding and Investing in My Signature Scent
The extent of my perfume knowledge was the counters of department stores. And there are some fabulous scents that are mass produced….. but that’s just it…… nothing that could be uniquely mine.
And I am unique. I desired to express my uniqueness. (And, let me assure you: you are unique too, and there’s a fragrance out there that will express you in ways that eveb Chanel No. 5 never will.)
When I visited Grasse, in the South of France (and the perfume capital of the world), I walked through the fields of flowers that are harvested to create some of the most luxurious scents for a woman. I began to ponder if I had been missing out on a secret that many women didn’t know.
My world suddenly opened up when François, the owner of a rare perfume collection in Paris, told me:
“Tonya, every woman must have her signature scent. With one whiff, the world will know who she is.”
He then began to question me:
What flowers do you like?
Do you want seduction or sensuality?
Do you like warm or cool?
Do you want men to follow you or just stare?
Out of a thousand different scents and several hours, I narrowed it down to my very own scent. Clearly, the price tag nor the time I spent pondering these questions and smelling scents was not what you’d find at a department store. However, I chose to invest in quality, rarity…… and a scent that was absolutely perfect for me.
HOW IT CHANGED ME: Other than feeling like I had discovered the underground of the perfume world, there’s something exquisite about taking the time and putting much thought into choosing a scent to represent you as a woman. Not to mention a point made by François: the association between a scent and a woman is powerful. “I still remember the scent of my grandmother,” he said.
7. Investing in Personal Coaching, Mentorship, and Societies
When I pressed the payment button on a very expensive mentorship program, I felt like throwing up.
The same thing happened when I had an opportunity to join an “Invitation Only” Society (….note: that I invited myself into!) that has participants in it like Richard Branson & Martha Stewart.
My heart was saying, “Jump, Tonya!”
But my brain was spewing out all kinds of fear tactics:
“It’s a scam.”
“It’s a waste of money.”
“You’re making someone else rich.”
“You don’t belong there.”
“You’re not good enough.”
“Who in the world do you think you are.”
I knew deep down that everything I desired was not going to be found in fear and lack. With more money than I had spent on my nursing degree, I was on a mission: to cultivate my most beautiful mind and network.
I have realized that my mentors and other people I admire (including entrepreneurs, designers and fashion icons) have spent a lot of time, money and resources in cultivating themselves by connecting with likeminded folks, people that inspire them and education to cultivate their minds. They see themselves as their own greatest commodity.
HOW IT CHANGED ME: Investing in myself in this way (mentorship, coaching, societies) has paid off more than any money I’ve ever put into my retirement account, and the payoff continues to offer great returns. I cannot bring the same mind that created the problem to the table to fix it. When I’m so stuck in my story or when my vision is so limited, it’s hard to change despite my greatest efforts. My mind had convinced me for years that I was not good enough/smart enough/whatever enough. It’s why massive action won’t necessarily cut it and why change can feel so hard. Turns out, investing in my own personal development has given me the greatest rewards of all, because it helped me to cultivate the mindset to allow me to accomplish my dreams and desires. Never underestimate the value of cultivating yourself as a woman, whether it’s an art class, mentorship, or a networking event.
8. Investing in Causes in which I believe
One of the many gifts my parents gave me was the principle that one should share their blessings. And, they also believed that regardless of what’s in your bank account, you’re blessed.
I remember when all I could afford to give was $5, and what I know is that whether it’s $5 or $5000, the feeling is the same. It’s knowing that you have given what you can.
HOW IT CHANGED ME: I used to be too afraid to give, afraid I’d run out. My life was operated out of fear and lack. By investing in others, I was indirectly investing in myself. There’s so much goodness that comes from giving, but the biggest gift it has given me is an acknowledgment of my own abundance, acting out of a place of love, not fear, out of faith not doubt.
Now it’s your turn:
What are the biggest investments that you have made in yourself?
How have they changed you?
I’d love to know. Please share down below in the comments.
The Self-Image Manifesto
You’re Invited To Live An Extraordinary Life!
I turned 40 last week and have been joking with my husband that this will be the ME decade. I'm raising 7 children and have been pouring out to them for 17 years (and my youngest is a preemie).
Truthfully though, I've been a "low maintenance" gal (code for "I'm not good enough") all my life.
Even as a young kid, my mom says I always bought the cheapest item when she took me shopping. I have no idea why I am this way, but I'm determined to change. I made a list recently of things I want, among them a nice trench coat and handbag. Becoming a student of French women has helped!
