Let’s talk about the secret ingredient to effortless elegance: style habits.

These aren’t grand, sweeping changes but the small, daily rituals that collectively create your signature look and feel.

Think about your morning routine. Do you mindlessly throw on the first outfit you see, or do you take a moment to consider how you want to present yourself to the world?

Or consider your skincare regimen. Is it a rushed afterthought or a cherished ritual?

What about your wardrobe organization? Is it easy to access your clothes, or is it always a hunt?

Maybe it’s about accessories - ignoring the details or adding that special touch?

Remember, true style isn’t about having the most expensive clothes or the trendiest makeup. It’s about consistency in caring for yourself and your appearance in a way that authentically expresses who you are.

Are you ready to elevate your style habits and stop living on default when it comes to your personal appearance?

We are opening the doors to the School of Self-Image for 48 hours only.

Guess what we’re serving up for the month of August? You probably guessed right.

We are Elevating Our Style Habits.

Because your habits shape your self-image and your life.

In August, you’ll:

  • Discover Your Signature Style Trinity: Uncover the three game-changing daily habits that will transform how you look and feel. These aren’t just routines; they’re your personal formula for radiance and confidence.
  • Elevate Your Daily Rituals: Turn your style habits into non-negotiable acts of self-love. Watch as your confidence skyrockets and heads turn wherever you go. This is about more than looking good – it’s about feeling unstoppable.
  • Embrace Your Worth Through Style: Prioritize your appearance not out of vanity but as a powerful act of self-respect. Because when you invest in your style, you’re sending a clear message to the world that you value yourself.

This is your chance to transform your relationship with style, making it an effortless and joyful part of your daily life.

I’ll see you inside.

Stylishly yours,

The Power of Intentional Style Habits

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.

~ Often attributed to Aristotle (true origin unknown)

Like any form of excellence, style is cultivated through consistent, intentional habits.

It’s not about occasional grand gestures but rather our small, daily choices. When we approach our style with intention, we’re not just changing our appearance – we’re transforming our self-image and how we show up in the world.

This week, choose one area of your style routine to approach with renewed intention. It could be as simple as laying out your outfit the night before or taking an extra moment to accessorize in the morning.

Remember, these small habits compound over time, creating a powerful shift in how you look and feel.

Gem-Water Decanter

Elevating your style isn’t just about clothing – it’s about cultivating habits that make you feel luxurious from the inside out. Enter the Gem-Water Decanter, a beautiful tool for transforming a daily necessity into a haute habit.

This elegant decanter features a wand filled with handpicked gems such as amethyst, rose quartz, and clear quartz. As water flows around the gems, it’s said to become energized with their properties, promoting balance, love, and clarity.

Whether you believe in crystals’ energetic properties or simply appreciate their beautiful design, this decanter turns hydration into a stylish ritual. Elevating even the simplest acts – like drinking water – infuses our daily routines with intention and grace. This is what haute habits are all about.

5 Style Habits That Elevated My Life

Ever wondered how some people always seem to look effortlessly put together? The secret likely lies in their daily habits.

In today’s podcast episode, I’ll reveal the five key style habits that transformed not just my appearance but my entire approach to life. Plus, I’ll share tips on overcoming the common challenges of forming new habits.

Get ready to discover how small, consistent actions can lead to significant changes in your style and your self-image!

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A weekly digital magazine by the School of Self-Image