Happy Valentine’s Day, my friend! 

Instead of sending you roses, I’d like to gift you something else: you letting the world really see you.

I’ve coached many women around this topic (and I know these thoughts all too well, myself):

“I don’t like the spotlight.”
“It’s not safe to be seen,”
“People will judge me.”

But what’s the alternative? To hide, diminish, and play the supporting role forever?

Record the video. Take the picture. Express your opinion. Get on stage. Dance like no one’s watching.

If you’re reading this, I know you didn’t come here to sit on the sidelines.

Get on the field and let them watch you play your game.

The world needs your unique light, authenticity, and unapologetic presence. Embrace the spotlight – not as a burden but as a celebration of the incredible person you are.

In a world that often encourages conformity and fitting in, your individuality is a gift.

With love,

Facing Your Worst "Being Seen" Fear

We all harbor insecurities, anxieties, and self-doubt. Often, they show up in whispers like "I'm not enough" or "What if they don’t like me?"

Facing the fear of being seen head-on is a transformative act of courage and self-love.

Our worst "being seen" fear often reflects our innermost vulnerabilities. It might be the fear of judgment, rejection, or not meeting societal expectations. However, the alternative – concealing your true self – only perpetuates a life lived in the shadows.

To break free from this self-imposed confinement, you must acknowledge that being seen is not a threat but a liberation. It's about embracing your imperfections, scars, and unique quirks. 

In facing this fear, think about the best-case scenario that could result from being seen. Envision the positive connections, understanding, and acceptance that may unfold. 

When you allow yourself to be seen authentically, you pave the way for genuine connections and self-discovery and open the door to the beautiful possibilities that arise from embracing your true self.

Stepping Into the Spotlight

with Alison Book

I stay hidden in so many ways in my life. I never take selfies. I never post pictures online. For more than 15 years, I have wanted to write, start a blog, and do other creative things that go out into the world, but I have kept myself hidden, stuck, and small out of fear of being seen. Posting this may seem minor, but it's huge for me.

This was my first post in the School of Self-Image Facebook group, and six months later, I was asked to be featured in this newsletter. Talk about stepping into the spotlight and facing my fear of being seen! 

A year ago, there’s no way I would have said yes. But I did it precisely because it was so far out of my comfort zone. I have become a woman who takes risks, does hard things, and challenges herself daily.

The School of Self-Image has been transformational. My self-image has evolved in ways I never could have imagined. I am now a woman who faces her fears and takes action. I embrace my agency over my mindset, style, and surroundings and have upgraded all of these in countless ways. 

I see everything in life as happening for me, not to me. My inner self-talk has changed completely. It used to be utterly cruel, but now I am infinitely kinder to myself. I actually like myself! 

I give myself grace and compassion while encouraging myself to step up, be brave, and take steps daily toward my future self.

 This has been life-changing. I now enjoy my own company and my own beautiful life that was right there waiting for me all along. I feel worthy of joy and everything good life has to offer.

 While my fear of being seen is still a work in progress, I continue to challenge myself to step up, speak up, and let my light shine. I have become braver at having difficult conversations, finding my authentic voice, and allowing myself to be seen at work and in life.

I've come so far in the last year and can't wait to see where the next year takes me!

Riki Makeup Mirror 

The Riki Makeup Mirror isn’t your old-school makeup mirror of the past. Whether you’re getting camera-ready for a live call or putting on the basics for a day of leisurely hustling, this mirror is a go-to for the woman who is shining and being seen.

 Designed with adjustable LED lighting, it gives you control of the precision and detail you desire. Plus, it has a cool Bluetooth function, allowing you to capture the perfect selfie effortlessly.

The Fear of Being Seen

The fear of being seen is common for many people. But that doesn’t mean we must accept it as a permanent barrier.

In this episode, I explore the reasons behind this fear and why overcoming it is crucial to living a life fully expressed. I also share practical strategies to embrace visibility and step into the fullness of who you are.

// TheEDIT

A weekly digital magazine by the School of Self-Image