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Centered In Serenity
We've all heard about being "centered" or "grounded," but what does it really mean? You might think that it's a lofty idea that applies only to yogis or meditation gurus, but it's a skill that benefits everyone. It's easy to be swept up by the whirlwinds of everyday...

Recognizing Your Value
Over the years I’ve coached many women in the School of Self-Image who fail to recognize their value. I get it. There was a time in my life before I began my own journey of personal development when I didn’t recognize my own value. I thought my value was in being a...

Treasures From Our Past
In personal development, we often hear about “letting go of the past.” That’s because many of us view the past in a negative context for a myriad of reasons. However, there are also numerous treasures from our past that we can embrace. As we move through life, there...

Indulge Yourself
"Loving yourself isn't vanity. It's sanity." — Katrina Mayer When was the last time you felt recharged and peaceful? Amid the busyness and everyday stressors of life, it's sometimes hard to imagine the possibility of ever feeling revitalized again. As women, we tend...

Clearing Clutter to Create Abundance
Spring is the season for cleaning and clearing after what almost always feels like a too-long winter. We see spring as an opportunity to declutter our homes, perform a deep clean of every nook and cranny, and get rid of old clothes. However, it is equally important...