“I’ll do it tomorrow.”

That one phrase has created more drama in my life than all the past men and mothers-in-law combined.

Saying “I’ll do it tomorrow” meant I was constantly letting myself down.

I’d promise myself I would start a new eating plan tomorrow… I’d face my bank account… tomorrow. I’d return that phone call… tomorrow.

“I’ll do it tomorrow” led to seventy extra pounds, a career I didn’t love, and an unfulfilling love life.

Long story short? All those “tomorrows” had added up.

To break the cycle, I had two options:

Stop lying to myself and telling myself I would do things that I KNEW I wouldn’t.

OR …

Do the things.

I chose to do both. So I started a calendar. Not for grocery shopping and cleaning the house, but for my most audacious goals.

I broke each goal down into individual tasks, scheduled them into my calendar, and then - here’s the really crazy part - did them when I said I would. Gasp!

The commitments in my calendar were as good as gold. And guess what? One by one, my dreams came true - and I’m just getting started.

What if you started a calendar of dreams, Laura? What if you actually stuck to it? What if your word - to yourself - was truly as good as gold?

I can’t think of a better place to start than by investing in your own exquisite self-care plan - a Royal Treatment Plan, if you will. My 5-day online workshop, The Royal Treatment, will teach you how to move through the world as a Queen. And it’s yours for $37 (or free, if you’re a member of the School of Self-Image).

A Queen never lets herself down. Her word to herself is as good as gold. You can be that, Laura. Let’s go there together.

The Royal Treatment starts in less than 2 weeks. Don’t miss it!


Let Your Word to Yourself Be as Good as Gold.

My daughter is the most important person in the world to me. I would never make a promise to her unless I knew for sure I could make it happen.

In fact, I rarely break my promises to anyone, so why did I repeatedly do that to myself - for decades?

Simply because I believed, “I am a woman who breaks promises to herself.”

No more. Let’s be women who honor our commitments. Let’s be women who honor ourselves.

If you want to stop letting yourself down, don’t make promises you have no plans to keep. It’s better to make no promises at all.

On the other hand, when you’ve carefully considered what you want to do and you’re sure you’re ready to commit to it, consider that promise a signed contract with yourself. When you do, the shifts in your life will be extraordinary. That’s my promise to you.

Thinking Different

with Carie Mercier Lafond

“I am enjoying embracing my Queen energy. Living like a Queen requires that I think with purpose and that I pay attention to what I allow in my mental, physical, and spiritual space.

I am the one who decides that I am worth it and in charge. I choose to wear my hair in its natural state, even in the face of opposition from my mum and others. And I choose to be dressed in clothes that make me feel amazing.

When I found this blouse I had to buy it. It says ‘Think Different.’ A reminder to focus on my own way of seeing life and curating my thoughts.”

A Cape That’s Got Your Back

As a woman whose word is as good as gold, you’re practicing having your own back - like being your own best friend. I think your wardrobe can be like a bestie, too. You’ve got those pieces that never let you down.

A cape is one of those for me. It’s practically impossible to feel unpolished in a cape. They give you a sense of invincibility, like “I can (and will) accomplish whatever I set my mind to.” It’s no wonder royals have historically worn capes during their coronation ceremonies.

Here’s a classic version from Burberry which I’m loving right now.


The Crown Jewels of Queen Energy

In today’s episode, we cover the 3 essential things you must start doing to be a Queen in your own life. It’s an incredibly empowering approach, and I’m excited to share it with you!

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A weekly digital magazine by the School of Self-Image