Can I share something personal with you? Last year was... rough.
I felt completely off-kilter, like I’d lost my way. There were so many tears, so much frustration, and moments of raw honesty with myself that were far from easy.
I realized I had strayed from my soul’s path. The woman I’d become didn’t align with the woman I knew I was at my core. It was a hard pill to swallow, but it was also the wake-up call I needed.
So I made some changes. Big ones. Scary ones. The kind of changes that make you question everything you thought you knew about yourself.
It wasn’t pretty – think less “graceful butterfly emerging from a chrysalis” and more “messy caterpillar goo.”
But you know what? I’m emerging onto the other side. And I’ve got to tell you – I’m feeling more excited and joyful than ever.
The fog has lifted, and I can see my path clearly again. It’s like I’ve rediscovered parts of myself I’d forgotten existed.
I’m sharing this because these are the conversations we need to have. And I want you to know: if you’re in that messy, uncomfortable place of evolution right now, hang in there.
It’s not easy, but it’s so worth it. It’s also a very normal part of life, so nothing has gone wrong.
And if you’re feeling the stirrings of change, don’t ignore them. Your soul might be trying to guide you back to your true path.
Here’s to becoming who we’re meant to be – messy parts and all,

P.S. Speaking of evolution, I’m thrilled to announce a brand-new Instagram account I’m launching TODAY for the School of Self-Image. It’s just one of the exciting changes I’ve been working on within my business.
Follow us @schoolofselfimage to join our incredible community of women who are becoming their most authentic selves. And be sure to turn on your notifications – I’m going live at 5PM ET with a big announcement you won’t want to miss.
I can’t wait to connect with you there.
The Power of Imperfect Action
The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret of getting started is breaking your complex, overwhelming tasks into small, manageable tasks and starting on the first one.
~ Mark Twain
Taking the first step towards change can be daunting, but remember, progress beats perfection. Each small action contributes to your personal evolution, no matter how imperfect it may seem. Embrace the journey, flaws and all!
This week, choose one small action towards a goal you’ve been postponing. It could be as simple as writing the first sentence of that book you’ve always wanted to write or decluttering one drawer in your home.
Don’t aim for perfection – just take that first step. Notice how accomplishing this small task makes you feel, and use that momentum to fuel your next action.

The Soul Style Quiz: A Step in Your Style Evolution
Uncover your unique style persona with our brand-new Soul Style Quiz! This free, insightful tool is designed to reveal the essence of your personal style - a reflection of who you are right now.
Understanding your authentic style is a powerful step in personal growth. This quiz will guide you towards a wardrobe that truly reflects your current self while also illuminating potential paths for style evolution. It’s about creating a style that’s a true expression of you - today and tomorrow.
The Courage (and Reality) of Becoming
This week’s podcast tackles the exhilarating (and sometimes terrifying) process of personal evolution. We’ll unpack Martha Beck’s Change Cycle, offering insights and practical tools for each transformative stage. From navigating the “person soup” of uncertainty to spreading your newly formed wings, we’ve got you covered.
Expect actionable strategies to fuel your metamorphosis, conquer fear, and bounce back from setbacks. Whether you’re contemplating change or in the thick of it, this episode will ignite your courage to embrace the messy, beautiful art of becoming your truest self.
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A weekly digital magazine by the School of Self-Image