So, I’m getting ready for the day, casually sliding into a pair of pants I haven't worn in a while. And let’s just say they’re giving me a little more squeeze than usual. Cue the dramatic music, right?

Old me would’ve freaked out faster than you can say “size zero.” I mean, pant size was practically my North Star, guiding my every move.

But guess what? New me isn’t having it.

Sure, the scale might throw out some wild numbers, and my pants might be playing a little game of tug-of-war, but you know what? I’m feeling fantastic!

Because here’s the thing: I’ve ditched the old metrics of success. No longer am I letting a number dictate how I feel about this amazing body of mine.

Instead, I’m tuning into how I feel—physically, emotionally, spiritually. And let me tell you, it’s like I’ve unlocked a whole new level of vitality.

I’ve got more energy than a Duracell bunny on espresso. I’m feeling more alive than ever, ready to take on whatever the world throws my way.

So, to all those tight pants and wonky scales, I’ve got one thing to say: thanks for the reminder, but I’m rewriting the rules.

Are you ready to rewrite your own rules and shed what’s really weighing you down?

You do not want to miss my upcoming free webinar, The Slim Secret. I’ll share the ONE thing I changed that allowed me to finally lose weight for good.

You coming?

The Slim Secret

Thursday, May 9, 2024


(Replay available)

Yes, sign me up for The Slim Secret.

With love,

The Power of Positive Focus

What you focus on grows. This simple yet profound truth can transform your life.

Directing your attention towards positive, expansive goals creates a fertile ground for growth and success. Instead of fixating on restrictive results like losing weight, focus on becoming the healthiest version of yourself.

By aligning your language and energy with your desired outcomes, you unlock the potential for lasting change. Remember, every thought, word, and action carries energy. Focus on what inspires and uplifts you, and watch as your reality begins to reflect your empowering intentions.

The Slim Secret Webinar

Are you tired of the neverending weight loss struggle? Do you want to ditch the diets and restrictions for good?

Join me for The Slim Secret, a transformative 60-minute webinar that will change how you think about weight loss. You’ll:

✅Discover the #1 reason why shedding extra pounds has been challenging

✅Learn where to focus your energy for lasting results

Spoiler Alert: It’s not about restrictive diets, grueling workouts, or magic pills.

If you’re ready to get off the weight loss roller coaster and embrace a new approach to slimming your body and your life, The Slim Secret is for you.

The Slim Secret

Thursday, May 9, 2024


(Replay available)

Click the link below to reserve your spot now! Your body, mind, and spirit will thank you for taking this step towards a healthier, happier you.

Beyond the Scale

How do you define your body’s success? Is it solely based on the number on the scale or the size of your jeans? It’s time to break free from these limiting beliefs and embrace a more comprehensive approach to health and wellness.

In this episode, we’ll explore ways to measure your progress that go beyond the scale. I’ll share my personal journey of bidding farewell to diet culture and adopting a holistic perspective on health and happiness. Join me as we uncover the tools and mindset shifts you need to cultivate a positive relationship with your body and redefine success.

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A weekly digital magazine by the School of Self-Image