Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

Have you ever noticed that when you're on the verge of a great accomplishment or going after something you really want, you get afraid you’re not up to it?  Thoughts that you just need to “wing it” or “fake it till you make it” creep in.  You start comparing yourself...
Speak from Your Future

Speak from Your Future

How much of your time do you spend speaking from your future? When I examine how much of my mental energy goes to my past, my present, and my future, I would say that most of my thoughts and most of my time is spent in my future. This doesn’t mean I don’t appreciate...
Good Vibrations

Good Vibrations

Have you noticed how some people affect the atmosphere in a room the moment they walk in? Even before saying a word, these people exert particularly influential energy. Not only do we notice them, but we can sense a shift in the mood as they begin to move around and...
I Don’t Know

I Don’t Know

How often do you tell yourself, “I don’t know?” I used to tell this to myself all the time, and it wasn’t until I stopped accepting it as an answer that I realized, “I don’t know,” is one of the most unhelpful and heartbreaking statements a woman can make. As long as...