What in the world? Today is my birthday.
I am ecstatic about my next year around the sun. And part of my birthday celebration always consists of a lot of reflection. This year, I’m thinking about my habits.
Last week, I noticed something concerning. I was like a robot when I woke up.
Here’s what it looked like:
- Wake Up
- Grab my phone and turn on music
- Get out of bed and put on robe
- Walk to the kitchen and crank up the Jura (hello, coffee!)
- Wait for coffee
- Open my laptop
- Check Slack
- Get to work
This is my morning most days of the week.
This isn’t necessarily a bad morning routine, but I questioned: is this morning routine setting me up for an extraordinary day?
The answer is no.
Our habits are doing a couple of things.
First, they are creating our lives. Yes, those little things you do (like brushing your teeth or grabbing chocolate at night) shape your life experience.
Secondly, our habits are a feedback loop for our self-image. Think you’re messy? You probably have a habit of taking off your clothes and throwing them on the floor of your closet.
That’s what I did, and I realized that there are five habits I want to (re)cultivate this year. Yes, I used to do some of these things religiously, and I’ve been missing them.
I’m spilling the beans on today’s episode, so click here to listen.
With love,
Break Free From Your Defaults
We all have defaults – well-worn paths that define our daily lives.
Your default may be to argue or overeat. It may be to lose yourself in your work or to exercise each morning. Your default might be to find the positive in any situation.
Whatever your defaults, they’re confirming your self-image.
In many cases, your defaults are rooted in your past. They’re based on things that have happened to shape your current thoughts and beliefs.
These defaults are familiar and comfortable, so if you aren’t mindful, you’ll keep coming back to them again and again.
Consider a default where you tend to argue. Your thoughts and beliefs may be, “I must prove my point,” or “Being wrong diminishes my value.”
If this is a default you want to change, your thoughts and beliefs must evolve first.
How might your default be different if you thought, “I choose understanding over winning,” or “My self-worth is not tied to being right?”
In order to live the life you envision, your defaults must support the woman you desire to be. When your thoughts and beliefs align with your aspirations, your defaults naturally follow.
My 12 Habits with Emma Cooper
My Extraordinary Goal is to meet my soulmate - I've not dated for so many years, and I know I've become stuck in a self-image of being forever single, with thoughts of “How on earth can I change things after so long?”
I listened to the 12 Habits class last night, and it was so inspiring!
I've chosen my Word of the Year - LOVE - love of myself, love of others, love of life, love of God.
It feels so right for the energy I want to be in and be guided by - and from that, I've listed 12 Habits I want to cultivate this year.
- 10/15 minutes of stretching each morning
- Online dating - commit to 2 dates per week
- Limit digital/screen time to a maximum of 1-1/2 hours per day
- Follow a daily Bible plan
- Walk a minimum of 10,000 steps per day
- Add one thing to my home each week that brings me joy (e.g., fresh flowers, a lovely candle)
- Weight training and/or gym class 3 times a week
- Plan/buy/prep my meals for the week ahead each weekend
- Work from a new location (e.g., hotel) a minimum of once a week
- Drink a minimum of 2 liters of water per day
- Listen to a podcast/class/audiobook each day on the walk to work
- Join a new group/activity (e.g., singing group) and commit to going each week
It feels so good to have this focus - it's so tempting to want to start doing all of this straight away, but I'll follow Tonya's advice and take it one step at a time!
(Note: 12 Habits is one of the 60+ classes available to the School of Self-Image members. Join now and learn how to create the essential habits for achieving your Extraordinary Goal for 2024.)
Elevate Your Habits (& your Life) With the School of Self-Image
If you want to refresh your habits for 2024 – and beyond – join us inside the School of Self-Image. Enrollment is open right now.
Through the foundational Self-Image Method, you’ll elevate every area of your life – including your habits.
Plus, you get instant access to an extensive library of over 60 classes, including 12 Habits and Self-Image Habits. These courses walk you through assessing your current habits, creating new ones, and establishing daily practices that align with your aspirations.
There are also monthly self-image classes, coaching calls, and interactive Q&A sessions to help you take your work to the next level – no matter what you want to create in your life.
Enroll now and make upleveling your self-image one of your new 2024 habits – you’ll be blown away by the results.
5 Habits I Want to Create This Year
Do you have a habit (or two) that you know isn’t serving you? I can relate.
It’s easy to let good habits slip up while unsupportive habits quietly take root. Recently, I noticed this happening in my own life. That realization prompted me to share the 5 five habits I want to create in my own life this year, plus my plan for turning them into a reality.
// TheEDIT
A weekly digital magazine by the School of Self-Image