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Creating Everyday Magic

Cultivating Everyday Magic: Simple Practices for More Beauty, Joy, and Wonder

In this episode, Tonya Leigh shares her beliefs about creating everyday magic. She discusses the upcoming event, SOSI South, which aims to help participants live a charmed life. Tonya believes that this kind of life is available to everyone with certain skills and shifts in mindset. She encourages listeners to attend the event and spend two and a half days focusing on their charmed life and learning how to create and experience it.

Show Details:

  • 02:24   Creating everyday magic
  • 17:30   Why not be outrageous
  • 38:44   Self-expression and soul
  • 42:32   Placing myself in new environments
  • 46:26   Slowing down and listening
  • 50:34   Deciding your intention in life
  • 54:07   Eight ingredients of a charmed life


Episode Transcript:

Do you long for more beauty, joy, and wonder in your everyday life? There is magic all around us if we just open our eyes to see it. And that's what we're talking about in today's episode. We're going to explore some simple practices for cultivating a sense of everyday magic. So let's dive in.

 Welcome to the School of Self-Image, where personal development meets style. Here's your hostess, Master Life Coach, Tonya Leigh.

Hello, my gorgeous friends. Today's episode is a little bit different because I am sharing a webinar that I just hosted on creating everyday magic. I hosted this webinar because I wanted to give people a taste of what SOSI South is going to be all about. SOSI South is our upcoming event that's going to be held November 2nd through the 4th in New Orleans. And the theme of the event is your charmed life. And when I think of a charmed life, I think of a magical life. I think of a life that is lived above the fray. And for some people, this kind of life may seem out of reach. In fact, you may look at other people and think, oh, their life is so charming, but it's not meant for someone like me. And I just don't believe that's true. 

I think this kind of life is available to everyone when you have certain skills, certain shifts, certain ways of being, certain ways of seeing yourself in the world. And that's exactly what we are going to be doing at SOSI South. And my team just informed me, I think we have, I think 12 seats left. And so if you want to step away from the everyday and spend two and a half days in the company of the most extraordinary women, focusing on your charmed life and how to create it, how to live it, how to experience it, then you want to be at this event. You can go to forward slash south and read all about it and listen to today's episode on creating everyday magic. Enjoy. So I want to share with you four ways to delight yourself and turn the ordinary into the extraordinary. 

You know, I talk about extraordinary a lot within the School of Self-Image because I believe that we are all extraordinary humans and an extraordinary life is available to all of us, but it's going to require that we begin to see ourselves differently. And as a result, see our lives differently, which is what we do within the School of Self-Image. And one of my favorite quotes is by Albert Einstein, where he says, there are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. And the other is as though everything is a miracle. And so I want you all to just think about that statement and you don't have to share. But how would you say, if you were being honest with yourself, how would you say you have been viewing your life as though nothing is a miracle or everything is a miracle? Because if we want to tap into everyday magic, we're going to have to start seeing ourselves as miraculous and our everyday lives as miracles happening every day, everywhere. So on a scale of zero to 10, how magical, Does your life feel right now? So zero is dull, uninspired, maybe boring. Average is maybe a five. 

 Fascinating. Enchanting. It's like an eight. And then 10 is magical. or 70s, 80s, 90s, let's go. Yes. Another fascinating opener is how can I? A lot of you are asking why can't I in a negative way? Why can't I lose weight? Why can't I figure this out? How can I figure this out? How can I live in Europe for a year? How can I make the rest of this year my best year ever? See the difference? What if, what if it all works out for me? What if it just keeps getting better and better? What if my best years are ahead of me? What if I have everything I've ever needed to create a life that I want? What if I am way more extraordinary than I've ever given myself credit for? It's way better, right? Why not? One of my favorite, favorite columns was by Diana Freeland in Harper's Bazaar. And she had a column, I think it was called, Why Not? And she would come up with these just outrageous things. 

 Like, why not drink champagne in a bubble bath in the middle of your living room? And it just calls you to be like, yeah, why don't I do that? Why don't I put a bathtub in the middle of my living room and run a bubble bath and drink champagne? She just calls you to think about things that your brain's like, oh, you can't do that. Why not? Why not you? You might be looking at someone right now and thinking, God, I wish I could have her life. Why can't you? Why not you? Why not? Travel the world. Why not love yourself madly? Why not learn a new language? Why not fall in love again and again and again? Why not? you become unwavering. 

