Last year during a visit to my home state of North Carolina, I had a shocking revelation.

When it was time to leave, I just... couldn't.

A deep longing for the South took hold of me.

Its charm had once again enchanted me.

Sweet tea. Oak trees. Grits and collard greens. Dressing up for Sunday brunch. The "yes ma’ams" and "no sirs."

This came as a BIG surprise. When I left the South more than ten years ago, I was sure I’d never move back.

I was so ready to experience a new culture, geography, and way of life (and let me tell you… I have lived.)

I’m conversational in intimacy and wealth.

And I used to speak overwhelm really well - but I haven’t practiced it in so long, I’ve mostly forgotten how.

Did you know emotions are like languages?

The more you practice them, the more fluent you become… the more they become part of your identity, your character, your way of life.

Emotional fluency is the ability to easily and effortlessly generate any emotion you desire.

In this edition of The Edit - The Eloquent Issue - we’re going to practice some new languages.

Which emotion would you like to speak fluently? Be sure to tell me over on Instagram @tonyaleigh

But it turns out that the charm of the South had never left me, and now it is calling me back home. That charm is the inspiration for our upcoming live event - SOSI South, in none other than one of the most charming southern cities in the country, New Orleans, Louisiana.

Our theme is The Charmed Life. It’s the ultimate invitation to “I’ll have what she’s having.” Inner charm is where the true magic resides.

Come November, in the luxurious setting of a historic hotel, just steps away from the French Quarter, I’ll be showing our amazing attendees exactly how to bring more charm into your life.


More charm means more romantic dates, more wealth at your disposal, or anything else your heart desires.

Our guests will walk away from this magical 2.5 day experience with all the knowledge they need to turn charm into their secret ingredient for an extraordinary life.

Would you like an invitation?

Our Diamond members - those who have been with us for at least 2 years in the School of Self-Image - were offered early access, and the rest of our members were invited today.

If there are any tickets left once they’ve all RSVP’d, we’ll send you an invite. Be sure to watch your inbox over the next few days.


P.S. Welcome to The Charm Issue. It’s truly the key to turning your desires into reality with style and grace.

Charm is an attitude.

Growing up in the deep South, I was steeped in the “Emily Post” type of charm: manners, kindness, and pleasantries, but I’ve come to discover that those are only the most surface-level expressions of charm.

Real charm is a radiant presence, a head-turning confidence, and a playful curiosity that holds a room and makes people wonder, Who in the world is that?

It’s mysterious and magnetic, and here’s the best part: anyone can learn to be charming. Charm resides within all of us. It’s just a matter of connecting with yours.

The Life-Changing Power of Southern Charm

with Darnel Sheard Wenger

“I was born and raised in Florida and my family is from southern Georgia. One thing I learned is that no matter what, always be a lady with style and class. This embodies SOSI perfectly.

I’ve been working with Tonya since French Kiss life. Since we started working together, I’ve left an unhealthy relationship, lost about 20 pounds, and am almost debt-free. I’ve learned who I am as a woman, I’ve learned to love myself and to heal my heart.

I started writing a book and have entered a poem in a national contest. I began my journey to find a happy, fulfilling, and healthy relationship. I’ve made wonderful progress.

I’ve had the privilege to participate in the live events which are life-changing. So when SOSI South presented itself I was very excited at the opportunity. The South holds a charm all its own. To combine that with the amazing women of SOSI and the invaluable knowledge and experiences of the live event, it’s a given that I have to be included in the fun.”

Immerse Yourself in an Education on Charm


You cannot have charm without connection. A charming woman walks into a room of strangers with confidence and ease. She attracts people and opportunities like moths to a flame.

To be charming, you must learn how to powerfully connect with others, feel confident no matter who’s in the room, and captivate your audience of one or many.

Lessons I Learned from Being Raised in the South

I grew up in a trailer in a tiny, one-stoplight town in North Carolina but that did not stop me from absorbing the best of Southern charm.

Charm is not about wealth or status (though you can certainly use it to attract those things). Charm begins with kindness, gratitude, humility, and all the gracious inner qualities my mother instilled in me.

In this week’s podcast, I’ll talk about the lessons I learned from my Southern childhood, which have stuck with me through the years, and helped me build the life and business of my dreams.

// TheEDIT

A weekly digital magazine by the School of Self-Image