Weekly Elevations to Enhance Your Self-Image

REIMAGINE/ What’s Possible. EMBODY/ Extraordinary.

The Edit #100

The Edit #100

Life has a way of pulling us in a million directions, doesn’t it? Just the other day, I found myself juggling my daughter’s move, my parents’ visit, and a never-ending list of work tasks. Oh, and did I mention I’m moving soon?

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The Edit #99

The Edit #99

Ever had one of those days where everything clicks? Ideas flow like a faucet, projects hum along effortlessly, and you feel like you’re floating on a cloud of
joie de vivre?

That, my friend, is the Sweet Spot.

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The Edit #98

The Edit #98

Life throws us some curveballs, doesn’t it? Sometimes, it’s sunshine and Parisian pastries; other times, unexpected moments leave us questioning who we are. This week, I’ve been thinking about those plot twists that challenge our self-image.

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The Edit #97

The Edit #97

It starts with the sweet feeling of tiny fingers wrapping around yours, the frantic changing of diapers, and the constant worry over every sniffle and sneeze. Sleep becomes a luxury, replaced by a fierce love that fuels you through the exhaustion.

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The Edit #96

The Edit #96

Let me paint you a picture: Paris, a cozy café, and me, mesmerized by a group of effortlessly chic women enjoying pot de crème. I couldn’t help but feel intrigued yet puzzled. You see, I’d been on the dieting rollercoaster for what felt like forever, and it had taken...

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