Hi Carrie! Welcome to the YOU decade. Love it.
Mama needs some love and attention :).
The biggest investment I made was in my health. I recently shared with Tonya that I had been diagnosed with breast cancer, and instead of choosing the doctor who was more affordable, I went with the nationally ranked, best-in-the-region cancer center. Yes, I quickly worked my way up towards a sizable insurance deductible, but my peace of mind and wellbeing surpass that by miles… that’s my “investment”! I know that I will be healthy, and that I have no questions about not having made the “right” decisions when it came to exams, surgery, and treatment.
Good for you Meieli! Your health (and your life) is worth it! A good friend recently overcame breast cancer and now she lives a normal life like the life she used to live before cancer. With the right care and treatment it's not hard to overcome breast cancer. I'm so glad! I get to enjoy my friend for many more years to come!
Meieli! I so love seeing you again. And, I'm so glad you honored yourself in such a beautiful way. A woman never goes wrong with a massive investment in her self, more specifically, her health! Sending you so much love.
You're so right, Tonya. We don't dare get things for ourselves because our mind tells us, you should be spending that money on your kids, not on yourself, and things like that. And I'd never realized it was just a judgement, a judgement we make on ourselves or other people make on us or that we're afraid other people will make on us. If only we could live our lives without judging ourselves or other people.........
Serena, how are you lady? Yes, a life without judgement is certainly a more beautiful and freeing one, right.
I finally invested in Modern Day Icon and I absolutely loved it. You are one of the few women that speaks directly to my heart. We have the same adoration of Paris and the finer things in life. I am now considering your Slim, Chic and Savvy program because I'm sure it would offer me even greater influence in change. I adore your approach and I think you are fabulous. Thank you!
Well, hello Laurie! Thank you for your kind words. So glad you've stumbled into the French Kiss Life community and are becoming a Modern Day Icon!
I'd absolutely love to have you in the Slim, Chic & Savvy Immersion. We have so much fun and the women experience incredible shifts in their lives.
If you have any questions, please email
Bisou, bisou,
It is such a challenge for me to figure out how to invest in myself and not add extra financial stress. I face that right now as I work out how to invest in Slim Chic and Savvy, but not put my family in a tight spot. Do you have any advice regarding how to invest in ourselves without adding that extra stress/burden? I love your posts, thank you so much for how you are impacting my life!
Great question Clarissa!
Again, I always ask this question: Will this exchange lead to more life?
And, more life means: more joy, more self-confidence, more savvy, more of the good stuff. This has only helped me be better at my finances and see myself as a creative being.
I've made investments in me when I didn't have the money, but I had a deep knowing that it was exactly what I needed to get out of my constant state of fear, struggle and lack.
And, you don't have to spend a lot of money to invest in you. It may even be an investment of your time. But, I do encourage you to look at how you can invest in cultivating your mind. Get creative and have fun!
There's no right or wrong decision here. Only a decision.
I encourage you to sit with yourself and trust your gut. Women tell me all the time that Slim, Chic & Savvy is the best investment they ever made in themselves. And, many of them didn't have the money, but they believed in their desires and it all worked out.
I want you to make the best decision for you. Period.
And, if it's my program, I would be delighted to support you.
And, if it's not, I am still so thrilled to have you in this community.
So, relax...and trust!
I'm going to do it! Thank you 🙂
Cannot wait to support you!
Get ready to have a good time, because I think that change should be fun!
I love this blog, like all of your writing. I've been thinking about the biggest investments I've made in myself. Here is the short list.
Hiring a high end coach to help me jumpstart my business
Buying my Valentino shoes that I sold when I left my corp job to start a business
My Louis
First row, backstage pass, pre party with the band tickets to see New Kids On The Block (this Saturday!)
My second high end business coach that will take me beyond my current financial goals
These things all make me happy and I love them. Thank you Tonya for helping me think about this
I have seen your Valentino shoes, and ooh-la-la! And, the way you feel when wearing them is the best part!
Hi Tonya,
I travelled to Singapore with my mother and sister for a long weekend trip of food, shopping and sight-seeing. I have a list of justifications, but really, I just want to go and see the world whenever I can.
I also purchased a lovely high end bag from eBay... ok, several... I adore them all and value them as much as if I had walked into the stunning stores (which I do, often, if only for research !)
