Can you relate? I used to start the New Year out with resolutions. This will be the year that I finally lose weight. This will be the year that I get my finances in order. This will be the year that I (fill in some lofty goal). At the end of the year, I’d sit with my list of unrealized goals and feel bad about myself, until …

I revolutionized my resolutions with a completely new approach.

Instead of choosing the same boring goals year after year, I chose a “Word of the Year.”


A Word of the Year is truly your passport to wherever it is you want to go in life.

Welcome to The Passport Issue. It’s for women who are going places, and I know that’s you.

Let’s pack our bags. 2023 is going to be fabulous!

P.S. Did you hear that the School of Self-Image is open for the New Year? This month, we’re focusing not only on your Word of the Year but also on how to embody that word month after month with our all-new 12 Habits class.


Extraordinary goals lead a woman to extraordinary places.

Do you want life to be more exciting? Do you want to feel more alive? Do you want to experience more joy?

If so, you simply need to choose an extraordinary goal.

If anything about my life inspires you, know this - I’m just an ordinary woman who goes after extraordinary things. When you decide to live an extraordinary life, you’ll discover the extraordinary within you.

A Strong Word of the Year
with Andrea Foti Hart

“After trying on dozens of words, my 2023 Word of the Year was sent by the universe through my amazing niece. She gave me a bracelet for Christmas with the phrase ‘Elle est forte’, and I was immediately touched. Forte. The French word for Strong. It’s a reminder that I have done many hard things in my life and will continue to do more. I’ll have to be strong to pursue my personal Extraordinary Goal of getting healthy and fit, as well as my joint Extraordinary Goal with my husband of becoming wealthy. I’m ready for this version of me. She is strong. Elle est forte.”

Stamp Your Passport in Style

When I think of my Word of the Year, a clear picture forms in my mind: me on a pickleball court in a cute outfit in the sunshine - playing with my best friends.

(In case you haven’t heard, I’m obsessed with this sport.) I think I’m going to ask for this sexy number for my birthday. What do you think?

My 2023 Word of the Year

When you choose a Word of the Year, you ditch the old “to-do list” and instead, you simply practice embodying the energy of the word you choose.

The first year I decided to ditch the New Year’s resolutions and choose a Word of the Year instead, I ended the year having not only achieved my goal but I had become the next-level version of me.

So each year, this is what I do…


Because here’s the secret. Goals work on the “doing” level while a Word of the Year works on the “being” level - or as we say, on the self-image level. And, as you know around here… Your self-image is creating everything.I’m sharing my Word of the Year in today’s podcast.

My 2023 Word of the Year

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A weekly digital magazine by the School of Self-Image