I have this sweet little routine every month – a “money date,” I call it. We all harbor our private little sentiments about money, right? Years ago, I decided to get intimate with my money instead of being afraid, running from and ignoring my finances, just hoping that it would all work out.
Here’s how the money date unfolds: every month, I carve out some time to glance over my income, spending, savings, and oh, those sneaky unexpected payments.
I also pause to sift through how I felt about money during the month. Did an unexpected bill make my heart race, or did I feel a soft glow making a purchase that was just so “me?” It’s like delving into a tender dialogue.
I take a gentle peek to see if my spending dances in rhythm with my goals and values. Did I indulge in something that brought a smile, or did I drift off the beaten path? It's like catching up with a dear friend and understanding each other’s whims.
I also use this time to reflect and adapt. Did an old money narrative tiptoe in? Like feeling I don't deserve that little luxury or worrying there's never enough to go around? I try to spot those fleeting thoughts, acknowledge them, and muse on how to tenderly adjust my outlook for the next month.
Sometimes, I’ll admit, money and I have our little tiffs, especially when things don’t go quite as envisaged. But hey, that’s what relationships are about, right?
Are you acquainted with your numbers, do you revel in your spending, and take moments to nurture your financial habits? Perhaps it’s time to have your own little “money date.”
Oh, and if you desire to delve deeper into this sweet rendezvous, waltz into my workshop called, The Money Garden. For my VIP friends, I’ve got a delightful Money Tracker awaiting you.
I’ve discovered this gentle routine has reshaped how I see and engage with money. It’s more of a dear friend now than a foe. And, just like with any treasured friend, our weekly heart-to-hearts are something I cherish.
With love,
P.S. Money listens. It hears what you think. Are you ready to count your money? Yes? You’re going to love The Money Garden.
Wooing Wealth: My Love Affair With Money
My relationship with money has been quite the rollercoaster ride. We started off as strangers, then moved into a rocky romance full of high highs and low lows. I'll admit, I didn't always treat money with the respect it deserved - I ignored its needs, took advantage of its generosity, and abused its trust.
Classic toxic relationship behavior.
But that all changed when I realized money and I needed some quality time together. Now every month, we have a standing date night, just the two of us.
I take money to a nice restaurant (maybe not the fanciest, but still respectable), we share a bottle of wine (or in money's case, some freshly minted coins), and really open up to each other.
I look at my numbers. Then, I look at my thoughts and feelings about the numbers.
I ask powerful questions like:
How can I grow my wealth?
How can I enjoy my wealth?
How can I share my wealth?
Since I started my money date over five years ago, I’ve watched my relationship with money transition into one of mutual respect, all while witnessing my wealth grow.
Mindful Spending & Abundance with Suz Podrasky
At the beginning of the year, I said my velvet rope this year will be around my finances.
Doing my taxes. Checking my credit card statements for expenses. So it’s a bit of a wake-up call… it’s a shock on the Starbucks, eating out, and clothing for my daughter and me this past year.
No shaming, and some were necessary upgrades… But, along with the velvet rope, I will be much more intentional with my money.
These are the plans I made:
- In May, all business expenses will go on the business card and get paid off consistently.
- Travel expenses are fine because travel is important to me.
- Day-to-day expenses will be checked more often and questioned if necessary (subscriptions, excess toiletries, etc.)
- Clothing will be only the quality items intentionally purchased that my future self would wear.
- I’ll get back to my budget app.
I traveled to Italy and Maine for art residencies this summer, NYC for a fun clothing pop-up, and I am more intentional with my money. My taxes were paid on time, and I still need to go back to my budgeting app, but I am happy with my money journey and can’t wait to see how it gets more and more abundant!
It feels much better to say, "Obtaining money is easy. I obtain money through my business. I obtain money by doing something that I love! There is an abundance of money in the world to obtain, etc." The difference in the energy of what I have been telling myself and these new words feels massive! I am now practicing these new thoughts and words instead of continuing to repeat the same terrible ideas I've told myself for years. How exciting!!! I love this work!
The Money Garden
A Virtual 5-Day Workshop
Where women go to grow into their wealthiest self & cultivate a life that feels rich in every sense of the word.
Happening October 23 – 27, 2023
The Elegant Budget
At first glance, the words “budget” and “elegance” feel worlds apart.
But, as we delve into the topic of finance, it becomes clear that budgeting – or, let’s call it money management – is a powerful tool in aligning your financial goals with the lifestyle you desire.
In this episode, I reveal the importance of developing a conscious relationship with your money and share how mindset plays a crucial role in financial fitness.
// TheEDIT
A weekly digital magazine by the School of Self-Image