Have you ever been faced with a decision and logic told you to go one way, and your gut told you to go another?
I have found myself in this predicament many times. And, time after time, when I ignore that deep knowing, I regret it.
There’s a Japanese phrase called “haragei,” which translates into “the art of the stomach.” It’s about learning to listen to that gut feeling, that inner knowing, that place beyond words.
There’s a wisdom that resides in each of us that I call “my inner concierge.” She’s always trying to take care of me – get me VIP tickets, which I deeply want.
I’ve been known to override her, but she’s always trying to get my attention – a pit in my stomach, a shiver down my spine, chill bumps down my arms, a random sign. And, in extreme cases, she gives me a good rash on my neck to remind me that she’s trying to deliver a message.
In other words, she speaks to me through my body and occasionally with outside measures.
So, you can imagine the chaos during certain periods of my life where I’ve ignored my body’s wisdom and lived in my head – hello, overthinking!
While mindful thinking is vital to any self-image journey, staying attuned to the body's innate wisdom is also essential. She’s often your best guide.
With Love,
Life as an Experiment
Some days, journaling comes easily; on others, you might find yourself staring at a blank page for an eternity.
If you’re looking to get unstuck or want to tune into a different part of yourself, try embodied journaling. This type of writing brings movements or mindfulness of the body into the journaling process.
Rooted in the mind-body connection, it emphasizes how the two parts of ourselves are interconnected and is a unique way to unlock new self-awareness.
Here’s a quick guide to getting started:
- Choose Your Medium: select a journaling medium that suits your preferences – written, artistic expression, or a combination.
- Create a Safe Space: find a quiet and comfortable environment free of distractions.
- Set an Intention: establish a clear purpose – exploring a specific emotion, gaining clarity on a situation, or promoting self-care.
- Combine Movement & Reflection: incorporate gentle movements, breathwork, or other physical activities alongside your journaling. Allow your body to express itself and observe the sensations or emotions that arise.
Empowered by Concictency with Siri Andreassen
I’ve been running since 2011 and began running ultra marathons in 2017. One thing that I’ve struggled with is a consistent strength training program.
As the years go by, I know how important it is to maintain bone density and lean body mass. I’ve just not been able to be consistent.
For 3.5 years, I was in a relationship that didn’t serve me, and it took a lot of my mental energy to try to “fit in” to his life and the running community. One day, I woke up and said, “No more.”
I joined a program that provides monthly strength training programming, and I haven’t looked back. (Side note: I also joined the School of Self-Image!)
In 2023, I ran my second 100 miler, and I’m back to deadlifting more than my body weight (I could do that about 10 years ago). I’m consistent, like know-everyone-at-the-gym consistent, and my body is changing in ways that I love.
What our bodies can do is much more important than the number on the scale.
I only weigh myself to know the number relative to what I’m lifting.
I’m so proud of how I’ve shown up for myself. I also ended my relationship, which has been difficult. But getting stronger and staying consistent has been so helpful.
Rediscover Yourself at the School of Self-Image
I’ve heard from many women who, after years of caring for others, striving in their careers, or simply trying to keep up with life, look in the mirror and no longer recognize the woman staring back.
If you can relate, you might be tempted to feel shame or regret.
Or you may try to punish yourself in an attempt to get back to that earlier version of you.
What a disservice this would be to the woman you are today. The woman you see in the mirror deserves enormous respect.
- The woman who is hard-working, caring, and resilient
- The woman who has weathered adversity and change
- The woman who has been there for others in profound and life-changing ways
The woman you are today does not need fixing. She is not broken. And she is more worthy than you could ever imagine.
The woman you are today is perfectly poised to create the next chapter of her life.
She’s not only the key to helping you to get everything you want, but you cannot do this without her.
Join the School of Self-Image and start working with yourself to create the life you desire.
// TheEDIT
A weekly digital magazine by the School of Self-Image