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ease to say au revoir to overwhelm

My Surprising Word of the Year (and inspiration to help you discover yours)
On Sunday, I celebrated my birthday.I actually like getting older, because I like who I’m becoming.Each year: I’m quicker to call bullshit. My courage grows stronger. I deepen and grow. I let go. I feel like I become more of who I was always meant to be. For years,...

25 Questions that Will Change Your Life
Back in the day when I was struggling with my weight and my overall life, I noticed something fascinating. I asked mysel the worst kinds of questions. Things like: Why am I fat? What can’t I do (insert goal here)? Why can’t I figure this out?Why am I not...

Your Iconic Appeal & Why it Matters
Many years ago, I was in desperate need of some inspiration. I felt that there were two different versions of me: Version One: The woman everyone saw - Version Two: The woman I desired to be (on the inside.) It was an exhausting conflict. Quite honestly, it made me...

Want to Blow Your Own Mind? Do This Every Day
It’s an ordinary Tuesday. I have three client calls, two meetings and an article that is due. I don’t plan on leaving the house until 6PM to join up with a friend for happy hour. It would be so easy to roll out of bed, down some coffee and feel gross all day. Trust...

How to Handle a Bad Day
Ever had one of those ‘bad days’? Yeah…I hear you! Today was not my most stellar of days. A flat tire. A trip to the doctor’s office. Two hours at the license plate office, only to find out I didn’t have the correct paperwork. And, I forgot to put the trash out. Oh,...

The Beautiful Things
I just spent a week in Paris, and I’m now sitting by the French Riviera. My senses have been overloaded with beautiful things — the aromas of lavender at the market, the taste of fresh pressed olive oils, a street violinist, the breathtaking view of the Seine at...