Ever found yourself hiding a little splurge because of the "what will others think" monster? Oh, I’ve been there, leaving my lovely new purse in the closet, as if its mere existence might offend someone. But eventually, the dance between my desires and my wallet took a new turn.
I was that person who'd apologize when others bumped into me. Sounds familiar? This habit tiptoed into my spending too. Fear of judgment had me on a tight leash. But with time, I decided to change the music.
This isn’t about reckless splurging, but celebrating choices that resonate with us. It’s like giving a nod to our desires, letting them know they’re heard and they matter.
Building my own home was a hearty echo of this shift. The old me waited for a man to make this dream come true, thanks to the old-school world I grew up in. But then, why wait? I took the reins, saved up, and began building my nest with every dollar I had mindfully set aside. It felt empowering and liberating.
Why let the world dictate our spending, right? It’s not about flaunting, but feeling a quiet joy with our choices... feeling at home in our own lives.
Every dollar spent is like casting a vote for the life we wish to live... are your spending choices harmonizing with your heart?
Now as I see my home coming together, each nail, each beam, feels like a gentle high-five to self-love and courage.
It's not just a house; it's a sweet melody of celebrating my desires and breaking free from the fear of judgment. So here’s an invite to embrace unapologetic spending. When fear takes a backseat, our desires bloom.
Reflect on it... what does unapologetic spending unlock for you?
Till our next chat, may your decisions and your wallet align well, creating a balance that's uniquely yours.
Embracing Your Inherent Riches
What stops you from feeling wealthy? Most often, people search for wealth in the external – the bank account balance, the possessions.
And, while I love a beautiful pair of shoes or staying in a luxury hotel, I believe true wealth is an inside job.
A matter of understanding your values and making choices that align with them.
While society often focuses on wealth in monetary terms, the richness of life can’t be measured.
Real wealth lies within, waiting to be recognized.
Consider the richness of love and connection with family and friends.
Or, the value of knowledge and wisdom that can be shared with the world.
Time, too, is a precious treasure. How you spend your time – whether on personal growth or savoring life's moments – can lead to a sense of richness that transcends material things.
Your values are unique to you. And, embracing them is the first step on your path to feeling wealthy.
So, what’s stopping you from seeing yourself as wealthy?
Can you shift your focus to the inner wealth that has always been there?
Acknowledge it. Celebrate it.
If you do, I’m certain you’ll discover you’re already wealthy beyond measure.
Learning To Live A Life of Abundance & Luxury with Vicky Seus
Before, while my life wasn't quite the picture of fabulousness all the time, I was already a person of confidence and vision.
My home, though only about 30% complete in our renovations, held potential, waiting for me to bring it to life with my unique style.
I was aware that some major changes needed to be made regarding my financial habits. The allure of credit cards had led to impulsive spending and built up credit card debt. But, I didn't know how to change my thoughts and actions around my money mindset.
Even though the path ahead was uncertain, I joined The Worthy Woman course in November 2022.
The most noticeable change is that my home is now 95% complete, reflecting my personality and style perfectly. Although there are some finishing touches left, we've made the smart decision to save up before continuing, rather than accruing more credit card debt.
This is a significant victory. We have a working budget and are on track to be free of credit card debt by the end of next year. I am an active participant in the financial discussions and decisions for the life my husband and I are building together.
I have accomplished multiple zero spending month-long sprees – without feelings of lack. I now love shopping in my own closet first.
I have learned how to lead a life of abundance and luxury.
Unlocking Your Best Investment: You
If you've ever spoken to a financial planner, they'd likely recommend making an investment – setting aside a portion of your resources into an asset with the anticipation of reaping future rewards.
It's today's version of you taking deliberate steps to pave the way for your future self.
Sounds pretty smart, doesn't it?
Imagine the incredible dividends you'd enjoy by dedicating time to your personal growth. Not in a self-absorbed way, but in a way that empowers you to embrace the extraordinary woman you already are.
That's right, you're already her.
You don't have to wait until you land that dream job or shed the extra weight… You're her right now – and it's time you get to know her.
Within the School of Self-Image, we focus on elevating our self-image by intentionally choosing who we want to be.
When we embrace that self-image and take daily steps to live into it, remarkable things happen.
I invite you to make that investment in yourself – in your future – by joining me and other like-minded women in the School of Self-Imagine.
I’m confident you’ll see a remarkable return on your investment.
How to Enjoy Your Money
Did you ever stop to consider that you’re in a relationship with money?
It’s true. Each one of us is engaged in a long-term connection with our finances.
And, like any relationship – it can be a cause of stress and anxiety or a source of ease and joy.
In this week’s podcast, I share the keys to developing a quality relationship with money and how you can start to enjoy your money today.
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A weekly digital magazine by the School of Self-Image