If I filmed my own version of Eat Pray Love, it would be titled, “I found God at Bergdorf Goodman.”

Spirituality is defined as a “process of personal transformation; any kind of meaningful activity or blissful experience.”

I think a spiritual person is someone who wants to experience the Divine through moments of awe, which is exactly what I experienced in Bergdorfs — in the most stunning flowing skirt of the Oscar de la Renta collection, the red soles on a nude pair of Louboutins, the scent of Tom Ford’s Black Velvet, and a pair of Chanel sunglasses.

I walked out and didn’t buy a thing but for two hours, I was enraptured.

My style journey has always felt sacred to me. Ever since I was 10, the pages of Vogue have captured my imagination about the woman I could become.

In many ways, style has been my muse - a source of inspiration, leading me toward an extraordinary life.

I want to help women feel fabulous -

And style is one of my favorite personal development tools. In this edition of the Edit - The Muse Issue - I want to talk about how to use style to attract wealth.

Wealth is a currency. It flows toward inspiration and abundance, and it flows away from scarcity and lack.

When I started being intentional with my style choices, carefully editing my closet, and spending money on pieces that not only matched my style but my future — I began to attract more wealth into my life.

As I showed up differently — in my thoughts and style — what surrounded me became different, including my bank account.

What if you were money’s muse, Heather? What if you could learn to draw abundance toward yourself?

How fun would that be? This issue will show you how.


Wooing Wealth with a Wealthy Wardrobe

Logos and price tags don’t attract money –

Money is attracted toward energy that is abundant and expansive.

To curate a wealthy wardrobe and use style to expand your energy, choose pieces that make you look and feel incredible.

Instead of ignoring your style - make intentional choices.

Instead of stuffing your closet with sale items - invest in quality.


Instead of grabbing loads of fast fashion - wear timeless looks that express the essence of you.

Don’t choose items because they’re expensive or designer.

Choose them because when you wear them, you feel like a wealthier version of yourself. Choose them because when you look in the mirror, you’re inspired by the woman looking back at you.

If your version of wealth and abundance had a muse, what would she be wearing?


A Style Renaissance

with Tricia Frances

Recently, my marriage of 42 years ended - and despite the infidelity and abuse, I’ve been able to stabilize myself with therapy, coaching, and self-help.

Although I was always stylish growing up, I found myself hiding in loose clothing to disguise the extra weight I gained from an eating disorder that had developed as a result of all the trauma.

Not only has the School of Self-Image helped me regain my love for life - it’s also helped me to learn to love the body I’m in and to lean on style to reemerge as a new woman.

As soon as the Style Experience was announced, I immediately grabbed my seat. This year I’m going to continue developing my chic, feminine, elegant, and edgy style. I’ve already created a capsule wardrobe and made 6 major investments in handbags, belts, boots, and heels.

As a modern renaissance woman, style ties together all of my goals, from writing to wellness to wealth creation.

I’m so grateful God led me to Tonya back in 2018.

Dressing the Body You Have Now for More Wealth

Style has been one of the best investments I’ve ever made. Not only do I look and feel amazing when I’m well-dressed, but I also believe that great style helps me make more money and attract more wealth in my life.

But what if you’re worried about dressing the body you have right now?

What if you believe that you have to:

Lose a little weight first Get more toned Wait it out until next season

… before spending anything on yourself?

Style has been one of the best investments I’ve ever made. Not only do I look and feel amazing when I’m well-dressed, but I also believe that great style helps me make more money and attract more wealth in my life.

But what if you’re worried about dressing the body you have right now?

What if you believe that you have to:

Lose a little weight first Get more toned Wait it out until next season

… before spending anything on yourself?

Abundance and wealth are attracted to self-confidence and self-love.

So when you wear clothing that feeds a negative self-image, even if you’re telling yourself “It’s only for a little while”, it’s reaffirming your insecurity and scarcity mindset.

It sends messages to your subconscious, like:

“You’re not worthy until you look like THIS.”

“You’re not loved until you do THIS.”

And I can guarantee you that your future self - the one who’s fit, wealthy, AND stylish - would never speak to you that way.

She would say, “You are worthy at any size or fitness level. You are loved no matter what you look like. And you are either stylish or you’re not stylish. Style doesn’t have a color, shape, or size. Style comes from within.”

The foundation of style - at least in my world - comes from a place of self-respect. It’s treasuring yourself and adoring yourself through the ups and downs.

It’s having your own back and honoring yourself through the journey. It’s loving yourself to the goal.

If your style needs a little love, let’s spend 5 months together editing your wardrobe and reinventing your stylish self-image.

Together, we’ll rebuild your wardrobe from the ground up -

  • First, we’ll define your ideal personal style.
  • Then, we’ll edit your current wardrobe and show you how to make the most of what you already have. (I bet there’s some gold in there!)
  • Finally, we’ll get creative and build new outfits to reflect the woman you’re becoming.

One thing’s for sure. You won’t recognize yourself when you look in the mirror.

Are you game for a total transformation? RSVP for the Style Experience now - starting March 4!

The ROI of Style

The ROI of Style According to Corporate Finance Institute, Return on Investment, or ROI, is a financial ratio used to calculate “the benefit an investor will receive in relation to their investment cost.” I always see style as an investment in myself that helps me attract more abundance into my life. If you want to use style as a tool to become a wealthier woman, then this episode is for you.

// TheEDIT

A weekly digital magazine by the School of Self-Image