You know that feeling when you're on a roll, crushing your goals, and feeling like nothing can stop you? That was me, hitting the gym hard and loving every minute.

And then, BAM! Sickness struck like a bolt from the blue.

After three days of coughing, sniffling, and binge-watching Netflix, I was officially on the mend. But even though my body was recovering, my mind was still stuck in sick mode.

The thought of returning to the gym filled me with dread. It was like my motivation had packed up and gone on vacation without me.

Inertia states that an object at rest tends to stay at rest, while an object in motion tends to stay in motion.

I knew I had to make a choice: stay stuck by fighting with where I was and spinning into frustration, or relax and take one small step to get moving.

I got up and started small – a short walk around the block. The fresh air and movement felt like a breath of life, awakening the vibrant Tonya within.

The next day, I did a gentle yoga flow in my living room. And the day after that, I returned to the gym for a light session.

- the Tonya who prioritized her health, who showed up for herself, who refused to let a little setback keep her down.

So, if you ever find yourself stuck, remember this: you have the power to reclaim your momentum, one tiny action at a time.


Tune in to Your Thoughts

Have you ever been so zoned out in the car that you barely noticed the radio playing? Until… your favorite song comes on. Those opening notes hit, and suddenly, you’re singing along at full blast.

 Too often, we let familiar mental tracks play like background noise  the same old tunes of scarcity, doubt, and limits. But when you pop an uplifting thought onto the playlist, it shakes things up.

Pay attention to what’s playing in your mind. Notice when negative narratives have you stuck in a funk, and then switch the station!

Scan for a new thought that amps up your confidence. An abundant mindset that opens up new possibilities. An upbeat perspective that kicks you into high gear.

You don’t have to settle for the same thought playlist on repeat. Tune into thoughts that turn you on and light you up. And make those the soundtrack of your life.

Unlock Your
Unstoppable Self

Do you feel caught in a neverending loop of ho-hum days?

 The same places. The same people. The same thoughts.

If that relentless cycle of stuck sounds all too familiar, it’s time to get off the hamster wheel once and for all.

The School of Self-Image's annual membership is your path to breaking free from a life lived on repeat.

Imagine waking up each day with unwavering confidence, a clear vision for your future, and the tools to make it a reality.

When you go all-in as an annual member, you not only get access to all of the amazing content within the membership, but you’ll also unlock these life-changing exclusives:

  • The Slim Self-Image: Drop the diet mentality and experience liberating, lasting weight loss without deprivation. (We’re running this live very soon!)

  • Charm the Room: Become a magnetic presence who captivates any room without fear or self-doubt. Bid farewell to social anxiety and step into your charismatic power.

  • The Wealthy Woman: Shatter your scarcity mindset and unlock real, lasting wealth. Prosperity and abundance await when you break the cycle of lack.

  • VIP Virtual Cocktail Parties: Join our exclusive community for behind-the-scenes access and after-hours conversations about living life on your own terms.

Plus, when you commit to an annual membership, you'll save big with 12 months for the price of 10.

Don't let another day go by feeling stuck or unfulfilled.

Invest in yourself and your future by joining as an annual member today. (Of course, you can still join us month-to-month if you want to dip your toes first.)

How to Get Unstuck

Getting stuck happens to everyone. Maybe you're trapped in a dead-end job, a stagnant relationship, or an endless loop of stale routines. Whatever your version of “stuck” is, it can be a frustrating and disheartening place to be.

In today’s podcast episode, I share my strategies for getting unstuck. From conquering fear and quieting overthinking to cultivating positive habits that stick, this episode is packed with actionable steps to help you break free and start thriving.

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A weekly digital magazine by the School of Self-Image