Building A Foundation For Inner Peace.


“Peace is the result of retraining your mind to process life as it is, rather than as you think it should be.”  -Wayne Dyer

Inner peace isn’t something you can simply turn on like you would a faucet. It’s a state of mind to be reached; a journey to a destination that requires daily focus, time, and attention to achieve. 

Once there, it’s an experience that requires daily maintenance to uphold.

A state of spiritual and mental tranquility, inner peace is that place you reach where the noise in your head stops and that constant feeling of overwhelm goes still and clears.

The fundamentals of achieving a state of inner peace are in their spiritual and mental connotations, and also in the practical applications of everyday life. 

There are numerous ways you can get back on the path to inner peace and calm your mind, heart, and spirit. 

Unclutter your world, unclutter your mind

Marie Kondo was definitely onto something when she said, “It’s a very strange phenomenon, but when we reduce what we own and essentially “detox” our house, it has a detox effect on our bodies as well.”

Studies are increasingly showing that clean, organized spaces do affect our mood and our stress levels.

One study published by The University of California showed that coming home to a messy house can interfere with the body’s production of the de-stressing hormone cortisol, mainly because we anticipate having to clean up even if we don’t have the motivation to actually do it.

While messy spaces might seem harmless, these studies are showing that a disorganized home or office causes anxiety, which can magnify the stress we’re already feeling by life’s normal push and pull. 

So, given the fact that most of us have little time as it is, what’s the answer to decluttering our home and therefore decluttering our energy? Here are three, easily actionable ways to get started:

  • Set aside just a short time each day; no more than 15 or 20 minutes.  
  • Tackle one decluttering project at a time. Start with the rooms you spend the most time in.
  • Build micro habits like making your bed each morning or washing each dish as you use it, and stick to them over time

Slow down, stop, and smell the lavender to calm your senses.

So much to do, and so little time! Can you relate? With all the rush rush rush, anxiety and stress are sure to follow; and, inner peace goes right out the window. 

This amazing tech-filled world has so much to offer and we have so many wonderful conveniences today; you’d think that these would allow us to slow down and take life a bit easier, but it seems to have had the opposite effect. 

Having more seems to demand more. 

When we slow things down we can look around and appreciate the little things in life; we can connect with our body, our thoughts, and our feelings. 

Perhaps surprisingly, we also become more productive.

  • Focus on one thing at a time, and enjoy one thing at a time. 
  • Get plenty of sleep and also plenty of rest; remember, they are not the same thing. 
  • Allow yourself some small escapes from the rush of responsibility throughout your day. Take 5 to go for a walk, sit in meditation for 10 minutes before your day gets started, or take time to sit down for a proper meal. 
  • Take a few moments to journal and remember to write down those gratitude items. 
  • Allow yourself a small daily, or weekly, escape through fiction; whether it’s a novel, an audiobook, a good movie, or Netflix, enjoy that “guilty” pleasure. Remember, you don’t always need to be doing something “productive.” Taking a short break to lose yourself in fantasy is productive to your peaceful mind. 

Set boundaries with energy-draining loved-ones or acquaintances and surround yourself with high-vibe people.

Boundaries are essential to healthy relationships which in turn attribute to a healthy mind, body, and spirit. 

Psychologist and coach Dana Gionta, Ph.D. says that having healthy boundaries means “knowing and understanding what your limits are.” Unfortunately, you can’t set good boundaries if you’re unsure of where you stand, let alone maintain them. 

  • Good company increases compassion, kindness, wisdom, and peace of mind.
  • Trust your gut when you are with people. What energy are they putting out? Are you a good vibrational match?
  • Pay attention to the caretaker within you; is she constantly being triggered by someone in particular? 
  • High vibe people leave us feeling inspired, uplifted, tranquil, and happy. Is that how you’re feeling with the people around you? Listen to your body. Do you feel relaxed and at ease with someone, or tense and off-balance? 

Re-evaluate how you exist and interact online.

With social media at our fingertips, anytime night or day, we are so much more aware of what is going on in the world around us, in the lives of old and new acquaintances (as they see fit to show us), and of other people’s opinions, values, and agendas. 

While awareness is typically a good thing, when too much or too concentrated, it can also be incredibly disruptive to our peace of mind and calm. 

We can’t control what other people post online, but we can control what we consume and what we share ourselves. We can also control how much time we spend on social media. 

Adopt a relaxation technique that works for you

Self- affirmation.

Daily affirmations are simple, positive statements declaring specific goals in their completed states. Although they sound rather basic at that level, these empowering mantras have profound effects on the conscious and unconscious mind.

Focused Breathing.

Deep, focused breathing can bring you back to a centered state, reducing adrenaline, and calming the body, mind and spirit.  This can help you with decision making, ease your response to stress, and even elevate or energize you if you’re feeling fatigued or paralyzed with overwhelm.

Meditation and Yoga.

There are numerous ways in which yoga and meditation can help support a feeling of inner peace and calm. 

  • Yoga relaxes the body - it's is a powerful tool for reducing tension and strengthening the body. 
  • Meditative yoga releases emotional energy - sometimes when we are overwhelmed with daily tasks, financial worries, career stress, or concern for loved ones, maintaining focus feels impossible. By stepping on to the mat we have the opportunity to get out of our heads, let go of our worries and reconnect with ourselves.
  • Meditation is a powerful way to relax and slow down the mind. 

Get Moving.

Regular exercise can increase self-confidence, improve your mood, help you relax, and lower symptoms of mild depression and anxiety. Exercise can also improve your sleep, which is often disrupted by stress, depression, and anxiety.

In a world filled with constant turmoil, uncertainty, and discord over everything from politics to our health, it’s easy to lose sight of ourselves and lose touch with the natural state of inner peace - that mindset that most of us have hidden away in the depths of our soul.   

In the School of Self-Image, we talk a lot about mindset. Mindset is the foundation for creating the life we want; a life we love; a life we celebrate be living.

in The School of Self-Image, we don't just muse about change - we embody change by how we show up and the daily choices we make. Want to embark on a journey that starts within? Join the School of Self-Image today.

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