 No matter what the economy's doing, no matter what your mom's saying, no matter what the scale says, no matter what the bank account says, no matter what your coworkers are saying or your sister or whatever, you are so committed. You see beyond it and you stay committed to it. And then one day you look around and you're like, Oh, it was within me the whole time. I am the magic. And so right now, I want you all to realize this. Your future is a blank slate. From this moment forward, it's blank. What are you going to fill it with? Because if you're not mindful, you're going to continue to fill it with persistent worry and doubt, a lot of procrastination and waiting, constant scrolling. Listen, this will never ever lead to a magical life. 

 My life is way more magical when I put this away and I get into life and I experience it. When you stop the soul sucking obligations, all of the things that you should be doing that you don't want to do. The dull environments and people. Listen, I've been a dull person and I've been in dull environments and I refuse to go to either or be in either. Our environments are shaping us, so we have to be very mindful about where we place ourselves. And more of the same. What if, what if, my friends, you could place yourself in a magical experience to create your own charmed life concoction, your own charmed life recipe? Because I want you to book your ticket and pack your bags if you want to, if you're ready to do something magical. And it's going to happen in a place where my two cultures that have impacted me the most exist, and that is the South and the French culture, where women build lives as sweet as magnolia and as strong as steel. Yeah, that's the South. And where the blues are transformed into melodies that conjure joy, and where a bon vivant Spirit is alive and well. 

 The love of food and music and community and joie de vivre, the joy of life itself. And it's a place where you can create your own, what I'm calling Golden Age. If you think about the golden ages, it's a time of prosperity, abundance, expansion, joy, and excitement. And I believe no matter what's happening in the world, that each of us can create our own golden ages, no matter your age. And it's called So See South, Your Charmed Life. It's happening November the 2nd through the 4th in New Orleans. And I would love, love, love to see you there. You can go to forward slash south. But let me share what we are going to be talking about during this two and a half day Lux event. If we're talking about the theme is a charmed life. When I think about Southern culture, When I think about the South, there is a charm to it. There's an intentionality, a slowness. And if you even look at a charmed life and what that means, to the outside world, it looks like a life of luck and good fortune, prosperity and abundance, beauty and glamour, adventure and experiences, confidence and optimism, vitality and well-being, as well as a little bit of grace and grit. 

 Now, when I'm reading this, some of you all may think, God, Tonya sounds amazing, but this is so, so far from where I am. And I get it. I remember a time in my life where I would look at this list and thought, yeah, that's for people not like me. That's for those people. I wasn't born into a charmed life. I don't have that luxury. but that was a thought that kept me from creating it for myself. And at this event, I want to show you all how to create your own charmed life. And so there's going to be a four part process to this. And the first part of this experience is what I'm calling mischief and marvel. This is the first ingredient of a charmed life. And it's when you embrace novelty, break conventions and draw inspiration from the unexpected moments around you. This is going to be the part of the experience where you are going to start questioning what causes you to come alive, what you are ready for, what makes you feel alive. So that's going to be where we start this process. And then we're going to move into ingredient number two, which is self-expression and soul. 

 Because crafting your golden age requires fearless, fearless creativity to reinvent yourself and boldly express your distinctive and unique soul. So it's time to get to know what I consider to be the real you fully expressed. And then we are going to go over the third ingredient, which is about glamor and style. Because charm blooms when you can improvise beauty and flair into the ordinary moments of your day, making even mundane routines very glamorous. No more waiting to wear the dress or using the china. You're going to fascinate the world when you start fascinating yourself. And then finally, we're going to talk about rhythm and blues, because you are going to experience challenges. you are going to experience obstacles. 

 But with grace and grit and rituals, even life's challenges can become a part of your rhythm that shapes your extraordinary charm-filled destiny. You will make your bold declaration out loud, which will help you overcome any obstacle that you may face. So you're going to leave with literally a charmed life recipe, which is going to include your yes list. You're going to know where to find your inspiration. It's going to also include your self image vision. I'm going to be leading you through a process to craft a vision for you. I know we've been used to creating life visions, but this is your self image vision, who you're becoming. Also, you're going to have a glamor playbook. So you're going to be able to define your daily style standards and how to add glamour to the mundane. And then finally, you're going to make your magical declaration. You are going to declare what is next for you, and you're going to have a plan to bring that magic into your everyday. Reasons why you should be there. We're going to have exclusive content that I've never shared before. 

