Creating Your Own Luck

Creating Your Own Luck

Luck is a result of how we choose to look at and move through our lives. Lucky people recognize their good fortune and look at life through that lens. Luck is not something that just happens - it's something you seek out.   Richard Wiseman, the author of The Luck...
Showing Up When It's Hard

Showing Up When It's Hard

When life is hard, one of the last things that we want to do is put on a brave face and show up anyway. And yet, life still goes on and we have responsibilities, goals, and dreams that we envision for ourselves. So, how do we show up while still honoring how difficult...
The Weight of Words

The Weight of Words

The weight of words can tip the scale of your self-image one way or the other with surprising swiftness and accuracy. What you tell yourself about yourself, the world around you, and your circumstances is impactful in a way that can be far more effective even than the...
Emotional Magnetism

Emotional Magnetism

What are you feeling right now? It’s important that you are crystal clear because your emotions are like magnets. They are what is attracting certain people, experiences, and opportunities into your life, and they are repelling the ones that don’t find their way to...