Have you ever heard of Esther Hicks?

She teaches the Law of Attraction by sharing from “infinite intelligence… a group of non-physical entities called Abraham.”

From Esther’s website, Abraham is also recognized by some of the great teachers of our time.

“Louise Hay calls [Abraham] ‘some of the best teachers on the planet today.’

To Dr. Wayne Dyer they are ‘the great Masters of the Universe!’”

Last year, I went to see Esther Hicks (or should I say Abraham?) I’ve been a fan of their work for years, and I couldn’t wait to witness the teaching in person.

When I bought the tickets, I didn’t know it would be my first - and last - time.

As Abraham teaches, the Law of Attraction says that like attracts like, so you can understand my surprise when I found myself wanting to leave the event the entire time.

I could literally feel my body aching to exit.

The environment, a cheap ballroom on the outskirts of Denver, paired with the overall style of the event produced a vibration that was not my jam at all.

And, it was there - at a Law of Attraction event - that my belief was confirmed:

Everything has energy, including the clothes you wear and the places you visit.

How ironic that I was spun out of the vortex at an event that’s supposed to get you into it.

Life is funny sometimes.

Welcome to The Vortex Issue. Let’s talk about how to get in the energy of the life you want and so deeply deserve.

Creating Your Own Vortex with Style

There’s a phenomenon called “enclothed cognition” which says that the clothes you wear have a direct impact on your psychological processes. Said differently, your clothes have been scientifically proven to shape the way you think and behave.

“Creating a Vortex” means wrapping yourself in the energy you want to exude, both with your thoughts and with your clothing. Your style choices can help you tap into a sense of confidence, be a bolder visionary, or even adopt a more playful persona.

If dressing differently feels like a stretch, think of it like this:

You’re practicing the role of the woman you’re becoming until you become her. It’s magical, really.


A Magical Maxi Dress

with Hristina Stoyanova

“I had a great fairy tale experience this past weekend while attending a fashion show of a local designer, and I am sure that this is all thanks to my outfit and the way it made me feel.

The outfit was something much different from my daily outfits. The moment I entered the amazing venue, I felt like a queen, and with this maxi skirt, I really moved like one.

I was confident, happy, and proud of myself. I attracted the attention of the people around me. Men treated me like a queen, women made compliments about my dress and, surprisingly, I was gifted a diamond by a jewelry company that was sponsoring the event. Extraordinary outfits attract extraordinary feelings and experiences. It is truly amazing what a beautiful maxi dress can do! Tonya's style formula works.”

5 Months of Style Training with Tonya Leigh

Think about what you want to attract or create in your life, Heather. The Law of Attraction states that when you are a vibrational, energetic match for what you want, you will have it.

Not really all that helpful as an idea. Is it?

This is why I’ve created a method for shaping your self-image because your self-image is, at its core, an energetic state of being. It’s the “whole mental picture” you have of yourself. It’s the thoughts you have about your appearance, personality, and capabilities. It determines the goals you set and the actions you take.

But most importantly, all of that adds up to a vibration that either attracts or repels what you have in your life.

That’s why I’ve said The Style Experience is the beginning of your personal renaissance.

If personal development has never really “resonated with you”, the Style Experience is for you.

If you desire to embody the truest version of yourself, to live as her now, the Style Experience is for you.

If you love the idea of the Law of Attraction but the practice feels hard or inconsistent, the Style Experience is for you.

If you want to feel more confident and polished on a daily basis, the Style Experience is for you.

If you just want to have more fun with clothes and make getting dressed in the morning one of the easiest and most fun parts of life, the Style Experience is for you.

Style goes so much deeper than the clothing - or it doesn’t have to be that deep at all. In the Style Experience, you get to shape your vibration and your experience of style from the ground up.

Look in the mirror at some point today and ask yourself, “Is that woman a match for my dreams?” If you said “Yes, and… her style needs a serious elevation”, then I hope to see you in the Style Experience. We’re starting soon.

What Are Your Clothes Attracting?

Your clothes are a magnet for the people, experiences, and results in your life. Are they the only deciding factor? Of course not but they matter so much more than you realize. Find out what your clothes are attracting in this week’s podcast.

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A weekly digital magazine by the School of Self-Image