The guest list are best women on the planet come together to elevate, to celebrate, and to reinvent themselves. And for those of you who have been, and we have women actually who come from all around the world. We have women coming from the UK, from Australia. And so I know some of you are like, I wish I lived in the U.S., but you can still come. You don't have to live in the U.S. to join So See South. But the women in this community are extraordinary. And I've never seen such energy and support and celebration of one another as I do within the School of Self-Image community. The location, it's New Orleans, the birthplace of jazz, the home to some of Hollywood's most beloved, the Southern charm, the soul food. It is simply delightful. The experience, because we don't sit around and just get lectured out all day. We laugh, we move, we play, we explore. So plan on some very evocative and interactive experiences throughout the event. The ambiance. 

There's something about putting yourself in a high-end environment where we have meticulously crafted every detail to help transport you to another era. And I know personally, Placing myself in new environments have elevated me in ways I can't even describe because they give you access to new thoughts, new ideas, new ways of seeing yourself, new ways of seeing your life. The itinerary, we like to make it unrushed and elegant and rejuvenating all at the same time. And so I want this to feel like a retreat. with white space and reflection time and connection with each other. The friendships, you all know, if you know, you know. And then just the desire. If you're listening to this and you're like, gosh, I really, really would love to go. A charmed life really does require that you honor what you want. And so if your heart is saying yes, listen to it. So the venue is going to be held at the Roosevelt, which is a very, very famous hotel in New Orleans that has a lot of really incredible, incredible history. The soirees. This is probably unlike any event you've ever been to, because again, I just don't rent out a conference room and lecture you all day. We create an entire experience with parties and soirees. We're going to be having a masquerade ball on the final night with some fabulous entertainment. And so it's a chance for you to do something that maybe you've never done for yourself before. And then the content, as I said, I'm going to be teaching brand new content. that I've never taught before. So if you're sitting here thinking, oh, this sounds great, but you know what? I think I'm going to wait until next year. Well, there is not going to be a SOSI Live event in 2024, just so you all know. And remember, a charmed life requires that you stop waiting and you step into the magic of new experiences. Maybe you're thinking, But Tanya, I don't know. I don't feel like I belong. Listen, there is always, always a seat for you at associate table. You can ask any of the women here. I've had women who have confided in me that they were so nervous to come to an event because they've never done anything like this before. And then they got there and they were so surprised and delighted with how welcoming everybody is. 

One lady said she was at baggage claim at the airport in Scottsdale last year. And there was another SOSI lady who recognized her, maybe from our Facebook group, and calls out her name. And she was like, I immediately felt like I was at home. And so you will always, always have a seat at a SOSI table. And remember, a charmed life really does require that you stop seeing yourself as unworthy and you claim your seat at the table. I want you all to feel like, you know what? I belong in any room I choose to walk into. And if I choose to walk into that room, you're welcome. That is how I want you all to feel. And I do feel like that's how SOSI women see themselves. And if you're thinking it's not practical, guess what? You're right. It's not. 

But a charmed life is rarely practical. It requires a spirit of audacity and adventure and practicality and adventure never go in the same sentence. And I will tell you that my life is magical because I'm not practical. I do some crazy things that don't make sense logically, but it's something that I know deep in my soul. And the more I listen to that, the better my life becomes. And so this is your invitation to slow down, to touch pause for a moment for two and a half days, to make memories, to live richly, and tend to the details of your life. Because the details of your life is what creates a charmed life. And when you tend to the details of your life, I believe life tends to you in a much greater and more magical way. And what I can promise you, I know that we're so afraid. How many of you are afraid of slowing down? How many of you are afraid of getting off the treadmill? Cause you've done it for so long. You don't know life without it. And you think that the way you've done it has created what you currently have. 


So you're like, if I get off the treadmill, it's all going to fall apart. Well, here's my promise to you. It doesn't. Because when you slow down, you can listen to your soul better. When you slow down, you can take care of you. When you slow down, you can appreciate what you already have. And when you appreciate what you already have, I believe that life entrusts you with more. And so the world will not fall apart, quite the opposite, in fact, because a charming woman is a magnet for her desires. And we asked some of the women, like, why are you coming? And here's what some of them said. I had so much fun at SoC's at Desert. I want to experience that again. I also loved meeting so many open-minded, supportive, fun, and ambitious women. 


