How to Find Your Glimmers

How to Find Your Glimmers

Discovering Glimmers of Happiness and Contentment This episode revolves around the concept of "glimmers," which are small moments of joy and peace. Tonya Leigh explains that these glimmers are micro-moments that can bring about feelings of joy, peace, calmness, and...
The Edit #68

The Edit #68

Ever found yourself hiding a little splurge because of the "what will others think" monster? Oh, I’ve been there, leaving my lovely new purse in the closet, as if its mere existence might offend someone. But eventually, the dance between my desires and my wallet took...
The Edit #67

The Edit #67

I have this sweet little routine every month – a “money date,” I call it. We all harbor our private little sentiments about money, right? Years ago, I decided to get intimate with my money instead of being afraid, running from and ignoring my finances,...
Savoring the Slow Life

Savoring the Slow Life

In this episode, Tonya Leigh discusses the importance of slowing down and savoring the slow life. She shares her own morning routine and emphasizes the need to create space and not rush through life. Tonya reflects on the desire to slow down and the sense of slowness...