Hey, gorgeous soul!

Imagine this: You're rocking fierce leopard heels at Whole Foods (because why not?), casually cruising Aisle Four for tortilla chips (the good kind, obviously) when BAM!, a cart wheel collides with your fabulous footwear. (BTW, this is a true story from yours truly that occurred last week.)

The "old you" might apologize profusely, shoulders slumped, feeling like you caused the sun to set early. But the NEW you?

The NEW you straightens her crown (figuratively, or literally if you're rocking one!), and with a confident, "Excuse you!" glides past, head held high (and chips secured).

Because here's the truth: we spend WAY too much time apologizing for things that are NOT our fault – shrinking ourselves to avoid conflict and dimming our shine to appease others. 

But it's time to speak up for self-respect! It's time to take a stand for your space, your time, and your worth.

So ditch the unnecessary “I’m sorrys,” unleash your inner leopard (minus the accidental cart wheeling!), and remember:

  • You are worthy of taking up space.
  • Your voice matters.
  • Respect starts with you.

Now go out there and strut your stuff, beautiful! The world needs your unique light (and killer shoes)!  ✨

With fierce love and support,

Is This Really Your Fault?

The ingrained habit of apologizing or taking blame for things beyond our control is very common. This tendency stems from a variety of factors, including cultural norms that emphasize politeness, tendencies toward people-pleasing, or even struggles with self-image.

However, breaking free from this automatic “I'm sorry” reflex is crucial. 

The next time you feel the urge to apologize, pause and honestly assess the situation: "Is this really my fault?" If not, resist the impulse to apologize unnecessarily.

Here's the thing: reserving sincere apologies for situations where you genuinely played a part empowers you. Owning your responsibility when it's warranted encourages genuine connection and integrity in your interactions.

Remember, your “sorrys” hold power – use them wisely!

From My Bookshelf

If you’ve ever struggled to step into your own power, this book, Power: A Woman's Guide to Living and Leading Without Apology, is a must-read. 

Renowned leadership coach Kemi Nekvapil presents a transformative path for women to reclaim power from within – breaking free from people-pleasing, aligning with your values, and harnessing your inherent strength as a force for good.

What Are You Apologizing For?

How often do you apologize for something that isn’t your fault? Or, say “I’m sorry” without even realizing it?

In this week’s podcast, I’m sharing the reasons behind our ingrained habit of apologizing unnecessarily. Plus, I’ll share the surprising truths about “sorry” and its impact on your self-worth and sense of empowerment.

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A weekly digital magazine by the School of Self-Image