Isn’t it funny,
Deep down, we all want things.
Yet, when they try to make their way to us, we refuse them.
You want more opportunities, but when someone invites you to speak at their event, you say, “I’m not ready yet.”
You desire deeper connections, but when a friend suggests a weekly coffee date, you insist you’re “too busy.”
You crave financial abundance, but when a client wants to pay you more, you quickly explain why you “don’t deserve it.”
These moments of resistance - they’re not just about saying no to opportunities. They’re about saying no to what you truly want.
It’s time to get comfortable with receiving, knowing that as you do, all that goodness will flow through you and towards others.
Life really is a boomerang like that.
Merry Christmas! The next time you hear from me, we’ll be in a brand new year!
With love,
A Compelling Vision
Vision is not just a picture of what could be; it is an appeal to our better selves, a call to become something more.
~ Rosabeth Moss Kanter
Your vision shapes your reality. When you dare to imagine something greater, you begin moving toward it, even before you know the how.
This week, let your dreams be bigger than your doubts. Paint a picture of possibility that pulls you forward.
Remember: Where your vision leads, your life follows.

Sherpa Slippers
As we embrace the quiet moments of the season, these cloud-soft sherpa slippers are my daily reminder to receive comfort with grace. They’re not just slippers - they’re an elevated ritual, a moment of luxury, a gift to yourself.
Crafted with plush sherpa lining and a durable sole, they bring a touch of cozy elegance to your everyday routine. Perfect for those reflective morning moments or peaceful evening wind-downs.
My 2024 Gift to You
I spent my morning jotting down what I wish for every single one of you. There was a lot, but I drilled it down to one thing. Join me for this week’s intimate year-end episode, where I share the #1 thing I wish to give you this year.
Whether you’re celebrating the holidays or taking quiet time for yourself, I hope you enjoy my gift to you.
// TheEDIT
A weekly digital magazine by the School of Self-Image