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ease to say au revoir to overwhelm

Vision Boards are a Waste of Time. Try this instead.
It was 2006. The book “The Secret” had just been released.Yes, the Law of Attraction buzz had officially arrived.And I was hooked. When I received my first invite to a vision board party, my RSVP was an immediate yes. As a gal who’ll try almost anything once, I was...

How I tend my own garden (and I don't even own a hoe)
Do I compare myself to others? I admit that I used to…. But not anymore.Here’s why: I’m too engaged in my own life to waste time examining what everyone else is doing.I barely have time to peruse Facebook. I don’t have the space to follow other blogs, except a couple...

Isn't the goal to "Have it all together"?
Some friends and I were laughing this weekend in our realization that we are all a little bit of a “hot mess .” (and honestly, some days, a little more than a little bit!) Guess what? That’s what makes us interesting and unique! The goal is to not have it all...

The 2 "F" Words that Every Woman Should Embrace
I was recently asked, “What are you fiercely committed to?” Without hesitation, I said, “to the feminine and fancy.” This response may cause an eye roll from some, mostly from those who associate femininity with weakness and fancy with superficiality, or those who are...

Liberate Yourself, Starting With Your Closet
On a snowy Friday afternoon last February, I was curled up on my sofa with a heart full of worry and sadness. It finally occurred to me that my daughter, who has been my dearest friend, biggest fan and greatest teacher only had one more year left at home. For a single...

How to go from Overwhelmed Mess to Calm Sophisticate
As a modern woman, you probably have experienced that “drowning in obligations” feeling that seems to be our operating set point these days. “I just can’t catch up,” one client told me. “I can’t keep doing it all,” another said. “I feel like all I do is run around...