I’m currently at my parents' house getting ready to celebrate Thanksgiving. We have the turkey ready to go into the oven, the adults are lounging around watching old movies, and I brought a good book to curl up with.
As I sit here, I am crazy grateful for this beautiful mess I call my life and everything and everyone in it.
I’m also extremely grateful for you. Each week, I’m honored that you allow me to show up in your inbox or your ear to share the wisdom I’ve been blessed to learn and use to elevate my everyday.

In the famous words of Snoop Dog, I want to thank me.
In fact, Snoop Dogg is the best at thanking himself. Check out this speech he gave when he received his star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.
“I want to thank me for believing in me. I want to thank me for doing all this hard work. I wanna thank me for having no days off. I wanna thank me for never quitting. I wanna thank me for always being a giver and trying to give more than I receive.
I wanna thank me for trying to do more right than wrong. I wanna thank me for being me at all times. Snoop Dogg, you a bad mother******.”
So, as we appreciate all the goodness in our lives today, don’t forget to thank yourself.
You have gotten yourself this far, and you’ll be the one to take yourself even further.
With love & deep gratitude,
Remembering to Thank Yourself
If thanking yourself feels challenging, you are not alone. As women, we often fall into the habit of being hard on ourselves.
We overlook our innate worth and downplay our achievements by attributing them to external factors. We’re convinced we should be further ahead, smarter, thinner, prettier, nicer (insert just about anything here) – constantly measuring ourselves against an elusive standard.
Acknowledging our beauty and greatness can feel unfamiliar. Or, in some cases, it might even be perceived as arrogant or prideful.
But here is a powerful truth:
And an integral part of this is embracing self-appreciation.
So, as you pause and express gratitude for everything in your life, take time to thank and celebrate yourself unapologetically. No exceptions.
Here are some prompts to guide you:
- I’m deeply grateful for (insert 3 qualities you possess).
- I’m proud of myself for (your biggest accomplishment this year).
- I forgive myself for (something you regret).
- I appreciate my ability to (insert your superpower here).
- I love my (insert your best physical attribute).
- I’m high-fiving myself for making it through (insert your biggest challenge).
- At this time next year, I will be thanking myself for (insert a deep desire).
Being truly grateful for yourself – not just when you get it right but also when you mess up – is what living with confidence, boldness, courage, and beauty looks like.
Shinning Bright with Laura Levesque
There was a time when running errands on a Saturday meant minimum effort in hair and makeup and little thought into what I would show up in the world wearing. Hello, sweats!
I wanted to shrink and blend in with others so I wouldn’t draw attention to myself.
Even with these actions, I always felt self-conscious and resentful for not letting me be the real me.

No more sweats and yoga pants for me when I leave the house unless I’m heading to a yoga class or some other fitness class. I’m working on having an elegant/classy look with a bit of an “edge” to keep things fun.
I know this elevated version of myself may make those who have known me for a while feel uncomfortable, but instead of dimming my light to make others comfortable, I’m pushing forward one baby step at a time!

Celebrating Your Extraordinary Holidays
Many of us enter the holiday season full of the best intentions – creating cherished memories, embracing the present moment, and showing up with boundless joy.
However, amidst the demands of daily life, the extra holiday commitments, and the weight of expectations, those intentions can fade, giving way to frustration, disappointment, and, occasionally, deep regrets.
But this year, your holiday season doesn’t need to follow this path.
With a well-crafted plan and an intentional mindset, you can gracefully navigate the holidays – however they look for you – and bask in the ease and joy you desire.
Join me for the party of the year – Your Extraordinary Holidays – and unlock the keys to a magical holiday season.
Self Gratitude
Are you used to being your own worst critic? If so, it may feel challenging to shift your focus and see yourself through the lens of gratitude.
But, acknowledging your achievements and thanking yourself are pivotal steps toward elevating your self-image and paving the way for an extraordinary life.
Join me in this episode as we explore the positive impacts of self-gratitude. I’ll also guide you through my powerful, three-step self-gratitude practice.
// TheEDIT
A weekly digital magazine by the School of Self-Image