tonya's diary

what i'm thinking about

Who decided life should be perfect?

Perfect is boring. Perfect is fake. Perfect is pretense.

Messy is where it’s at.

If you’re in the School of Self-Image, you get a glimpse into my behind-the-scenes life each month, where I share my ups and downs - the highs and lows.

I’m no longer embarrassed by my messy life. Life is art, and art is messy.

That’s why I want to welcome you to this edition of The Edit - The Artist Issue.

Let’s make our whole life a work of art - where mistakes, failures, and imperfections are welcome. In fact, I think the mess is a little glamorous.

Isn’t it fun to be yourself and still be irresistible anyway?


P.S. I don’t know if you saw my hilarious imperfection the other day but I’ll share it here, in case you missed it.

Just this week, I did an Instagram Live where, for the life of me, I could not say the word “Christmas gift.” For a split second, I think I actually lost my ability to speak English.

(Thank you if you were one of the people who laughed along with me.)

And you know what? From that same live, a woman reached out to tell me how much the information I shared had helped her.

Don’t be afraid of the mess. As the artist of your life, you have ONE job - to show up!

Do it, and do it messy.

The Thought Edit

A New Thought to Restyle Your Mind

Self-Image is the Ultimate Art Form

The ability to reinvent yourself one thought and action at a time is truly an invaluable gift. If your life is a canvas, your thoughts are the paintbrush. Make it a masterpiece.


Ideas for Elevating from Our Members

A Horse Named Extraordinary
with Lily Richter

“For those of you who are new to SOSI, I have been around since the beginning, pursuing the Extraordinary Goal of completing my lifelong dream of attending a classical art school in Italy. It took two years to finally earn admittance to the Florence Academy of Art and another six months to maneuver all the red tape to get a long-term student VISA.

At age 68, I had never traveled alone or lived abroad before but I found the courage to leave my beloved husband and home in Colorado.

When I got to Florence and moved into my apartment, I was dreadfully homesick and lonely. I was lost in the language issues and cultural differences of trying to actually LIVE in Italy. I had not adequately planned for the rising prices of everything, and the high cost of Florence, especially during an unusually high tourist season.

The panic attacks that I had experienced after a severe trauma ten years ago returned with a vengeance. I finally gave up before classes even started and returned home, dragging my pride and confidence behind me. I swore I would never travel or even do art again!

Over a month has passed now since being thrown from my “Italian horse” and I can start to see more clearly what happened and how I need to proceed. I have decided to return to Florence and the Academy.

After a lot of analysis, I have decided to start with the 12-week program at the Academy instead of jumping into the 3-year curriculum immediately. This time I will be serious about my language training, and I am going first class instead of trying to get by on the cheap, especially for housing.

It will take another year of work but I am getting back in the saddle. By the way, that beautiful horse that threw me was named, ‘Extraordinary’. Someday … I am going to ride her again.

Love, Lily”

A Taste of Style

Making the Everyday Extraordinary

Embrace a Little Glamour

The word glamour comes from the Scottish term gramarye which means magic, enchantment, or spell. So what is glamour? It’s adding an energy of mystery and grace to your persona. It’s elevating the everyday. It’s having little secrets that are only for you, like wearing lingerie beneath your clothes. Those who believe it’s all about showy extravagance don’t yet know the secret: Glamour is about being in love with life. So love what you love without apology - and let that sparkle shine through.

*Special Note for my SOSI Ladies: Review the masterclass 3 Ways to Embrace a Glamorous Life with Ciara for more delicious ideas on embracing glamour. 


Habits for Creating the Impossible

Nurture Your Artistic Side

In case you haven’t heard, everyone is creative. Creativity is not just for painters and poets. Your flavor of creativity may be cultivating fascinating conversations or putting together a decadent dinner party. You may be able to organize a group of 3rd graders like it’s nobody’s business - or style your home to a tee. You may scrapbook, code computers, or plan vacations.

Whatever your flavor of creativity is, embrace it and honor it. Cultivate it. Nurture it.

A great way to do so is by taking yourself out on a solo excursion - an “Artist’s Date”. This idea was created by Julia Cameron. Here’s how she explains it:

“The Artist Date is a once-weekly, festive, solo expedition to explore something that interests you. The Artist Date need not be overtly “artistic” — think mischief more than mastery. Artist Dates fire up the imagination. They spark whimsy. They encourage play. Since art is about the play of ideas, they feed our creative work by replenishing our inner well of images and inspiration. When choosing an Artist Date, it is good to ask yourself, “what sounds fun?” — and then allow yourself to try it.”

She also made this great little video to explain it.

And if it calls to you, I highly recommend reading the book The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron. You’ll find it so helpful in cultivating your life as your own work of art.

In the Bag

Tools for REinvention

When you can’t go to Paris, bring Paris to you.

My first company French Kiss Life was inspired by my love of Paris. The glamour. The style. The fresh perspective on life. The art. The music. It’s truly a feast for the senses. While I can’t be in Paris as often as I’d like, these gorgeous subscription boxes add a French element to my every day that I just adore.

The Toast

Your Invitation to Connect & Celebrate

My 2022 Holiday Gift to You

I’m starting a new tradition,. Each year, I’ll do a podcast on the gift I wish I could give to you.

Last year, my gift was: The Gift of Self-Validation.

Find out my gift to you this year on this week’s podcast:

My 2022 Holiday Gift to You

It’s the perfect gift if you want to make your life a work of art.


// TheEDIT

A weekly digital magazine by the School of Self-Image