Friends, welcome to 2024!
I don’t know about you, but I am so glad to see a new year, create new levels and new looks, and step into a new character.
Let’s talk about that last one. We are all playing characters in life – mom, business owner, teacher, nurse, friend, sister, wife, etc.
Almost all of us have adjectives attached to those characters. Sometimes, the adjective is negative – busy mom, burnt-out nurse, underappreciated friend. Sometimes, it’s positive – loving sister, confident business owner, fun wife.

This is usually the default character we effortlessly embody because she’s so familiar to us. But, we end up not being happy with the results of what this character creates.
This is exactly why I created the Live Like an Editor workshop, where you choose your character for the year. You start with one word and build from there.
I like to think about it like this – your life is a magazine, and you are the editor.
What do you want your life to be about? Who do you want to become this year?
Last year, my character was “energized,” and I ended 2023 with increased energy levels. Plus, my stress levels were at a low (can I get a hallelujah?).
It’s because of this workshop that I was able to create these results.
Live Like an Editor is our most beloved workshop of the year, with thousands of women having gone through the unique and powerful process. And it starts next week.
In addition to walking you through the 5-step Live Like an Editor process, I’m sharing my 2024 character, why I chose it, and how I’m up-leveling my life to support her.
Are you ready to break free from your default character and write a role that makes you come alive?
Become the author of your own story – enroll in the Live Like an Editor workshop for $37.
With love,
Writing Your Story
Life is defined by the stories we tell ourselves. Each chapter, twist, and turn contributes to the narrative shaping your identity.

I’ve discovered that to create an extraordinary life, you must not only rewrite the story of your past but also intentionally craft the story of your future.
Past experiences, both good and bad, play a pivotal role in shaping who you are. However, how you interpret and frame those experiences can significantly impact your present and future.
Instead of viewing challenges as setbacks, consider reframing them as valuable lessons that have created your resilience and strength.
By telling the story of your past in a supportive way, you empower yourself to break free from negativity and reclaim control over your life’s narrative.
Looking ahead is also crucial. In the School of Self-Image, we focus on the future you – the woman who already has the life you desire.
Crafting a vivid image of your future self – from her habits and values to her style and surroundings is imperative. Intentionally writing the story of who you are becoming helps you to take the necessary steps toward the life you deeply desire.
Remember that you are the author of your story.
Reframe your past with kindness and resilience, and let your future self guide you toward creating the life of your dreams.
A Love Letter to Myself with Chris Noetzel
Dear Me,
It was an amazing year, wasn't it? You changed and grew and learned so much about yourself. You fell in love with your life again! Wasn't it wonderful to meet so many School of Self-Image sisters and have so many new experiences with them? Isn't it soul-enriching to have so many new friendships? You finally have your tribe!
This year, you got found and then lost again, but not as lost as before. You are discovering who you are. You lived out your mantra from before you moved: "I am healthy and joyful and at peace, whether
I am with others or alone. I am embracing change." You did it! You did that! You were a success!
You put yourself first (at least some of the time) for the first time, and it felt so good, didn't it?
In wrapping up this year, you know what you need to do, and you are committed to showing up for yourself in 2024. You know yourself so much better now.
You have SO got this!
I love you,
Current Me
Thank you, Tonya Leigh, for helping me reframe my 2023 into something beautiful and helping me lean into the successes instead of the failures.
The Your Extraordinary Year Workshop and activities have been so nourishing and refreshing to my soul.
I am on my way. Here's to an amazing 2024!
Note: During our recent Your Extraordinary Year Workshop within the School of Self-Image, members wrote a love letter to themselves to acknowledge and release 2023 before stepping into the new year. Click here to learn more about the School of Self-Image and be the first to know when doors open for enrollment.
Create Your New Character With the Live Like an Editor Workshop
Instead of waiting until “someday” to create what you want – or staying stuck in the cycle of overhauling everything, burning out, and returning to square one – what if you could design your most extraordinary life and start living it?
In next week’s Live Like an Editor workshop (January 8 - January 12),
you’ll learn to see your life as your personal publication to edit, shape, and curate.
Over five delicious days together, you’ll:
- Define your theme for 2024
- Curate an environment that supports your dream life
- Uplevel your style and communication
- Write your powerful life headlines for the year
- Practice living as the Future You in small but powerful ways
Join Live Like an Editor, master the art of editing, and discover the future you.
Better yet? Experience what it feels like to become her.
(Replays will be available)
* Note: Attendance is complimentary for members of the School of Self-Image. Invitation emails will be sent.
The New Character I’m Crafting
There’s an often-repeated quote that says, “If you always do what you’ve always done, you always get what you’ve always gotten.”
I’m continuously upleveling my life, so I must constantly uplevel my self-image. One way I do that is by creating a new character for my life’s story.
In today’s podcast, learn why crafting a new character is essential for achieving your goals. Plus, I’m sharing more about the new character I’m crafting for 2024.
// TheEDIT
A weekly digital magazine by the School of Self-Image