If we stay where we are, where we’re stuck, where we’re comfortable and safe, we die there… When nothing new can get in, that’s death.
Moments of exponential faith and ecstatic thrills followed by feelings of pure grief and painful knots in one’s stomach . . . these are the feelings of growth. A few weeks ago, I found myself sobbing uncontrollably in my living room listening to guitar sounds. (That’s right, darlings! French Kissing Life has moments of torrential downpours of tears).
When in this place, my usual tendency is to hunker down in my house and shut the world out. ”I’ve got this,” is what I tell myself, and I allow myself to cry, kick, scream or whatever needs to be done to move though the pain, not run from it. And, by the way, I always put on lipstick! If you’re going to be a hot mess, might as well be a glamorous one.
But, the truth is, I didn’t feel like I had it. I had worked on my thoughts. I had meditated. I had put on my favorite NARS color and had done all the things I’ve been trained to do to process an emotion. Still, here I was: in an emotional mayhem.
I was spiraling, burning into ashes and it hurt.
Finally, I decided to do something out of the ordinary and reach out to my closest friends. I fired off a mass text message that simply read, “I need some love. Please send me good mojo.”
Complete side note: it’s amazing how all you must do is ask.
Within seconds, the love started pouring in, and the one that hit home for me was: ”Tonya, you are just experiencing growing pains.”
Duh…yeah…that’s all it was. Yet, if as if I were delivering an emotional baby, and in a sense, I am. I am delivering a new me. I am like the Phoenix Rising (which, by the way, is my given last name). God must have known what he was doing long before I did.
And, it hurts, and it’s joyful. It’s all of these wild emotions wrapped up into the present moment.
It’s all normal. It’s simply signs of growth.
As you began to spread your wings and fly, doubt will set in. Can I fly? Or will I crash to the ground? This is normal.
As you step out of the old into the new, you’ll feel like you’re losing your footing. So normal.
As you take risks, you’ll look failure in the eyes, and you’ll wonder if you’ve got what it takes. Totally normal.
And, in these moments, your mind will tell you to run back as fast as you can, to the known, the familiar, to stable grounds.
You’ll be tempted to run to safety.
Everything you read will convince you that either of your choices are wrong or right. You’ll feel pulled in every direction.
That’s when you stand still and listen.
And, that’s when you’ll hear, “Darling, let go. We’ve got this!” And, your role is to trust that inner voice. This is called surrender.
Upon surrender, you’ll be able to saunter towards a most beautiful life.
What I’ve come to discover is that your most decadent, beautiful life is not found in the safety zone.
If you’re choosing to live safe, you’re not choosing to live. You’re simply surviving. Tweet This!
When you truly French Kiss Life, you commit to thriving, and the journey doesn’t always feel pleasant. However, to the extreme that you can feel fear and sadness is to the same degree that you can experience joy and bliss. To avoid one, denies the other.
Growing pains . . . it’s a part of the process.
It’s simply your life unfolding.
Self-Image Makeover
Live Your Life With Style, Flare, and Elegance
I adore you! Thank you so much for this post... serendipitous.
I've received this same message in several forms today--thank you for the re-enforcement.
Love this Tonya. I just realized I'm shedding old skin. Like a snake! I'm terrified of snakes, but this metaphor works perfectly for how I'm growing these days. Hugs.
My 17-year-old son is leaving the nest this weekend after he finishes his last finals at high school on Wednesday. He's a serious snowboarder and has been since age 7 ... now going off to live his dream in Summit County. (You and I are "neighbors," Tonya.) I think I could handle him leaving the nest better if only my fears of him being injured (or worse) on the hill weren't overwhelming me. Lots of tears for fears lately as I let go. Growing pains indeed.
Beautiful discovery comes after the release. I also shut the world out to recover from whatever the struggle is at the time. I love that you asked and received. Growing pains are the sign of becoming better. A root-bound plant in a pot shouts, "Let me out of this cramped pot! I can grow even more beautifully with the space to do so!"
This post made me teary eyed. It sums up what Ive gone through during my move for love and what I'm going through as I follow my hearts' career desire. Growth pains is called glory after one has surpassed them 🙂 God speed!
Wow! Thank you Tonya! This was just what I needed to hear today! I too am shedding old skin, I have lost 15 pounds and am aiming for 25 more. It feels awesome, but is scary!!You (and my other girlfriends!) are guiding me onward!! XXO
Really inspiring&motivating!!! I will surely keep these in mind!!
Much needed for I, too, am going through growing pains.
This helped a lot.