My beau sent me a message the other day. It read: The brave may not live forever
but the cautious never live at all. It made me wonder where I’m being too cautious in my own life. Light bulb moment: I have been hiding my body. Rarely, do I ever post a pic of me in a bikini. And, when I do, it’s usually with a sarong on or from the top up. Of course, I understand why. I was raised to be modest. As a young girl, I wasn’t allowed to wear a swimsuit in front of boys. I had a lot of body shame growing up.

Then, there’s the judgement: she’s too skinny, fat, sexy, flabby, bold. We always seem to be too much of something.

But, I don’t want to hide any part of myself because . . .

Elegant women don’t hide. {Tweet this} 

(So, here I am posting a pic of me hanging off of a tree having a blast — string bikini, stretch marks and all.)

So, let me ask you:

Where are you being too cautious in your life?

I know how that feeling of fear can be so convincing that you don’t book the trip, call the person, sign up for the class, wear the sexy dress or get on stage.

The feeling of fear is real.

But, it’s just a feeling.

I always ask myself, “Am I willing to let a feeling steal my dreams?”

And yet . . . it’s hard to be brave.

It’s hard to put yourself out there and be ridiculed.
It’s hard to leave the corporate job that promises security.
It’s hard to leave a marriage that’s not working.
It’s hard to put the fork down when it tastes so good.
It’s hard to slow down when everyone is telling you to go faster.
It’s hard to speed up when you’re afraid of where you’re going.
It’s hard to move to a new city (or even country).

It’s hard, folks.

But, do you know what’s harder?


My favorite quote by Hafiz says, “Oh World, one regret that I’m determined not to have when I’m lying on thy death bed is that I did not kiss thee enough.”

School of Self-image is about seizing the moment, living with a grateful heart, treating your life as art, doing things that scare you, and doing it with passion & style.

Cultivating a beautiful life will not always feel like a cashmere sweater on a cool night. But, the discomfort you will face is so worth it.

Let me ask you:

Would you rather live a cautious life or a brave one? {tweet it}

So, courageous one, share one brave act you’re going to take this week in the comments below.

I just booked a trip to somewhere I’ve never been before. Can you guess where? Stay tuned to found out.

The Self-Image Manifesto

You’re Invited To Live An Extraordinary Life!

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