Shrinking. Hiding. Sneaking. Apologizing.
These words embody the way I used to move through the world.
Someone would bump into me, and I’d say “I’m so sorry.” TO THEM.
I’d take the seat that no one wanted.
I’d hide in the back of the room.
I’d erase myself out of the picture as much as possible.
I was living in low-maintenance mode, telling myself that I was “just” a sweet Southern woman who never asked for much because I didn’t need much.
But deep down, I wanted more for myself. Much more.
Today, I have gotten to a place where I hold my needs in the highest regard. I love to care for myself – not from a place of arrogance but because when I look in the mirror, I see a woman who matters.
And you matter too.
Prioritizing your own self-care is never easy. It requires courage to declare your worth to yourself and the world, which is exactly what this edition of The Edit is all about. It’s The Courageous Issue.
I know you have it in you to give yourself permission to be, do, and have everything you’ve ever wanted, and I’m here to help you every step of the way.
May I suggest my online workshop, The Royal Treatment, as your very next step? Over the course of 5 days, in just about one hour per day, I’ll show you how to start consistently taking exquisite care of yourself, as you learn to think and act in alignment with the Queen within.
It’s just $37 - or completely free if you’re a member of the School of Self-Image.
We start on Monday, which means doors are closing soon. I hope to see you inside!
A Queen takes up space.
Do you want a BIG life? As your fellow Queen, I have a feeling you do.
Well, a BIG life requires that you take up BIG space.
This means walking into the room with your shoulders back and head up.
It means not apologizing for something you didn’t do.
It’s asking for what you want.
It means inconveniencing others from time to time.
It means dressing to be seen - whether that’s a chic red lipstick or a brightly colored dress or a bold silhouette.
It may mean going LIVE on Instagram to tell the world about who you are and why you’re here.
What it will never mean is a smaller you. An apologetic you. A defeated you.
That BIG life you dream about? It’s right there in front of you. Take up all the space you need to make it your own.
Loving Yourself Fully
with Tracey Braxton-Beale
“I’ve been a member of SOSI since January 2022. At first, I did not think I mattered within this program or anywhere else. But, I’m realizing I do matter!
I recently took my first solo trip in 16 years. I went to the West Coast without my husband! (We typically do everything together.) I didn’t know what to do with myself at first but I figured it out real quick. It was the trip I really did not know I needed for such a long time. I sense a shift in how I treat myself.
As a person who didn’t see the point in ‘dressing up’ before going out, each time I head out now, I’m thinking intentionally about the way I look. The other day, I decided to put on some cute jewelry (which I never, ever do because usually I just don’t feel pretty enough) and even put a clip in my hair. I felt so good about myself (and my husband took notice and said I looked nice, like a summer goddess). But the thing is, I did it all for me!
Tonya gave us the suggestion to sit in front of a mirror and have a talk with ourselves. I woke up this morning and did just that! I thanked my body for getting me through my 52 years of living. I apologized for putting myself in harm's way, for going through negative experiences, and for seeking love outside of myself first. I told myself ‘I am open to loving myself fully (mistakes and all).’
I’m also grateful for the travel I’ve been able to do and the many firsts I’ve accomplished. Case in point, this fun photo shoot that I decided to gift myself with while visiting Portland. Remember to value your own self and make yourself a priority.”
Embrace Your Fears with The Royal Treatment
What’s really getting in the way of feeling your best every day? Usually, a lack of action stems from fear. Maybe it’s the fear of worrying about what others will think, or the fear of failing again.
When I look at the Queens in my own life, and so many Queens throughout history, the one trait they all share is courage. Courage doesn’t always feel good. It’s rarely comfortable - but you have to face that discomfort if you want anything that’s outside of your comfort zone (which is almost everything.)
In The Royal Treatment, I’ll help you find the grit and gumption to truly embody your Queen energy. Registration is open for a few more days. Will you join me?
// TheEDIT
A weekly digital magazine by the School of Self-Image