We've all heard about being "centered" or "grounded," but what does it really mean? You might think that it's a lofty idea that applies only to yogis or meditation gurus, but it's a skill that benefits everyone.  

It's easy to be swept up by the whirlwinds of everyday chaos. We get carried away by circumstances and emotions, and if we're not centered, these things can end up pulling us in all sorts of directions we didn't intend to go and that don't serve us.

Today I’m diving into the meaning of being centered and why being in a state of serenity is your best defense against the mayhem life can sometimes throw your way.

What Does It Mean to be Centered?

When we are balanced, and at peace, we are centered. This balance refers specifically to a condition of emotional and spiritual equilibrium, which implies a state of acceptance and contentment.   

It's helpful to think about centeredness in terms of a hurricane. In the middle of this powerful force, there is an absolute, almost unnatural stillness. While potentially life-threatening, tumultuous winds and rain surround the center, there is a quiet space right in its midst. 

Being centered in serenity is like being in the eye of a hurricane. You can return to a state of calm despite the circumstances that threaten to destabilize you. Regardless of the pressures, events, and emotions that life can produce, you can still be in a state of peace. 

Why Do I Need to Be Centered? 

Life consists of a series of big and small tempests. While, at times, most things might seem to be under control, sooner or later, a new problem pops up, and we need to figure out the best way to deal with it.  

When we're centered in serenity, we never have to fear the next windstorm in our life. We don't have to worry about being drawn into a situation where our emotions and reactions run awry.

A state of serenity gives us the needed mindfulness to tackle any challenge with courage, positive energy, and creativity. When we are calm and have mastered our emotions, we are far better equipped to solve problems and diffuse difficult situations.

On the contrary, when we are pulled into a situation and lose our peaceful footing, we also forfeit our ability to think objectively and act rationally. More often than not, we might actually be making an already-hard situation worse by being stressed or anxious. 

How Do I Center Myself In Serenity?

Being centered, regardless of the circumstances surrounding you, is not always as easy as it may sound. Rather than simply flipping a switch, you will need to take intentional steps to practice being in a state of serenity. 

The following are several habits that can support you in stressful situations and help you contribute positively. 

Focus on the Solution 

When faced with an overwhelming situation, it can be challenging to focus on anything other than the problem, let alone consider the possible solutions. Try to focus on the best way forward instead of overanalyzing the issue and all its repercussions. 

Stop Trying to Control

Certain things in life are impossible to control, including how other people think and behave and how events unfold. The only thing you can successfully manage is yourself and your reactions. By giving up control and accepting things, you can save a lot of energy that could have been better spent elsewhere. 

Be Assertive 

Acceptance does not mean that you should keep quiet, however. You have the right to say what you think and how you feel, and it's essential to communicate that to the people around you. But the way you do it also matters. Instead of being aggressive, try to get your point across in a calm yet firm manner. 

Take Care of Yourself

It can be tempting to neglect self-care when under pressure. A taxing situation can consume you to such an extent that you forget to rest and revitalize your mind and body. Continue to eat healthily and exercise, and take time away from the situation that drains you. 

Stay Connected

While solitude can help you recharge, don't isolate yourself. When you're caught up in a storm, reach out to the friends and family who you trust and the people who listen and uplift you. Sharing your heart with a confidant is therapeutic and forges even stronger bonds that get you through the crises of life.   

Practice Breathing

Our breathing is fast and shallow when our stress levels are high. When you find yourself in an argument or in another stressful situation, you can help calm yourself down by consciously taking deep breaths that allow oxygen to reach not just your upper chest but your diaphragm. 

Minimize the Drama

People are sometimes fueled by drama. When something terrible or negative happens, they escalate the problem by overemphasizing it and making others aware of someone else's pain or embarrassment. Say no to drama! Don't participate in gossip or allow people to pull you deeper into despair. Again, focus on the problem instead of provoking others or aggravating the situation. 

Try Centering Meditation 

Centering meditation is all about quieting the mind and getting in touch with your center. Learning to become still and reconnect with your naturally centered state is integral to healing and manifesting. Find a secluded area to sit or lie down in a spine-aligned position. Take deep, rhythmic breaths and focus on the air moving right down to your belly. Centering meditation will help you relax and teach you to connect quickly to your center.  

Centered and Serene 

We cannot tell what the future will look like. Life has all sorts of challenges and obstacles, big and small. But while we don't know what lies ahead, we can teach ourselves to manage whatever comes our way with grace and elegance. 

When we are centered in serenity we can show up in the world as our most empowered selves. Being grounded makes us creative problem-solvers who can deal with challenges without allowing them to consume us. 

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