Why is such a simple word SO hard to say sometimes?
As for me, Tom, I’m a natural-born people pleaser. All my life, I’ve been saying “yes” when I meant no.
To avoid judgment
To get approval
To fit in
To gain social favor
To protect myself from harm
People-pleasing is in my nature but it’s not all bad. It can also be a very valuable skill.
Without that powerful drive to make my clients and my team happy, for instance, I never could have built a wildly successful business.
Client experience and customer service might be your superpower too if you love to please others.
But there is a fine line between pleasing others and sabotaging yourself. It’s great to want to make people happy but not at the cost of your own happiness and values.
YOU come first, no matter how counterintuitive that might feel (because the people-pleasing gene runs deep, my friend).
I used to think prioritizing my needs was selfish but now I realize it’s a way of honoring myself. It’s also an incredibly provocative act.
Because when you stop trying so hard to please the people around you, you will stir things up.
For one thing, prepare to provoke discomfort, both in yourself and others - especially with the people who are used to the old version of you.
But they will also start to see and treat you differently. More importantly, you’ll start to see and treat yourself differently - in all the best ways.
That’s why this edition of The Edit, The Provocative Issue, is all about inspiring you to make the provocative choice to place yourself at the FRONT of the line.
And you don’t have to stand up there alone, Tom. I’m here, along with the entire School of Self-Image community, to support your transformation into a woman who values her own perspective, above all others.
I’m thrilled to announce that the doors to the School of Self-Image are finally open again - where putting yourself first is our love language. Won’t you join me inside? We’re open for a limited time only.
It might just be the most provocative thing you ever do for yourself.
Permission to value your opinions - especially the provocative ones.
It’s easy to get swept up in the opinions of others, especially in our influencer culture.
We’re constantly bombarded with messages telling us how to eat, dress, act, live, and even think a certain way.
And while there is nothing wrong with looking outward for inspiration, no one’s perspective matters more than your OWN.
You get to decide who you are, what you think of yourself, what you think about the world, and what you believe. You get to build an original life that’s true to you.

In fact, I can’t think of anything more exciting and, dare I say, provocative than being the influencer of your own life. Defining your own style, regardless of trends. Sticking to your convictions, even when others disagree.
Your opinions are power. They are the magic that separates you from the crowd. They make you YOU, so hold them close.
In the School of Self-Image, you’ll find a community of provocateurs, just like you, ready to make waves and discover the power of your own perspectives.
And I cannot wait to be your guide.
You can join us today for $97, no commitment. Cancel anytime.
A Provocative Conversation
with Tracey Braxton-Beale
“I'm celebrating that last week I got a nice haircut, manicure, AND a mini-facial … because the ‘future me’ gives lavishly to herself, says yes to the things she wants, and doesn't knee-jerk ‘NO’ herself anymore.
But the REAL celebration is when my neighbor asked where I got my hair done. When I told her, she kinda stepped away, looked a little … shall we say … prim, and said ‘Ohhh, Fancy!’
It seemed judgmental.
Whether that was the intent or not, I know that MY thoughts about it are the main thing. And what started to come up was guilt and embarrassment. I wanted to justify, downplay it, and reassure her it ‘wasn't that expensive.’ I watched all of that stuff come up, stopped myself, and said, ‘Thank you! I love it.’ and smiled.
THIS is a huge shift and taking those actions last week along with the mindset work, visualizing, and living into my future self is what made it happen. I feel so proud of myself!”
Turn Up the Volume On Your Thoughts
What better way to block out the opinions of others and tune into your own extraordinary thoughts than with noise-canceling headphones?
This sleek set by Bose is the gold standard and one of my daily staples.
// TheEDIT
A weekly digital magazine by the School of Self-Image