Valerie says, I decided to attend SoC South to elevate my environment. I want the experience of attending a luxury event, something I would have never dreamed of. that I would treat myself to. I want to surround myself with amazing women that are achieving their dreams, women that support and lift others up. And that's what this community does, just so you know. This community is all about celebrating and supporting each other. There's no jealousy that I know of. There's no cattiness that I've seen. I've only experienced extraordinary women seeing the extraordinary in each other. It really is magical. Addie says, your events are the best ever. I get to spend time with my friends, our Paris group. I took a group to Paris. They're still going strong and we would do anything for each other. I get to be in your beautiful energy, which revitalizes me. I get to take time out just for me and a beautiful setting, not only to rest and recharge, but to do a deep dive and take time to think on my life. 


How many of you take time to think on your life. I'm telling you, when you begin to carve out time in your year to step away from your life and to reassess, like, where am I? Do I like where I am? Where do I want to be? Things will begin to change for you in the most beautiful way. And then Susan says, I went to SOSI Desert with goals in mind. One of them was to be totally engaged and fully present when interacting and socializing, as opposed to just passively having light conversations. I wanted to immerse myself and become better at being fully present. It was truly a gift. The event itself is amazing, but the connection with this community is priceless. The beauty of SOSI is that you get to decide what you get out of it. You can attend and have an amazing time, or you can immerse yourself in it and see huge personal and professional growth. You get the luxury of deciding. And I think that's true in life, right? You get to decide what your intention is coming into an event like this. You can decide that you want it to spend time with you and not interact with the community much. Or you can be like, I'm just going to network. Or I'm going to really figure out the next chapter. The more intentional you can be heading into an event like this, I feel like the better the outcome is. And sometimes the intention is just to be open to the magic of it. 


But you get to decide. Cherie says, I signed up for SOSI South to be with other like-minded women. As a woman who wants to better herself and live a beautiful life, it's hard for others that may not be on your same journey to understand or to be happy for you. And friends can think the worst of you wanting to change, and maybe it scares them. Saucy Desert was so much fun, and who is better to talk style than Tonya? I also went to Paris with Tonya and made my best friends with other ladies. And some of us have traveled five times together, plus many times to France. Tonya puts on epic events, so I want to be there. How many of you feel like Sherry, that you just don't have people that you can relate to? That you're like, ah, like I just I don't feel like my friends understand. I don't feel like people get me. Well, you'll be gotten at SOSI. And then Melita says, community, fun, and deep work. And listen, I have this belief that if we're going to do it, it's going to be fun. If it's not fun, what are we doing? 


So more than anything, when I think about all of our futures, we have fun in our futures. And so I love to bring that energy into our events. And so if you are ready for your Renaissance, grab your ticket. Number one, because my team told me they are, we're almost out and then secure your room. We've gotten group rates for everybody at the Roosevelt and book your transportation. You can go to school of self forward slash South. And we've had some of you all reach out that you missed the deadline for the three pay. And I got together with my team and I'm like, listen, I trust this community. Let's extend it for a few more days. And so if you are like, I really want to go, but I can't afford to like pay for the ticket all up front. We are going to do a three pay, but it expires. I think on Sunday, I don't even know what that date is. And so grab your ticket, secure your room and book your transportation. And I'll see you at SOSI South. Now, one of the things that I often get asked is, well, why do we pack? How many of you, when you're going on a trip, that's one of the first things you think, oh, my God, I've got to pack for this thing? 


Well, listen, I've got you. I'm going to do a whole SOSI South style masterclass called Bon Voyage in Style, how to pack for your glamorous escape. And you're going to learn my tips and tricks for crafting a stylish suitcase and elevating every part of your trip. And I want to leave you with this. Wolfgang. Von Goeth, I can never say his name properly, but anyway, that guy, he had a great quote and it was magic is believing in yourself. If you can do that, you can make anything happen. So don't forget my friends, you are the magic. You are the magic. Are you ready to discover the ingredients to living a truly charmed life? Then get ready, my friend, for the event of the year, your charmed life coming to the enchanting city of New Orleans this November 2nd through 5th. 


Join me in the vibrant streets of the Big Easy as we dive into the eight ingredients of a charmed life that will show you how to live with more joy, vitality, and abundance. From epic parties, extraordinary friendships, and life-changing conversations, this event has it all. Your charmed life is not just an event. It's a luxe experience that will leave you feeling inspired, empowered, and ready to make the world your playground. Over the course of two and a half days, you will discover the eight essential ingredients to living a truly charmed life. One that your nine-year-old self will raise a flute to one day and say, well done, darling. All you need to do is go to school of self forward slash live to get your ticket. Your charmed life awaits in New Orleans. I cannot wait to see you there.


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