For years, around the holidays, I'd begin feeling a deep heaviness of regret.

All that new year, new you energy from the previous year had fizzled. And, I would find myself looking back at all the things I wish I’d done but never accomplished.

Health, finances, career, relationships – all of those dreams remained unrealized.

I know I’m not alone. Many of us have deep desires within us but it feels like life and – if we’re honest – our own actions keep getting in the way.

Well, I have the antidote. It’s not sexy but it is very sophisticated.

And, once I began to implement this one thing, everything fell into place. 

What is it? Planning.

It’s like organizing your closet. Initially, there's time spent curating what stays and what goes, selecting new additions to bring in, and strategizing outfit combinations.

But, once your wardrobe is set up, daily styling decisions are effortless.

When it comes to a new year, I start my planning process with deep introspection. 

Want to see what it looks like?

Our community manager, Laura, and I are leading the School of Self-Image members through this powerful process tomorrow, December 7 at 4PM PT / 7PM ET.

It’s not too late to join. 

If you want to wrap up this year powerfully and start your new year with momentum, you do not want to miss this.

Let’s get you set up for an extraordinary year!

With excitement,

Don’t Edit Your Dreams

When was the last time you allowed yourself to dream about your future without restriction?

Many of us confine our dreams within the limits of our past – restricting our minds to the familiar edges of what we’ve done before.

Let’s say you’ve never made more than $75K a year. Without embracing expansive thinking, you might limit your future aspirations to match that existing reality.

Now, imagine the deep desires that may be ignored with this type of thinking – a larger home, travel, or maybe a new career.

This is why expansive thinking is crucial for elevating your self-image and creating the life you desire.

Give yourself permission to entertain wild, expansive possibilities. Allow your imagination to explore all of the potential paths for your future – don’t edit your thoughts based on your past or present. And, don’t allow the “how” to limit you either.

Remember, you may have to pivot or change your approach but you would not have been given a dream that you couldn’t create.

Dream big. Your extraordinary future awaits.

Traveling in Style & Elegance with Liisa Lovejoy

I love traveling with all of the changes I’ve made as a member of the School of Self-Image. My vacations and travel experiences are dynamically different from what they were in the past.

Before, I would take a couple of large suitcases, hoping the clothes I literally threw in without thought or coordination would magically “make me feel good about myself”... that never worked.

Now, I carefully select a capsule wardrobe of intentional outfits that make me feel incredible and match my Future Self style!

I also look for learning experiences I would have previously shied away from.

For example, I wanted coffee on an Italian train but didn’t know where to find the machine or how it worked.

Before, I would have passed on the coffee. Instead, I sought out the machine, was selective in what I chose, and figured out how to use it. It was just me, the machine, and my fun in learning. I wasn’t self-conscious and didn’t care if anyone was watching as I would have before.

I am choosing where I want to go and have significantly elevated where I want to stay –  Queen-level hotel adventures do not have to cost a King’s ransom.

Overall, I travel as the fabulous Future Self I envisioned and brought to life when I joined the School of Self-Image in October 2020!

When I was doing the work, deep down, I believed she would never evolve as she was so different.

But I stepped into her way of being with each month's topic, and voila, I am her – and was her all along – I was just hiding her away!


The School of Self-Image

We’re focused on planning for an extraordinary year ahead within the School of Self-Image this month.

From our monthly class and coaching calls on How to Make Belief to our in-depth Your Extraordinary Year Workshop (it’s being held tomorrow December 7 at 4PM PT / 7PM ET) – we are envisioning and planning to ensure a remarkable 2024.

If you could use support in setting yourself up for a powerful year ahead, there’s truly no better time to join us.

Enrollment is now open for the School of Self-Image. However, doors will close for the final time in 2023 on December 7 at 11:59PM ET.

Join us now and start preparing for your most extraordinary year ever!

Planning vs. Wishing

Wishing is where your dreams are created. But planning is where your dreams come to life.

In this week’s episode, I explore the role planning plays in crafting an extraordinary life. Plus, I share personal insights on how shifting from a wishful mindset to that of a planner transformed my life and gave me my dreams.

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A weekly digital magazine by the School of Self-Image