Hey Nic! Thanks so much for sharing.
What I love about this question is that it's not about what or where, it's about how it makes you feel....does it make you feel more alive? And, it sounds as if it does.
I will admit I paused for a brief second before signing up for Skim Chic and Savvy. But add up how much you have spent on diet programs, diet books, personal trainers, gym memberships, relaxation programs and anything that could be considered self help.then ask yourself did you get access to the person who created the program? Did you get to enroll free every time afterwards? Slim Chic and Savvy is worth every penny. I Have been through it many times because I keep trying to learn the lessons or some lessons I just enjoy. Tonya gives you permission to be the woman you always wanted to be.
Hey Kelly! I don't even want to think about the money I've spent on diet books, pills and all kinds of so-called miracles that just kept disappointing me. I am so honored to get to support you in the Slim, Chic & Savvy Immersion. Let's do it again!
Love this Tonya Leigh.
I definitely see a Louis handbag in my near future.
Your programs have been a fabulous investment for me
Love and hugs from Oz xx
best investment I made was hiring a positivity based HR company. Learning about positivity in the workplace has transformed my business into a happy thriving business with engaged, enthusiastic staff. Also a job coach for me, transformed me to a happier person. Now that my nose is off the grindstone, I am looking forward to working with Tonya on living life with joie de vivre!!
Brenda, I'm all for coaching and mentorship. So glad that you have cultivated a happy workplace. I'm sure your employees are too. xoxo
Kylie, I love you. And, I want to see a pic of your LV :).
I took some classes about technology (Java, html, web design), way back, just because I was interested in it. Just as my class was ending, my company was bought out and I used every one of the skills I had learned and was able to comfortably transition to the new company.
Barbara, isn't it fascinating how following our curiosities can prepare us for the next step? Thank you for sharing!
I was SOOO inspired by this post and SO surprised by what I found when I dug in.
1. My first Crowded House Cassette Tape
2. Marianne Williamson tapes (what is it with me and cassettes?)
3. An Ugly Sweater (which I thought was the most beautiful thing on earth when I bought it)
4. Becoming a Home Owner – on a whim
5. My (amazing) doula
6. Good Bras that Fit Well
7. Coaches & Mentors
8. My first Commission Piece of Art
Here's my full post:
Love it Angela, and I bet that ugly sweater is SO comfy. I have one too!
You are so inspiring. Everyone meet Angela!
Well..............I took the plunge last night....after an anxiety~ridden, looking for excuses not to, email to you.
So, funny...I decided to sign up before I received a response!
It is so true about wasted money on other things.
Looking forward to positive, lovely change. <3
Just like Angela, I was so inspired by this post too! Here's what I found when I dug in:
1) the first legit self-help book I ever read (+ why that was such a struggle)
2) coaching + mentors (aaaannnnd you are in there!)
3) painting (like an 8-year old)
4) washi tape (really!)
5) my home (my goodbye to pros/cons)
6) my Rolls Royce (seriously!)
7) blogging secrets (and this went on for months)
8) big rings (that make a statement)
I had so much fun writing up this list! And it's was so insightful to look back to these moments that left a mark + changed my life for the better.
Here's the full post:
Oh! Oh! Where did you get your signature scent created? I must go there!
I am a mother of 5 children which three are out of the home and now I only have two living with me. I have always given all to them first, never putting myself first. I am here now at 46 and am in a point in my life where I feel that I need to start investing in myself. I don't know where to start. I no longer want the fear or doubt that I don't deserve the good things in my life! I enjoyed reading your story on how you invested in you. This has helped me to realize that it is ok to deserve the good things in life. I will begin looking for ways to start investing in me. Thank you!
Hello! I am a college student that will be graduating in December 2017. To be honest I was so hesitant to enroll in the Skim Chic and Savvy program. I have a part time job, full time student and have money only for food (or so I thought). Once my bank account hit to $100 once I purchased the program I was thinking what have I done?! I then started to listen to the podcasts and was amazed in learning about what it means to be an iconic woman. Ever since listening to the podcasts and taking notes my life shifted to the better. I have changed my style to reflect who I am, my health issues have become less of an issue, I have become more mindful in the way how I communicate to people, cut off toxic people out of my life and applied to very competitive internships. Results? I am more happy, creative, and scored an amazing well-paid internship in the East Coast.
Thank you Tonya for creating a wonderful program!